7 (2019)

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Publication date: 12.2019

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Norbert G. Pikuła

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 7 - 9

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Adam A. Zych

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 11 - 28

The subject of this paper is the disability of the elderly addressed as an exceptionally important social problem. The author describes the disability of aging and old people, presents the history of geragogics and defines the goals and tasks of special geragogics, concluding his work with the characteristics of social policy towards the old age of those disabled.
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Joanna Madalińska-Michalak

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 29 - 42


The paper reveals the reality of the teaching profession and teachers' working conditions in Poland and refers to the future of the teaching profession. The paper assumed that education, including teacher education, is one of the most important assets and one of the crucial tasks of the state, hence it should be given priority. The teacher has been assigned a strategic role in the functioning and effectiveness of the education system. As demonstrated, playing this role should be supported by state actions to shape the future of the teaching profession. At the core of these activities are strategies that increase the attractiveness of the teaching profession and the social recognition of the importance of teachers; work and empowering teachers. The paper presents the thesis that strengthening the socio-professional position of the teacher is indispensable in actions aimed at improving the quality of education. In many countries, including Poland, more should be invested in the development of teachers and competitive conditions of their employment and work. Striving to strengthen the profession should become a priority in the activities of both state and local authorities, as well as the work of teacher training universities.

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Elena Zhizhko

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 43 - 59

This article exhibits the results of a documentary-bibliographic pedagogical study, whose goal was to present the general panorama of the evolution of the epistemological and institutional foundations of the education for peace and its promotion in Mexico. The author found that a complex thinking paradigm constitutes the theoretical foundation of the education for peace; according to it the education must become increasingly complex, with subject-subject relationships in the classroom where knowledge is not “deposited” in the empty student-recipient, but rather is conditioned and stimulated by its acquisition, promoting creativity, critical thinking, the student´s autonomous work. In the Mexican education system, a culture for peace is being raised in the student through the development of their intellectual curiosity and analytical intelligence, their ability to find not-standardized solutions, alternatives to problems, their ability to assimilate the discourse of others, rethink their own discourse, eliminate prejudices, be able to empathize, to listen actively, to accept criticism in a constructive and non-destructive way, be capable of self-training, self-organization, being sensitive to the experience of the Other.
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Manfred Cassens, Christine Prasch

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 61 - 87


Research-based learning is an outstanding and very demanding form of university education. Established teaching/learning formats have to be overcome, which begins with time-consuming didactic considerations of course planning, continues during the supervision of students during the semester and leads to a completely different interpretation of the role of teachers. On the basis of necessary didactic preliminary considerations for the realization of research-based learning in a higher education context, the article introduces the concrete thematic implementation in the case study of the "Introduction to Scientific Work" module. In order to be able to reflect research-based learning under the paradigms of self-regulated and self-organized learning again and again, in team meetings at the horizontal level of the students, it proved to be useful to have a common topic to be worked on during the conception of the module. Due to the fact that all participants in the yet unfinished pilot project are studying one of the variants in the field of public health, initial experiences in a methodologically qualitative social space analysis appeared to be manageable. On the basis of some target group-oriented comments on social epidemiology, the contribution describes the scientific significance of social space. On this basis, the implementation of the didactics of research-based learning in six courses, each consisting of four teaching units of 45 minutes, is presented.

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Vinod Kumar Kanvaria

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 89 - 108


This paper is an attempt to gain insight into the use and application of Edmodo (an Information and Communication Technologies -ICT- platform) in facilitating learning and pedagogy of mathematics in general and concept attainment in mathematics in specific, over the period of almost four long years. The study is a type of interdisciplinary study dealing with ICT-media from the Technology discipline, concept attainment and method from the Education discipline and mathematics from the Sciences discipline. The study follows an exploratory research design through participatory observation mode where qualitative data collection and analysis was followed by the quantitative data collection and analysis. During the study, after developing the validated ICT-based content and applying it via Edmodo, observation schedule, questionnaire and observation reflection schedule were used, all developed and validated by the researcher, upon the learning facilitators to obtain qualitative and quantitative data. The study reveals some valuable and extraordinary results regarding the use and application of ICT-based platform Edmodo at the pedagogic and the use and application of ICT-based platform Edmodo within the pedagogic dimension, as well as when facilitating learning.

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Mirosław Grewiński, Marek Kawa, Joanna Lizut

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 109 - 131


The article was based on a part of a wider report entitled "The future of the labor market - issues and possibilities" prepared by a group of social politicians from WSP Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw together with an international team of partners as part of the "Transformers for the future Labor Market" project (EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region). The article itself is a brief insight into the situation of education, and especially higher education from a global perspective, which has found itself in the context of technological and civilization challenges of recent years, especially its electronisation and globalization through the Internet and the latest information tools as well as communication. The authors try to capture the most important challenges and relationships in relation to teaching and education’s innovations as on-line teaching, internet of things, education based on ICT, modern school. The context of necessary changes in the educational market and cultural and mental changes in relation to civilization challenges are also discussed.

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Marek Klimek

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 133 - 148


The right to education is one of the most crucial human social rights. The aim of the paper is to present the evolution of the perception of this right in the 20th century Polish Constitutions. The Constitutions and their catalogue of human rights (including the right to education) were decisively influenced by the changes in the 20th century's political background. The 1921 Constitution, which represented the liberal model of human rights, regulated the right to education to a fairly large extent. Whereas the 1935 Constitution was in line with the concept of building a centralized state and ignored the issue of human rights guarantees, maintaining only a part of the previous Constitution's provisions. The communist Constitution of 1952 contained quite extensive guarantees regarding the right to education. However, it included human rights not as subjective rights of a human being but as an element of the social tasks of the state. One significant achievement of the PRL period was the elimination of illiteracy, which had been quite common in the Second Polish Republic. However, in a totalitarian state, respect for human rights was not a priority to the communist authorities, and history provides numerous examples of violations. Following a period of political transformation initiated in 1989, the perspective of the human rights concept has gradually changed. In the 1997 Constitution, human rights are derived from the dignity of a human being, and the guarantees it contains regarding the right to education are the widest in comparison with the previous constitutions of the 20th century.

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Agata Popławska

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 149 - 169


The article presents the reflection on the pedagogical category of ‘learning’ with a reference to the idea of a paradigm proposed by T.S. Kuhn, based on the belief that didactics is multiparadigmatic. Different ways of defining humans and their mission (human as a machine, human as an autonomous individual, human as a constructor, human as a deconstructor) were linked to the relevant paradigms: behaviorist, humanistic, constructivist and critical/emancipatory. Selected didactic approaches were analyzed, focusing on the subjects and determinants of the educational process. It was assumed that although learning is understood differently from the perspective of each of the four discussed paradigms, in reality the paradigms are not contradictory in certain situations, but rather complementary. It was proposed to look at learning as a multidimensional process, and to complementarily include its four aspects, taking into account the four paradigmatic perspectives discussed: adaptation, self-actualization, emancipation and self-regulation, where learning is a reactive response to reinforcement (adaptation), where the learner constructs the image of the world and themselves, builds personal knowledge (self-regulation) and strives for self-actualization, satisfying needs, developing interests and abilities (self-actualization), as well as adopts an attitude of openness, freeing themselves from restrictions, initiates changes, uses their autonomy (emancipation).

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Anna Weissbrot-Koziarska

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 171 - 184


Lifelong learning is extremely important from the standpoint of processes taking place in modern society.  Currently the idea of learning one’s whole life, while facing the consequences of the aging of the society, is given a new meaning where the main aim is to optimise the social activity and improve the quality of the elderly’s life. The process of knowledge acquisition is connected with the abilities of the human brain, while this organ goes through the atrophy phase due to aging (aging of the brain). One of the methods of counteracting this unfavourable process is lifelong learning. The idea of educating the elderly is currently at the centre of interest of many people and institutions, Universities of the Third Age among them. The search for innovation in this regard is one of the major challenges in senior policy. 

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Mariusz Gajewski

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 185 - 199

This paper addresses issues related to educational difficulties encountered by children and youth in controversial cult groups. The first section sets out the fundamental right of children and youth to school education. The next one characterizes the structure and presents the specifics of the functioning of cult groups and sects from the perspective of social sciences, with particular emphasis on the pedagogical and psychological perspective. The characteristic elements of mind manipulation were pointed out, as was the pathological scheme of controlling adepts of controversial sects. The primary part is the analysis of the relationship between sects and the formal and non-formal education system. The issues of infiltrating schools and universities by sects were also discussed, as well as the problem of partial or complete rejection of school education by cult groups. Attention was drawn to numerous controversies and threats arising from the fact that some modern sects created their own non- formal alternative education and schools. The Polish context has been particularly considered, referring to specific cases. Finally, the need and importance of undertaking diagnostic and preventive actions in counteracting the harmful effects of sects on young people was pointed out.
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Mutahir Oluwafemi Abanikannda

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 201 - 214


The conventional approach to teaching has led to poor performance of students in chemistry and some other subjects. Research has shown that students would learn better should they participate in the teaching-learning process. This study determined the effectiveness of hypermedia and multimedia learning strategies in the academic performance of chemistry students in Osogbo, Nigeria. The pre-test, post-test, control group quasi-experimental design was adopted for this study. Forty students from four schools within the Osogbo central area in Nigeria participated in this study. The instruments used for data collection were: Hypermedia Instructional Package, Multimedia Package and Chemistry Students Achievement Test. Three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 significance level. Data collected were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). Treatment had a significant effect on chemistry students’ post-test achievement scores. Students exposed to learning strategies performed better, with higher adjusted post-test mean score, in comparison with their counterparts who were not exposed to any of the two learning strategies.

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Norbert G. Pikuła

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 215 - 227


The presented article focuses on the issue of patriotism and national identity as perceived by the elderly of Polish nationality living abroad, in Canada. The theoretical part presents a defining understanding of the two main categories from the point of view of K. Skarżyńska and L. Malinowski, which has become the basis for constructing the research. The study has been conducted among 92 Poles – elderly people living in Canada. For this purpose, the survey method has been used with survey technique and the author's own research tool. An attempt has been made to answer two research questions: How do Poles- seniors living in Canada perceive their own patriotism? and What are the manifestations of patriotism of seniors living abroad? The empirical part presents results of the research, as well as their analysis and interpretation. In the end, the possibilities of including the elderly in the process of patriotic education of young generations of Poles living/born abroad have been indicated.

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Mirosław Laskowski

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 229 - 244


Efficacy is a trait required in almost every profession today, and its sense is a dimension that affects the evaluation of work. In education, effectiveness is also expected, especially from academic teachers whose role often goes beyond the formal framework. Therefore, the issues of one's own efficiency in relation to self-esteem seem to be of particular interest, as an attempt to show possible dependencies in this regard, all the more so since previous studies not always revealed such a connection. Therefore, the main research problem takes the form of the following question: Do relationships exist between self-esteem and a sense of ones own efficiency among the academic teachers surveyed, and if so, what are they? Carrying out empirical research among the teaching staff of a military university, I decided to diagnose a specific military environment in this matter, which can be a real reference to similar analyzes carried out at other universities. I formulated my conclusions based on the results of research carried out using the diagnostic survey method at the War Studies University in Warsaw using standardized measuring tools and elements of descriptive and correlation statistics.

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Grzegorz Kozdraś

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 245 - 258


The article describes the possibilities offered by organising humanist-oriented physical education classes at the first stage of education. As part of physical education, which includes the process of physical upbringing and physical training, a teacher has the opportunity to influence pupils not only in terms of their physical fitness and health prevention, but also in terms of socially desirable values. In the research part of the paper, an assessment of the state of humanisation of physical education in early school education was undertaken, adopting the pupils' behaviour as a subject of research, which was in turn an indicator of the manifestation of values resulting from the assumptions of the concept of agonistic education. Adopting the quantitative research strategy, the paper presents the results of diagnostic studies during which the observation method was used in the categorised observation technique to solve the main problem. The obtained research results show a low level of humanisation in physical education at the first stage of education; they also provide rationale for expressing the thesis regarding the legitimacy of organising physical education classes in accordance with the assumptions of humanisation, i.e. combining physical education and physical training in early school education.

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Katarzyna Nowosad

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 259 - 279


Nowadays, the role of work from the point of view of an individual and the society is assessed very highly, which is indicated by many empirical analyzes. It makes people happy about their lives, helps them meet their development needs, and have a sense of duty to one's family, group and society. Therefore, work appears to be a way to meet various needs (material, social, moral, prestigious, stabilizing or creative), sometimes strong enough to be the reason for migration from one's home country. The subject of the presented empirical research are aspects of work valued by those employed in Poland and abroad. In order to determine which aspects of work the surveyed people value the most, the diagnostic survey method was used, which was carried out using the survey technique. The study covered 399 people, including 200 Poles working in the UK and 199 people employed in the country. The conducted analyzes are comparative studies.

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Kinga Konieczny-Pizoń

Labor et Educatio, 7 (2019), 2019, pp. 283 - 286


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Słowa kluczowe: ageing, disability, geragogics, old age, pedagogy, special needs geragogics, social policy, teaching profession, attractiveness of teaching profession, social status of teacher, teacher education policies, quality of education, Mexican education system; education for peace; epistemological foundations of the education for peace; complex thinking paradigm; key competences for peace education, Research-based learning, university didactics, social epidemiology, social space analysis, Munich, Edmodo, Edmodoing, Concept Attainment, Mathematics, Pedagogy, higher education, on-line education, internet of things, ICT-based education, modern school, innovations, Constitutions, human rights, science, right to education, learning, education, paradigm, didactics, lifelong learning, the elderly, senior policy, University of the Third Age, brain aging, education, school, sect, children and youth, prevention, conventional approach, hypermedia, multimedia, achievement scores, 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