2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 05.01.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil

Zawartość numeru

Eugeniusz Gostomski

International Business and Global Economy, Tom 33, 2014, s. 299 - 311

Czytaj więcej Następne

Anna Bendykowska, Mateusz Cyrzan

International Business and Global Economy, Tom 33, 2014, s. 312 - 322

Czytaj więcej Następne

Danuta Marciniak-Neider

International Business and Global Economy, Tom 33, 2014, s. 352 - 362

Czytaj więcej Następne

Wiesława Lizińska, Izabela Serocka, Renata Marks-Bielska

International Business and Global Economy, Tom 33, 2014, s. 419 - 429

Czytaj więcej Następne

Deniss Šèeulovs, Elina Gaile-Sarkane

International Business and Global Economy, Tom 33, 2014, s. 623 - 634

Czytaj więcej Następne

Paulina Bohdanowicz-Godfrey, Piotr Zientara

International Business and Global Economy, Tom 33, 2014, s. 743 - 755

Czytaj więcej Następne

Słowa kluczowe: international investment position, balance of payments transactions, other flows, European Union, BITs, regionalism, foreign direct investments, global value chain (GVC), European Union, domestic value added in export, foreign value added in export, economic integration, European Union, Eastern enlargement, empirical studies of trade, classification methods, Single Bank Resolution Fund, Single Resolution Board, European Banking Union, Single Supervisory Mechanism, Single Resolution Mechanism, long-term interest rate, convergence, euro, Polish economy, EMU, euro adoption, Poland, food, food quality, quality schemes, European Union, international tax competition, business taxes, Lithuania Klasyfikacja JEL:, international migration, the structure of emigration, Baltic States, international migration, brain drain, brain loss, transnationalism, social integration JEL classification: P2, the customs service, common market, the freedom of products flow, safety of crossborder movement of goods, business cycles, recession, SME sector, entrepreneurship, economic integration, regionalism, transatlantic cooperation, international regional integration, customs union, the Eurasian Economic Community, Russian Federation, political federation, East African Community (EAC), economic integration, crude, oil, financial, crisis, OPEC, trilateral free trade agreement, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, agri-food sector, trade liberalization, ASEAN countries, Global Trade Analysis Project, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, agriculture, financialisation, financial sector, real sector, financial markets, Germany, demographic, changes, public, finances, international currency, emerging market economies, China, emerging markets, stock market, market capitalization, market liquidity, Payment service directive, credit transfer, SEPA, Express ELIXIR, SME, government and EU policy for business enterprises, entrepreneurship, financial constraints, internationalization, transnational corporation, indices of internationalization, internationalization processes, de-internationalization, re-internationalization, quasi- -hierarchical linkages, theory of enterprise, competitiveness, globalization, stakeholders, enterprises with foreign capital, investment outlays, economic crisis, foreign direct investment, location advantage, competitiveness, developed countries, developing countries, innovation, export, international competitiveness, CIS, open innovation, R&D internationalization, multinationals, innovation process, Poland, country image, country-of-origin effect, internationalization, competitiveness, international cooperation, success factors, Polish exporters, Polish importers, inter-organizational relationships, transnational corporations, firm’s embeddedness, competitive advantage, customs, customs control, customs authority, e-customs services, simplification, authorised economic operator, international fair, targets for the participation, Polish exporters, foreign direct investment, cultural differences, culture, competition, intercultural competence, internationalization, multicultural environment, intercultural relations, expatriates, culture, culture shock, reverse culture shock, U-curve, micromultinationals, internationalization, Internet economy, multi-cultural mergers and acquisitions, M&Abenefits and risks, competitive position on the market, biggest global cases of M&A, lean management, kaizen, standardization, visualization, strategic groups, classification, large scale retailers, range of products, Poland, e-marketing environment, customer loyalty, business models, electronic marketing, customer loyalty, business models, electronic marketing, e-marketing environment, FDI inflows, crisis, Granger causality, foreign trade, comparative advantage, international competitiveness, technological change, Poland, Poland, external stability, current account deficit, international investment position, India, development, assistance, co-operation, African countries, international trade, export structure, world prices, customs, customs services, customs authority, simplification, flexibility, Poland, Lithuania, cooperation, driving forces, obstacles, hotels, environmental performance assessment systems, globalization, horse industry, horse racing, Thoroughbred