2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 2013


"Prace Etnograficzne" wychodzą od roku 1963. Od początków wydawnictwo prezentowało dorobek pracowników Katedry Etnografii Słowian i obecnego Instytutu Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej. Informuje też o działalności naukowo-organizacyjnej publikując materiały z sesji i konferencji organizowanych przez jednostkę. Od początku lat 90. zeszłego wieku zeszyty mają charakter profilowany tematycznie i przybrały postać wydawnictwa ciągłego. Spośród starszych numerów tematycznych warto przypomnieć zeszyty poświęcone historii muzealnictwa etnograficznego w Polsce, darowi, etnografii wśród nauk humanistycznych, pragmatyce wypowiedzi w etnografii. Ostatnie numery poświęcono słowiańskim symbolom narodowym, pamięci PRL-u, etniczności

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Marcin Brocki

Sekretarz redakcji Patrycja Trzeszczyńska

Asystentka redaktora tomu Agnieszka Marczak

Korekta językowa Sylwia Gajda

Redaktor tomu Patrycja Trzeszczyńska

Zawartość numeru

Katarzyna Lengowska

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 253 - 260


The text presents the author’s study on the borderline of anthropology and psychology; the American psychological research was the starting point which showed the asymmetry of temporal value: people value more the future events than past ones. The author decided to check what events are more highly valued – past or future – in different countries with differences in duration of a history of a state among the representatives of so called individualistic or collective cultures. The article shows the theoretical and methodological preparations to the projected research among the foreign students in Gdańsk in the perspective of psychological anthropology.

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Celina Strzelecka

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 261 - 269


The author deliberates the fusion of two disciplines – futurology and cultural anthropology. She tries to indicate some anthropological tools and methods which are suitable to deduce cultural future and advances a thesis that the future is nowadays an inevitable area of study for cultural anthropology. By making the critical analysis of social threats, hopes and by critical observation of contemporary cultural trends anthropologists are able to construct the possible view of future. The project, described in the text, aims at preparing for changes and proving that anthropology enables predicting the future of the culture.

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Dagmara Staniszewska, Andrzej Olejniczak

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 271 - 279


The text concerns the potential area of cooperation between anthropologists, architects and local community, who lives in space that is to be projected. The city of Łódź faces several urban, economic and political obstacles and problems. The article presents the project, the aim of which was to show that the architecture as a discipline should care about the users of space and ask them about their needs and make them the members of a revitalization project. Therefore, cultural anthropology with its fieldwork methodology is a chance to hear what the people say about the place where they live or would like to live. The authors plan to conduct action research among the inhabitants of Łódź’s backyards and to create a participatory design, which is also aiming at improving civil attitudes.

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Rafał Rukat

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 281 - 285


The author briefly discusses performative aspects of demonstration which, in his opinion, is a kind of narration, co-created by the demonstrators as their story about themselves. By providing the example of the March of Independence – a mass demonstration in Warsaw, organised annually on the 11th of November by the Polish nationalists, the author tries to answer the questions: what, to whom and how the street demonstration tells its narrative' and what kind of community the demonstration creates.

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Anna Horáková, Eva Šipöczová

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 287 - 295


Geographic information system (hereinafter GIS) enables space data to save, operate and analyse. Therefore it is primarily defined for branches that are based on dealing with spatially usable data (e.g. cartography, transport, public administration etc.). Nevertheless, GIS has its use in other branches as well – it can be applied in such cases when information of focused phenomenon is operated and when at the same time this phenomenon is connected with specific area (e.g. in archaeology, architecture, preservation of monuments etc.).

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Juraj Jonáš

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 297 - 307


The author presents a considered theoretical and methodological background of anthropological research on stereotypes and prejudice. As an ethnologist and psychologist, he deliberates on both anthropological and psychological approach to the subject and shows the gaps in current methodological concepts. He proposes the set of questions for the questionnaire survey, which, in his opinion, seems to be adequate and describes the project that he plans to realize providing an example of the Romani people in the Czech Republic.

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Iwona Piaskowska

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 309 - 319


The author deliberates the phenomena of neo-nazism in the Internet in the perspective of postcolonial theory. Her aim is to present how neo-fascists construct the representation of “Other” and deconstruct it. Her field laboratory was ethnically and religiously diversed in the Podlasie region in Poland, where the number of racial and homophobic incidents has increased recently. Then, she present her ethnological dream: to publish “postcolonial theory and practice handbook for teachers”, the goal of which would be to struggle against bias and intolerance. As a result, the author perceives the goal of anthropology in general as applied, engaged in public discourses and an instrument to solve real social problems.

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Aleksandra Zielińska

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 321 - 327


The text is a study about a place: a part of local landscape which role is to preserve region’s cultural heritage and to create the awareness of it. The Village Museum in Maruszów was the example in the author‘s project. It is Open-Air Museum and Gallery of sculpture of Edward Ziarko, situated in a small village in the municipality of Ożarów in Poland. This initiative is interesting not only because of a status of a private small local open-air museum, donated by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, but also in terms of promoting and popularizing folk culture of the region. This is accomplished by the person of an owner, folk artist and the creator of eclectic exhibition, consisting of many exhibits which are not strictly “folk” or local and relate to different periods of history. The author plans to check how people perceive this place and to what extent they identify with it and, lastly, if they perceive it as the perfect image of the local culture and history.

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Santana Murawska

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 329 - 334


The main aim of the text is to discuss a conception of conspiracy theory as narration which draw a parallel with gossip and urban legend as far as its features and functions are concerned. The author chooses the example of the false flag operation which concerns September 11 attacks and describes it as a unique category of myth which legitimizes actions taken by – for instance – the ruling class. The author builds her conceptual frame on the Malinowski’s theory of myth and its function – she tries to prove that it can be still valid in contemporary anthropology.

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Marta Frączkiewicz

Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 4, 2013, s. 335 - 342


The author attempts to examine the cultural and charitable events which increasingly take place in malls instead of old towns or squares and considerably widen the function of such places. In her opinion, we can observe a transfer of social life from customary space to shopping centers. Providing an examples from Toruń the author presents the main cultural functions of malls as a practice of satisfying all potential clients’ needs under one roof.

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