Labor et Educatio, 9 (2021), 2021, pp. 9 - 28 et Educatio, 9 (2021), 2021, pp. 83 - 101 et Educatio, 9 (2021), 2021, pp. 217 - 223łowa kluczowe: coaching, solution-focused approach, methodological procedure, motivation to change, professional development, Alzheimer’s disease, creative reminiscence in dementia care, dementia/ non-pharmacological therapy, life history, Remembering Yesterday, Caring for Today, existential loneliness, loneliness, the elderly, classroom system, traditional school, virtual reality, virtual school, teachers’ professional competencies, teachers’ IT competencies, distаnсе еduсаtiоn, tyреs оf еduсаtiоn, virtuаl institutiоns, еduсаtiоn mоdеls, educational leadership, successful school leadership, leadership practices in nurturing resilience, education and school leading during the COVID-19 pandemic, school principals, education in Poland, Employee engagement, levels of employee engagement, work related attitudes, engaged employee characteristics, employees of the organization, managerial and executive functions, level of education, creative attitude, hope for success, nonconformity, heuristic behaviour, eucation, social cohesion policy, supported employment, job coach, social inclusion, active labour market policy, social investment, Lithuania, Improvisation, Learning Resources, Learning Facilities, Audio Tape, Biology Instruction, Motivation, learning motivation, educational activity, mathematical education, motives, etc., COVID-19, pandemic, learning outcomes, universities, school type