10 (2022)

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Publication date: 12.2022

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Aurica Buzenco

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 9 - 17


This article mirrors the contemporary significance concerning the essence of popular pedagogy and the importance of this science of education for the formation of human personality. The profound democratic transformations in society and the immanent demand for integration in the contemporary world are inextricably linked to the recognition of spiritual renewal through the development of science and the improvement of the entire education system. The arguments evoked in this article attest the need for pedagogical implications in the personal identity development in line with the national culture. The use of folklore for this purpose can bring real benefits for the harmonious personality development in the context of educational partnership.

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Lucia Pîrău, Sergiu Baciu

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 19 - 30


The development of the innovative culture of the teachers will be possible and efficient only if it is based on theoretical and praxiological patterns of their innovative culture. In this context, the scientific issue that follows to be under discussion consists in strengthening the theoretical and praxiological concepts of the teachers’ innovative culture development, and the elaboration of a pedagogical model for the development of the teachers’ innovative culture that will contribute to a change in education. This thesis is a theoretical study of interdependence and influence of organisational culture on innovative culture. The lack of studies of innovative culture of the teaching staff within a general education establishment has entailed theoretical research of the already existent scientific findings and of the results of the studies made by professionals, particularly, in the sphere of business and entrepreneurship. There has been made a synthesis of the specialised literature concerning the definitions of the concept of organisational culture and types of cultures that would have either a positive, or a negative impact on the values, rules and innovative behaviour within the organisation. The studies provide the triggering factors of innovative culture and preconditions for development and formation of innovative culture, as well as the dimensions of such innovative culture

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Victoria Stratan

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 31 - 47


The article addresses the issue of assessment competences of teachers in the context of the reform undertaken in the Republic of Moldova at the level of educational policies related to the school competence assessment. The article examines the national normative framework; the educational policy documents underlying the assessment process in primary education are mentioned and analysed. The descriptors to be demonstrated by the teachers in the classroom assessment process, as well as the principles of andragogy, are listed here. The objective of this article is to analyse the main achievements of the national educational system at the level of educational documents and highlight the importance of training the assessment competences of teachers as an essential factor in increasing students’ performance. 

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Katarzyna Białożyt-Wielonek

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 49 - 63


The article addresses the issue of media education of the elderly in Poland. It aims at presenting the problem of media education of senior, representing a specific issue in various areas of the social life. E-participation, e-services, and e-inclusion are new challenges, but also dimensions of social functioning that permanently shape the life of modern man. According to available data, Polish seniors present a low level of digital competence. The article analyzes the available data associated with the task faced by the media education in the most senior age groups. With the progressing aging of the population, there is a growing need to undertake media education activities among the elderly. This will enable their fuller social participation and also reduce the risk of their exclusion and marginalization.

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Norbert G. Pikuła

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 65 - 78


The research and scientific discussion in the paper focuses on the category of the sense of career success. In the theoretical part, main assumptions referring to this category are presented: work, the value of work, the sense of career success. They determined the direction of the scientific investigation. The study was conducted within the qualitative paradigm. The research questions were answered using the qualitative interview method. The analysis and interpretation of the data obtained led to conclusions regarding the sample interviewed, as well as recommendations regarding further studies of the categories identified.

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Joanna M. Łukasik

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 79 - 94


The paper focuses on the value of work from the point of view of prospective and active teachers. Referring to the emancipatory and axiological understanding of the categories of work and value of work, a study in the qualitative paradigm was conducted among 196 teachers and candidates to become teachers. The method of text analysis of essays and diaries was used to answer the following research question: What values are assigned to work by prospective and professionally active teachers? The research material was analysed regarding the category of work as understood by W. Dróżka. The purpose of it was to show similarities and differences in the values assigned to work by different age groups and students at different stages of teacher training and active teachers. These values were generated by certain professional experience or image of the work. The conclusions focus on practical solutions that may be applied to teacher education.

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Katarzyna Jagielska

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 95 - 111


Educational and professional career planning for Generation Z is the great challenge of the modern world. The dynamics of changes in the labour market caused by technological progress, digitisation and globalisation contribute to changes in the competence profile of the worker of the future. The changes taking place at an increasingly rapid pace have become the basis for thinking about the educational and professional career planning of Generation Z. This article will present the results of an empirical study conducted in 2022 at one of the art universities in Poland. The research was conducted in a qualitative paradigm. A content analysis of 111 essays on “My educational path in the perspective of career construction” was carried out. Within the framework of the analyses conducted, categories concerning internal and external resources related to educational and professional career planning of generation Z were identified. In this study, the presentation of the results was narrowed down to one of the factors, which is motivation. Based on the research, it can be concluded that motivation is a very important factor that determines educational success and the achievement of personal and professional goals.

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Katarzyna Nowosad

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 113 - 123


The aim of the article is to present the life and professional plans of university students graduating in the conditions of a pandemic and virtualization of the education process. Social and economic conditions, the demand for various professions and specializations on the labor market are becoming an important determinant of creating their own future by university graduates preparing for transition to the labor market. The presented data are the result of empirical research conducted in numerous and diverse academic environments and in various fields of study. The formulated conclusions may serve not only the process of academic education, but also to build individual professional development paths for people graduating from higher education.

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Doinița Obada

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 125 - 136


The paper aims to highlight the problems faced by teachers, students, parents and government bodies of the Republic of Moldova in the school year 2020–2021 in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as their management in the general context of the health crisis in this country. The paper highlights good practices, but also the errors that led to an increase in COVID cases and the establishment of restrictions. The documentation on the Republic of Moldova was made on the basis of official reports and information retrieved from the media, as well as from own experiences of the authors in their dual capacity as parents and teachers.

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Rohitha Abeysinghe, Anuradha Iddagoda, Hiranya Dissanayake, W. P. Richard Wickramaratne

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 137 - 150


Employee job performance is how an employee performs his/her job and completes the necessary tasks. Employee job performance is the secret to success for any organisation. The aim of this bibliometric analysis is to identify primary topics and present the dynamic in the field of employee job performance and to make recommendations for future research directions. The bibliometric analysis was conducted with the use of 421 articles found in the Scopus index. The study excludes studies that were undertaken in languages other than English. In the context of the military, the majority of study on employees’ job performance is concentrated on the connection between psychological factors and working conditions. Finally, this study suggests potential areas for further research undertaken by scholars.

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Monika Wojtkowiak

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 151 - 167


The article raises the issue of disorders that may affect Ukrainian children who have come to Poland when fleeing the war. It focuses on trauma and related disorders. The study attempts to provide a general outline of the characteristics of assistance in the event of trauma including specific difficulties that may occur in the reality described. The article is an attempt to define the framework of the possible consequences of the war experience in children and to determine the main directions of possible aid. Its objective is to present the basic terminology related to the topic, as well as the basic theoretical assumptions relating to counselling in the discussed field. Therefore, it should be assumed that the assumption of the study is a sort of ordering of knowledge about assistance in the situation of trauma implied by the war or the risk of its occurrence. Therefore, the first part of the study focuses on the concept of trauma and the distinction between disorders of a similar type. There are also presented possible effects of experiencing trauma. The second subchapter refers to childhood trauma as a specific phenomenon requiring special interactions. The subsequent part of the study deals with the issue of aid, possibilities, and limitations in terms of support. It also addresses the issue of specific difficulties that may occur. The article ends with the summary section.

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Tomasz Drożyński

Labor et Educatio, 10 (2022), 2022, pp. 169 - 188


The paper describes an innovative educational project for Polish children “Emi & Gracja’s Backyard”, which was designed by the emigration association ”Familiaris” from Germany. In the presented analyses, the case study method was used. The purpose of the analysis undertaken is to comprehensively present a unique project for bilingual children living in the Polish émigré community in Germany based on the standards describing the method of projects in terms of its innovation. The presented project meets the criteria of: place, duration, division of labour, form of work, structure, scope of learning material, goal, SMARTER, innovative project. The process of planning and implementation of the project “Emi & Gracja’s Backyard” is embedded in the context of Designing Education Projects, which include 12 steps: (1) assessing needs and opportunities, (2) establishing a project planning team, (3)  developing project goals and objectives, (4) developing a logic model, (5)  selecting and characterising audiences, (6) establishing a program format and delivery system, (7) ensuring quality instructional staff, (8) ensuring quality materials and teaching strategies, (9) gathering materials, resources and premises, (10) planning for contingencies, (11) promoting, marketing and disseminating the project, (12)  implementing the project. The evaluation and assessment of the project makes it possible to diagnose the quality and value of the project itself, which appears to be an interesting educational offer that responds to current trends in education.

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