2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 2017

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Krzysztof Kowalski

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 45, Numer 1, 2017, s. 1 - 14


From Historical Object to Discourse. Some Reflections on Contemporary Detinition of Heritege

The author shows the contemporary definition of heritage stemming from the concept of the monument and its “extension”. Furthermore, he puts it in the context of symbolic exchange, indicating the deeply symbolic dimension of heritage and placing an emphasis on its intangible character. In addition, he associates heritage with the notion of lieux de mémoire, writes about the discursive strategies leading to its invention, juxtaposes heritage with history and connects it with the postmodern “condition of the world” in which it is often and strongly deployed in the legitimization of political projects.
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Adam Pomieciński

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 45, Numer 1, 2017, s. 15 - 33

The article presents the current situation of the Syrian-Armenians, who at the same time as refugees and repatriates obtained refuge in Armenia. The article discusses the processes of assimilation of Syrian-Armenians in a new cultural environment. The main goal of the article is to answer the following research questions: to what extent the cultural capital of the diaspora from pre-migration times is reorganized in the new cultural conditions of the host country, how the processes of adaptation and integration of Syrian-Armenians in Armenia are going through and what problems they encounter in the process of cultural assimilation. The empirical data used in this article were collected during the ethnological research in September 2016 in Armenia.
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Danuta Penkala-Gawęcka

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 45, Numer 1, 2017, s. 35 - 54


Ancestral heritage and national identity: about a contemporary shaman (baqsï) in a Kazakh film and in ethnological research

This paper deals with problems of nation-building and constructing national identities in the newly independent Central Asian countries, focusing on Kazakhstan and the personage of a female shaman –  the main character of the film Baksy, as an incarnation of Kazakh national ideals and values. This depiction is confronted with a presentation of the real baqsï living in the village in the south of Kazakhstan who was a prototype of Ayday Apa from the film. Based on my research conducted in Almaty between 1995–2000, I compare these characters with urban shamans and other spiritual healers, showing their hybridised ideas and healing practices. I argue that since they have to adapt to the demands of urban, multi-ethnic clientele, they do not present themselves as carriers of the ancestral heritage, as Kazakh village healers often do. However, it is the shaman of the latter kind who was presented in the film, because she could be used as an epitomisation of presumed national Kazakh values such as commitment to the ancestral land and deep spirituality. The case discussed in the paper is only one example of the numerous efforts to boost national self-identity and pride, observed in various cultural, social and scientific activities in contemporary Kazakhstan.  
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Marcelina Jakimowicz

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 45, Numer 1, 2017, s. 55 - 69


Ambiguity of the Concept of “Polishness” in the Narratives of the Inhabitants of the Ostrowiec Region (Belarus)

The article is based on ethnographic research conducted in the Ostrowiec region of Belarus. This region is characterized by the greatest postwar decline of the polish population, across the whole of Belarus (in the 1960s from 65.5% to 9.8%).The text presents reflections from the research related the historical awareness of “polish footnote” and their meanings given by the local population, but also covers the ethnic and religious specificities of the region. The last part of the article is narratives of people defined as “the last Poles” – born in the Second Polish Republic polish speaking catholick, who remember the pre-war and war periods.
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Tobiasz Orzeł

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 45, Numer 1, 2017, s. 71 - 87


Research on folk Architecture in the Rabka Valley

The aim of the article is to briefly describe the changes in the form of village buildings in the area of the Rabka Valley from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century (including layouts of villages, plans of farms and houses, constructions of foundations, walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, doors, windows, stoves and decorative elements) and to answer the question whether it is a common heritage of the inhabitants of this area.
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Anna Kapusta

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 45, Numer 1, 2017, s. 89 - 115

Maria, Maryjka, Maryja. The Intimacy Figure of the Gardzienice on the Female Discourse of the „Gardzienice”
The article presents an analysis and an interpretation of the story of Maria of Gardzienice, a local folk artist: an embroiderer, a painter and a specifically understood performer, now deceased, but also forgotten during her life and living alone in the village near Lublin. This story has been told by „an actress” from „the «Gardzienice» Theatre” in the course of my fieldwork in Gardzienice village on the 30th of June 2012. During this field interview, a unique in its lyrical formula, a symbolic and a creative spiritual biography of Maria of Gardzienice was established. This story creates a specific „apocrypha” of femininity understood as an aesthetic lifestyle of a creative women, a socially self-excluding „artist” – an amateur, wanting to create outside the patriarchal community of the village. Maria, a real woman from the village, in the story of the „actress from „the «Gardzienice» Theatre” appears at the same time as: Maryjka – a goddess and Mary – the Blessed Virgin Mary. This story is the figure of an intimacy female discourse of Gardzienice village on” „the «Gardzienice» Theatre”. It constitutes a symbolic escape into the mythologisation of femininity as a creative response of the women from Gardzienice village and the women from „the «Gardzienice Theatre»” on the local social conflict between „the village” and „the Theatre”. The „actress „ who verbalises this story, makes a symbolic identification with Maria – the „artist” from the Gardzienice village and in this way essentialistically formulated femininity is a symbolic way of  escapism of the women from the local conflict.
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Michalina Chmielecka, Izabela Czyszczoń, Błażej Kośnik, Marek Pawlak, Klaudia Rybak

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 45, Numer 1, 2017, s. 123 - 143

Prezentowane refleksje z badań terenowych są próbą spojrzenia na różne formy, strategie i praktyki nie-mobilności, które doświadczane są we współczesnych miastach. Punktem wyjścia są eksploracje etnograficzne przeprowadzone wiosną 2016 roku w Przemyślu (i Medyce) przez studentów II roku etnologii i antropologii kulturowej w ramach ćwiczeń terenowych organizowanych przez Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej, Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Celem badań była problematyzacja sposobów „bycia” mobilnym we współczesnym świecie, strategii „radzenia” sobie z mobilnością oraz samych wyobrażeń społecznych związanych z mobilnością. Przemyśl, bardzo dobrze wpisuje się w problematykę mobilności ze względu na swoje położenie geograficzne (blisko granicy państwa), infrastrukturę (dworce, komunikacja miejska) i mieszkańców, wśród których są m.in. migranci, osoby dojeżdżające do pracy z okolicznych wsi czy też osoby trudniące się handlem transgranicznym. Przemyśl okazał się jednak terenem wymagającym i niejednoznacznym. Początkowym problemem było samo znalezienie „problemu badawczego” i skonceptualizowanie go w taki sposób, aby uniknąć fetyszyzacji i idealizacji badanych zjawisk mobilności i niemobilności. Jak się okazało, o wiele łatwiej jest zaobserwować mobilność w przestrzeniach miejskich, niż ją następnie eksplorować i konceptualizować antropologicznie, szczególnie podczas tak krótkiego pobytu w terenie. Niemniej, wspólnie podczas dyskusji terenowych i w ramach współpracy badawczej udało nam się relatywnie szybko uporać z początkowymi problemami i skupić na poszczególnych kontekstach (nie)mobilności.

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