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Orcid dr hab. n. med., prof. UJ Joanna Bonior
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Orcid Dr hab. n. hum. Marek Motyka
mgr Beata Jakubczyk
Editorial Members:
Orcid Dr n. med. Teresa Gabryś
Orcid Dr hab. n. o zdr. Iwona Malinowska-Lipień
Dr n. o zdr. Małgorzata Dziubak

Periodicity: Semi-annual

Year of foundation: 1995

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Article languages: english, polish

Status: active

Licence: CC BY, open access

Scientific domain: Health sciences, Medical and health sciences

Journal type: Scientific

ISSN: 1234-7175

eISSN: 1898-2026

UIC ID: 201095

DOI: 10.4467/18982026SZL

MNiSW points: 20

Journal description

Art of Healing journal has been published since the year 1995 with the aim of expanding the  reductionist paradigm perceiving the functioning of human being only from biological perspective with other dimensions of human functioning such as mental, social and spiritual ones. From the moment it was created, the magazine has been especially emphasizing psychosomatic relation between the body and the mind which results in promoting health, therapy and medical care. Present editorial board intends to continue the previous magazine programme while developing its interdisciplinary character and clearly visible humanistic approach.

Issue presentation

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Volume 39 Issue 1

Publication date: 28.06.2024

Editor-in-Chief: Joanna Bonior

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Marek Motyka

Secretary: Beata Jakubczyk

Joanna Bonior, Marek Motyka

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 7 - 9

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Igor Szymański, Piotr Płócienniczak, Julianna Stasicka

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 13 - 24


Vaccination is one of the greatest healthcare achievements and one the most important scientific developments of the human civilization. Epidemiological status and population’s attitude towards vaccination has been evolving rapidly in recent years. The main goal of this article is to assess and compare people’s approach towards influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, in addition to identifying the most prevalent information sources concerning both the former and the latter. As a research method, data obtained from 150 online surveys submitted by respondents were analysed. The results suggest connection between COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations. The study was designed to provide a better understanding of public attitudes in favour as well as against the vaccinations. The results obtained regarding the public views on influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations can be pointed out as an additional value derived from the research.

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Krzysztof Mudyń

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 27 - 38


Intuition is understood in the article as the intelligence of the unconscious, taking into account all the information possessed by the subject as well as individual abilities and preferences. Intuition makes itself felt in various ways. It cooperates with consciousness when more important decisions are to be made or directly controls the behavior of an individual (in case of so-called operational intelligence). The author reflects on the role of intuition in the digitalized world and comes to the conclusion that digital technology partially replaces intuition’s function but at the same time limits and blocks its development. He also notes that the concept of intuition in experimental psychology has been wrongly narrowed to spontaneously used heuristics in response to irrelevant questions, which usually leads to biased, inaccurate assessments. Finally, the suggestion appears that there is an analogy between human intuition, treated as the intelligence of the unconscious, and the direction of development of artificial intelligence. The use of the deep machine learning means that we know less and less about the processes taking place in the “black box,” which often leads to spectacular [? disastrous/bad] results. The term digital intuition seems to be an adequate description of this state of affairs. The common denominator of human and digital intuition is that information processing – although it leads to the desired effects – remains inaccessible to both the subject’s consciousness and the user (or even the designer) of the intelligent machine.

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Krzysztof Mudyń

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 39 - 49


Intuition is understood in the article as the intelligence of the unconscious, taking into account all the information possessed by the subject as well as individual abilities and preferences. Intuition makes itself felt in various ways. It cooperates with consciousness when more important decisions are to be made or directly controls the behavior of an individual (in case of so-called operational intelligence). The author reflects on the role of intuition in the digitalized world and comes to the conclusion that digital technology partially replaces intuition’s function but at the same time limits and blocks its development. He also notes that the concept of intuition in experimental psychology has been wrongly narrowed to spontaneously used heuristics in response to irrelevant questions, which usually leads to biased, inaccurate assessments. Finally, the suggestion appears that there is an analogy between human intuition, treated as the intelligence of the unconscious, and the direction of development of artificial intelligence. The use of the deep machine learning means that we know less and less about the processes taking place in the “black box,” which often leads to spectacular [? disastrous/bad] results. The term digital intuition seems to be an adequate description of this state of affairs. The common denominator of human and digital intuition is that information processing – although it leads to the desired effects – remains inaccessible to both the subject’s consciousness and the user (or even the designer) of the intelligent machine.

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Michał Sułkowski

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 51 - 61


The development of transplantology is undoubtedly a spectacular success of the 21st century medicine. Transplantation is the best treatment for the end-stage kidney, liver, heart or lung failure. The aim of this article is to provide reliable, scientific knowledge about transplantology as well as legal regulations regarding the transplantation of human cells, tissues and organs. The principles of transplantation are specified in the Act of 1 July 2005 on the collection, storage and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs. Proceedings related to the determination of the permanent irreversible cessation of brain functions (brain death) and the irreversible circulatory arrest prior to the organ procurement are outlined in Announcement of the Minister of Health of December 4, 2019 on the method and criteria for determining permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (M.P. 2020, poz. 73). In case of retrieving biological material from human corpses, the legislator introduced the principle of implied consent, also known as tacit consent (in the so called opt-out system).

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Kinga Dudzińska, Paweł Lipowski

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 63 - 76


This paper discusses the issue of the development of nursing staff ’s salaries employed in healthcare institutions in the years 2015–20222. The aim of the study was to analyze the changes in legal regulations taking place during this period and to point out the problem of interpreting these regulations, which is inherent to determining nurses’ salary in healthcare institutions. The article indicates problems and differences resulting from the arbitrary interpretation of legal provisions in this area. The issue is presented from the legal and managerial perspective on health care; also based on the authors’ own observations resulting from scientific work and professional experience.

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Patrycja Zurzycka, Katarzyna Wojtas, Zofia Musiał

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 77 - 88


Due to changing social and legal circumstances, increasingly more people choose to disclose their transgender and gender diverse status. Caring for this group of patients is a major challenge for medical facilities. The aim of this paper is to present general principles of care for transgender and gender diverse individuals. The paper is based on the analysis of available studies. The literaturę analysis confirms that the issue of transgender and gender diverse patients is addressed by many authors. Given the prevalence of reporting transgender identity and the resulting health problems/ needs, it becomes necessary to provide holistic care and educate medical personnel in this area.


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Barbara Macura, Marian Szczepanik

Art of Healing, Volume 39 Issue 1, Volume 39 (2024), pp. 89 - 100


The extreme physical effort and psychological stress are everyday challenges faced by athletes. The regular training results in adaptation to increasing physical effort. It contributes to changes in various organs and metabolic processes. Intense physical training has been shown to affect numerous body systems including the immune system. The aim of this paper is to present the influence of extreme physical activity on various aspects of immune response. The changes in the immune system of athletes include not only those related to blood leukocytes, but those in connection to respiratory and gut associated lymphoid tissue as well. Moreover, the immune cells play an important role in muscle regeneration after sustaining training injury. The mmunology of physicial activity – mainly extreme physical activity – is a new, not fully recognized yet field of research. The understanding of these interactions facilitates a proper training planning for different groups of athletes.

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