Publication date: 09.12.2012
Licence: None
Editorial team
Editor-in-Chief Teresa Walas
Secretary Tomasz Kunz
Wielogłos, Issue 3 (13) 2012, 2012, pp. 265 - 272łowa kluczowe: editing as specialisation, scholarly editing in Poland, electronic edition, escholarly editing, textual criticism, publishing, history of editing, rules of transcription, critical edition, scholarly editing, source criticism, critical edition, popular edition, scholarly editing, critical apparatus, notes, classical Polish literature, history of printing, printing conventions, phonetics, scholarly editing, old print’s typography, typographic means of expression, graphic design, Anna Kamieńska, A White Manuscript, corporeality, the last poem, poetic genesis., digitization, book history, history of reading, libraries, textual scholarship – manual, scholarly editing in Italy, printing of the 15th-17th centuries, scholarly editing, encyclopaedias, history of intellectual culture, evaluation of academic journals, critical book reviews, Inga Iwasiów, Sylwia Chutnik