In the article, the author presents a map of the main trends associated with the problem of Europe and European identity which are of particular importance for the broadly understood modernism. In this context, the novel by Roman Jaworski „Wesele hrabiego Orgaza” (The Wedding of Count Orgaz), whose main topic is a critical analysis of the then dominant tendencies to heal the prematurely withered Europe, occupies an important place. It is these very issues that constitute the main topic of the article. In Jaworski’s novel, the attempts to rescue Europe were presented in a grotesque light; this is noticeable particularly in the projects of modernity: treated here as illusory intellectual, ordering constructions whose aim was to alter history; (mainly the principle of collection, clean slate – tabula rasa etc.). The element of the catastrophic, so characteristic of this novel which is combined here with the awareness of the extinction of all values, is transformed into an argument over the issue whether these values would have a chance to survive.