11 (2023)

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Publication date: 12.2022

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Stefan M. Kwiatkowski

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 11 - 23


Th  article concerns employees’ situation on the contemporary labour market. In particular, the essence of changes in work environment and the competences necessary to carry them out were characterized. Subsequently, the attention was focused on the employees’ confusion in the face of technological and organizational changes and on the conditions enabling the understanding of the goals and consequences of these changes. A separate place is devoted to the considerations on the ways of reacting to the changes occurring.

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Ryszard Gerlach

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 25 - 40


The work of man is a subject that falls within the interest of various scientific disciplines. In this article, it is considered from the perspective of pedagogy, specifi cally one of the sub-disciplines of labour pedagogy. It is a universal concept, constituting an important research problem in this scientific sub-discipline. The purpose of the discussions in this study is to show the relevance of the universal dimension of human labour in light of the socio-economic transformations that are occurring extremely rapidly, especially in recent years. This was done using a literature analysis, mainly of the latest research. Scientific research and theoretical analyses on the topic of labour have not been frequently undertaken by labour pedagogues lately. In analysing the literature on this subject, the directions and character of permanent changes in labour were emphasised. Recognising that labour still is and will be a universal value, at least in the foreseeable future, the necessity of adapting education, mainly vocational, to anticipated changes was stressed. Therefore, this remains a current area of research and analysis concerning human labour and education for labour, as well as in the course of labour.

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Remigijus Bubnys, Anna Mróz, Istvan Zsigmond

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 41 - 54


Critical thinking is described as a competence for the future, a key competence in a global information society, enabling efficient and proactive action in a changing reality in which individuals must cope with information chaos. In addition, the competence of critical thinking is exceptionally important in the context of self-development, and especially – the development of teachers, because this professional group has to cope in its work with unpredictability, ambiguity, the need to constantly verify information, update existing competencies and acquire new ones. Critical thinking also makes it possible to discover weaknesses/deficiencies in one’s own thinking, shortcomings in one’s skills, and make judgments based on evidence/arguments. The article addresses the issue of critical thinking in the context of teacher development. Attention was paid to the understanding of the concept of “critical thinking” as a key competence in the modern world, and it was pointed out how critical thinking supports the process of self-development, especially among teachers.

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Dariusz Zając

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 55 - 71


Teachers are among many educational entities. In this profession, it is worth paying special attention to its ethical dimension. This is dictated primarily by the specific nature of the educational activity of the representatives of this socio-professional category which includes, among others, interpersonal relationships with pupils and students. They are manifested in various educational situations, often complex and complicated, requiring the teacher to represent a high ethical level, consistent with the arrangements made in the field of professional ethics. This, in turn, taking into account its shape, may be perceived differently. The aim of this article is to attempt to present the ethics of the teaching profession from the point of view of the ethics of care. Understanding the ethics of the teaching profession as an ethics of care is rarely presented in the literature on the subject. Most often, teaching ethics is associated with a set of specific ethical conditions or moral virtues, somewhat reducing the importance of the category of care in this ethics. Hence, the main research problem revolves around the questions: What are the characteristics of the ethical dimension of a teacher’s professional work and what does care and ethics of care mean in the teaching profession? The adopted research method was the analysis of the literature on the subject and of articles published in scientific journals, concerning the research issues being undertaken. The presented text discusses the ethical dimension of a teacher’s professional work from a normative perspective, in particular from the point of view of the ethics of duty and the ethics of virtue, and then the category of care and the ethics of care with its relation to the teacher’s professional activity. The analysis of the literature on the subject leads to the belief that in contemporary scientific explorations consistent with ethical and pedeutological thought, greater emphasis should be placed on the ethics of care in the teaching profession, as well as the possibility of contamination of the ethics of care and the ethics of justice. All this can serve to optimally practice the teaching profession in ethical terms.

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Jolanta Religa, Anna Wronka

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 73 - 87


The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the education process, including the education and vocational training sector, where readiness to switch to remote learning was not common and obvious. In this exceptional situation, the need to digitise both didactic and organizational processes in institutions of continuing education and vocational training, and the need to ensure the quality of these processes has become even more evident. While skilful management with the support of diff erent tools, including improvement models, is a chance for educational units to survive in a turbulent environment and even to build a lasting competitive advantage.

The article presents a proposal to support educational institutions in digitisation processes, developed as part of the international project Quality for digital education readiness in VET (Q4EDU), implemented in 2021–2023 by a partnership of seven institutions from four European Union countries (Polish, Greece, Cyprus and Italy). The proposed methodology is a comprehensive and universal solution for assessing the readiness of education and training institutions for the so-called deep digitisation, including pedagogical, technological and organizational aspects of their functioning. It offers the opportunity to monitor and improve the level of digitalisation through the use of an IT tool, based on the European framework DigCompOrg, and the opportunity to acquire and validate the competence of a digital education expert. The pilot phase in four partner countries has yielded promising results as expressed in the feedback of DigiRAsT users.

The tool is available free of charge to staff interested in the development of the institution.

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Norbert G. Pikuła

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 89 - 102


Like personal development, managing own talents and hobbies is a lifelong process and activity. The paper focuses on the passions and hobbies of the seniors who have been living in emigration (Canada) for several decades, and on values they assign to these passions and hobbies in the context of the meaning and satisfaction in life. To confirm that passions can be developed also in late life, a study, using a qualitative interview, was conducted among 12 seniors from the Polish diaspora in Canada. The interview procedure as well as the direction of data analysis and interpretation are described in the empirical part. Conclusions in the final section confirm that developing passions and hobbies gives meaning and purpose to the life of seniors and helps them feel fulfilled. Th ere are also some postulates formulated regarding recommended activities dedicated to seniors living abroad to help them fully manage the development of their passions, hobbies and talents – not only as part of their home activities and interactions with other Poles, but also by participating in initiatives off ered by the institutions that support senior citizens in Canada.

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Joanna M. Łukasik

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 103 - 118


The article focuses on the importance of managing personal and professional development. Based on pedagogical and psychological concepts, research on self-development, self-esteem and openness was undertaken among the graduates of teaching specialisation, all of whom had participated in university coaching classes on self-development. The respondents were 6 art education graduates who had undergone a full cycle of training for the profession (these were all art education graduates who had taken coaching classes during their undergraduate and graduate studies). The study used qualitative content analysis of the mini-essays to answer the research questions: How do you define personal development? and: What is the value of personal development? The identified categories (according to the adopted qualitative strategy) made it possible to draw conclusions for teacher training as well as to permanently introduce developmental coaching into the curriculum of a certain art university.

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Bożena Muchacka, Bogusław Dec

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 119 - 139


Work on the sense of anxiety among young people entering the labour market is scarce in the Polish literature. They usually concern a general approach to expectations, ambitions and related hopes for a good future. There is a lack of connectors showing the negative, psychological eff ects of entering a new stage of life, as well as the studies confirming (or denying) the existence of a correlation between the feelings of anxiety and the beginning of working life. The available publications related to the topic were written several or more years ago, in the days before the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, while the new reality completely changed the psyche of the young generation entering the stage of professional life. The most psychologically significant negative aspect of having to look for a job is the possibility of various mental disorders and problems. The most common consequences of failure in this area include anxiety, fear, stress and the associated uncertainty before the future. The results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the general level of anxiety related to entering the job market in male and female students. Students with general anxiety disorders also experience anxiety in the sphere of job search. The hypothesis that there is a negative corrlation between the level of self-efficacy over job search and the overall level of anxiety related to entering the job market was confirmed in the present study. The results obtained further indicate that there were no statistically significant differences in the overall level of anxiety related to entering the job market between those who begin their studies and those who complete them.

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Katarzyna Nowosad

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 141 - 155


Working in the support professions is associated with a heavy mental and emotional burden. Social workers face human tragedy, difficult situations, a shortage of resources, and the need to make extremely responsible decisions regarding people’s fate, and they may even be exposed to aggression from demanding clients. These factors may cause unpleasant experiences and emotional tensions among social workers, disrupting the course and structure of professional activities. Self-efficacy may help in coping with this burden. It constitutes the belief that one has the skills allowing them to cope better with problems (cf. Zientek, 2006; Bandura, 2007; Wierzejska, 2018). The article aims, therefore, to determine the role of self-efficacy in explaining the perceived workload of social workers. The obtained research results indicate that social workers’ self-efficacy is a significant predictor of their sense of workload. Keywords: Social worker, workload, self-efficacy

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Ewa Duda, Aleksandra Tłuściak-Deliowska, Josette Barbara-Cardona

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 157 - 171


The choice of a specific educational and professional path is a significant decision. In the presented qualitative research, attention was focused on causal attributions and their importance in the process of explaining the decisions made by students of Warsaw general secondary school graduating class. Findings show that: (1) depending on the educational stage, the attribution of choices varies; (2) regarding the earlier educational stage, external attribution is dominant. The knowledge of the specifics of the causal attribution processes in relation to the choice of the educational and occupational path allows of a better understanding and guidance on making these choices.

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Nijolė Bražienė, Daiva Malinauskienė

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 173 - 193


In Lithuania, the trend of parents not reading to their children is becoming evident. Understanding the importance of reading as the child’s educational need, it is likely that the lack of reading to children in the family could be compensated by the environment of the preschool education institution, therefore, the aim of the presented research is to find out what the pedagogical habitus of the Lithuanian preschool teachers in reading to children is, i.e., teachers’ attitudes and behaviour of reading to children. While using disguised observation and an informal conversational interview, three profiles of the teacher as a child-reader educator were identified and described in detail in the article: active reader educator, potential reader educator and passive reader educator. Referring to the findings of the study, it can be said that Lithuanian preschool education teachers lack knowledge about the child’s literary education and practical skills on how to do it in a quality manner. Therefore, in the near future, to compensate for this, it is necessary to prepare and offer qualification improvement programmes on children’s reading and literature issues to teachers of preschool education institutions.

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Ewelina J. Konieczna, Viktoriia Kiriakova

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 195 - 210


Research objective: To recognize the symbolism of drawings of the Ukrainian children who experienced the situation of war and necessity of emigrating from their mother country and to compare them with the content of drawings made by Polish children at the same time, that it is in the first months following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine;

The research problem and methods: What symbols can be identified in the drawings made by children of both nationalities and what their meaning is in the context of the war in Ukraine? The study applied the method of drawing and interview; Th e process of argumentation: Reconstruction of the symbolic meanings of drawings in the cultural context in the conditions of the military conflict in Ukraine;

Research results: It was possible to identify symbols of idiosyncratic character in the drawings of the Ukrainian children, that are connected with the outbreak of the war in this country (e.g., destroyed houses, missiles, rockets). In the drawings of the children of both nationalities, it was also possible to recognize symbols of neutral meaning, which – however – in the case of the Ukrainian children’s drawings made reference to the situation of war (e.g. an umbrella as protection against missiles). Interpretation of the drawings was carried out according to one schema, taking into account separate cultural contexts (Polish and Ukrainian), as well as the child’s individual experience, which was demonstrated using a drawing by a 12-year-old Ukrainian girl;

Conclusions, innovations, and recommendations: A drawing can off er an alternative method of learning about and making an attempt to understand a child, especially one who has found himself/herself in a difficult situation in life.

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Liudmyla Bazyl, Valerii Orlov, Mykola Pryhodii

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 211 - 226


The research-scientific discussion in the article is devoted to the category of ideas about career success in entrepreneurship. The theoretical part presents the main assumptions related to this category: professional education, ideas about the future career, entrepreneurship, career and entrepreneurial competence, forms and methods of work of pedagogical workers. They determined the direction of scientific research. The study was conducted within the educational paradigm. The results of the research were obtained using observational methods, in particular, the analysis of creative works of professional education students, conversations with pedagogical workers, the method of statistical analysis of empirical research data. The analysis and interpretation of the obtained data made it possible to draw conclusions about the representative sample, as well as recommendations for further research of the identified categories.

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Elena Zhizhko , Gali Aleksandra Beltrán, Martín Beltrán Saucedo

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 227 - 239


In this article we present the results of the historical-pedagogical research, which objective was to establish the premises for the development of the novohispanic Schools of Arts and Crafts as predecessors of current Mexican technical professional education, through a documentary-bibliographic study. Th e authors found, that the prerequisites of the appearance of the Mexican technical professional education system were created since the 16th century, and the novohispanic Schools of Arts and Crafts were the grounds for its development. In addition, the premises for the development of the novohispanic Schools of Arts and Crafts were the introduction of new agricultural, textiles, construction, and mining extraction technologies to the new continent by the Spanish, and the request for Amerindian peoples’ instruction for its use. Th is teaching was provided by the conquistadors along with the evangelization and Castilianization of the natives in the Schools of Arts and Crafts. Later, in the 18th – early 19th centuries, there were opened the new Schools of Arts and Crafts (the schools for workers) of engraving, painting, mining, spinning, weaving, etc. – the direct predecessors of the current technical professional schools.

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Anna Wiatrowska

Labor et Educatio, 11 (2023), 2023, pp. 241 - 256


Introduction: The system of values is of significant importance for health behaviours. Studies confirm the relation between various personal resources and behaviours, on the one hand, and the preferred values, on the other. However, there is a lack of reports on the relations between the system of values and the mental health disorders. The aim of the present studies was to establish the relation between the severity of depression symptoms and the system of values in women with eating disorders and in subgroups of bulimic and anorectic women distinguished due to the form of the disorder.

Method of studies – totally, 100 women with eating disorders were examined, including 50 with anorexia and 50 with bulimia, in accordance with the ICD-10 classification; the Schwartz’s Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-R2) and 21-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) were used.

Results: Preference of values expressing fear, conformity and tradition were associated with the severity of depression in persons with eating disorders, while the value safety – with a decrease of symptoms. A high assessment of the value power in bulimic women was related to increased depression, which was diff erent from that in anorectic women. Preference of values which were not a sign of fear, namely self-direction and stimulation, in women with eating disorders was connected with a decrease of depression. A high assessment of the value benevolence in women with bulimia resulted in a decrease, while in anorectic women in an increase of depression symptoms. Preference of the value hedonism in bulimic women was related to a decrease of symptom, which showed a diff erent picture in anorectic women. In both subgroups, universalism, on the other hand, indicated increased severity of depression symptoms.

Conclusions: To generalize the obtained results, it should be stated that the relations between the severity of depression symptoms and the system of values in women with eating disorders and in subgroups of bulimic and anorectic women distinguished due to the form of the disorder turned out to be much more complex than was assumed in the adopted hypothesis. Programmes of prophylaxis and treatment of eating disorders should consider the relations between the preferred values and the severity of depression.

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