2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

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Redaktorzy numeru Elżbieta Przybył-Sadowska i Małgorzata Sacha

Zawartość numeru

Jan N. Bremmer

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 291-309


In my contribution I trace the transformations of the descent into the underworld from ancient Assyria via Greece and Rome to the world of Christian Late Antiquity. My aim is to analyse the evolution of a pagan and Jewish hellscape into a Christian one. First, I will briefly discuss the earliest known literary descent, that by Enkidu, which almost certainly influenced the poet of the Odyssey (§ 1), who, in turn, paved the way for the famous descent of Orpheus (§ 2). Subsequently, we will return to Assyria, and from there move to Israel and Rome during the early Imperial period (§ 3), before concluding with Christian Late Antiquity (§ 4). In my argument I will concentrate on the interplay of pagan and Christian traditions, as well as to the nature of the sinners in the various hellscapes.

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Ołena Łucyszyna

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 311-319


The aim of this research is to clarify the view of classical Sāṁkhya on the relationship between the Vedas and its own teaching. Sāṁkhya is regarded by the Hindu tradition as a school of philosophy which recognizes the authority of the Vedas (āstika), but what is the real Sāṁkhya attitude towards the Vedas? My study is based on all the extant texts of classical Sāṁkhya. The textual analysis allowed me to distinguish four different tendencies (lines of thought) that constitute the classical Sāṁkhya view on the status of the Vedic revelation (śruti) in relation to its own doctrine: 1) the Vedas are an authoritative source of knowledge, but they do not play an important role in the grounding of the Sāṁkhya doctrine; 2) Sāṁkhya is authoritative because it is based on śruti; 3) Sāṁkhya is śruti, that is, it is identical to the quintessence (i.e., the highest teaching) of the Vedas set forth in the Upaniṣads; 4) Sāṁkhya is higher than the Vedas. Taking into account the results of my analysis, it is possible to say that the Sāṁkhya view on the status of the Vedas is no less ambiguous than the general Hindu attitude to them.

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Tatiana G. Skorokhodova

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 321-334


The influences of the phenomena of religious consciousness on the thinking and philosophy of Modern India are described in the article, based on the Bengal Renaissance works of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, especially those of the inaugurator Rammohun Roy. He created the basic foundations of Neo-Vedanta philosophy predominantly owing to the special phenomena of religious consciousness. The basic phenomena are primordial religious experience and the experience of contemplation and understanding of an Other religion (Islam and Christianity). Derivative phenomena are “monotheistic revolution” (term by G. Pomerants) and dialogue of religions in personal consciousness. Opening the resemblance of Vedanta and other religious traditions’ meanings to dialogue helped to achieve a new interpretation of the darśana. The novelty of Neo-Vedantism lies in the appearance of mighty ethical and social vectors of thinking. The combination of the aforesaid phenomena created the method of philosophising – free dialogue between one’s own tradition and another in order to enrich indigenous thought.

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Anna M. Maćkowiak

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 335-344


The distinction between religion and spirituality can be observed in the travel and tourism industry. The term “religion” is associated with institution, uniformity, and group. Spirituality, on the contrary, is individual, subjective, and experience-based. This opposition overlaps with the disparity between travelling and tourism. The content analysis was inspired by an article by Siv Ellen Kraft. My aim was to verify her statement in the contexts of Lonely Planet’s guidebooks to Indonesia and Thailand, Eastern countries popular among foreigners charmed by their religious and spiritual otherness. I examined the images of religions delivered by Lonely Planet and studied the context and the frequency of application of the following terms: “religion,” “spirituality,” “belief.”

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Romina Rossi

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 345-357

The motif of the “Vagina Dentata” appears in various Hindu myths and tales belonging to Indic folklore, yet its iconic relevance extends beyond symbolic and religious fields and overlaps with the wider sphere of the discourses on gender and sexuality. Based upon this premise, the paper aims to illustrate the motif of the “toothed vagina” on two interconnected levels: on the first one, it offers a psychoanalytical codification of the symbol and of the violence connected with the removal of the “teeth,” while on the second it scrutinises the “extirpation” in the light of the patriarchal endeavour to subjugate women through abuse and debasement. The concluding part of the paper advances a metaphorical suggestion around the “vagina dentata” symbol, pointing to the resources implied in the affirmation of women’s voices in the public domain.
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Andrzej Kasperek

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 359-372

The article is aimed at analysing Duane Elgin’s concept of the living universe from the standpoint of neo-Romanticization. The analysis is based on an understanding of Romanticism as an epoch of reinterpretation of the Western esoteric tradition. The author notices in Elgin’s works the presence of ideas that were popularized in the Romantic period, thus emphasizing the motif of esoteric inspirations in his oeuvre. By turning against the idea of a non-living universe, understood as a mechanism, Elgin continues the esoteric tradition, the major ideas of which are organicism, holism and evolutionism. His works (and activity) discussed in this study are treated as factors of social change. 
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Jarosław Tomasiewicz

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 373-391

Religious reformism is sometimes linked with social radicalism. In Poland, perhaps the most striking example of this was Father Andrzej Huszno’s Polish-Catholic National Church, which was active in the 1920’s. The PKKN doctrine linked proletarian anti-capitalism and Polish national messianism of romantic provenance with an attempt to re-interpret Christianity in the theosophical spirit. This made Huszno’s movement a tactical ally of the Piłsudkiites, who initially tried to maintain their social-radical and anticlerical traditions, and also make religious structures subordinate to the state (the Orthodox Church first in line). The Piłsudkiites’ turn towards conservatism after the May Coup meant that the PKKN lost ground under its feet.
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Rafał Łętocha

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 393-399

Review: Maciej Potz, Teokracje amerykańskie. Źródła i mechanizmy władzy usankcjonowanej religijnie (“American Theocracies. Sources and Mechanisms of Religiously Sanctioned Power”), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016, 395 pp.

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Paweł Jasnowski

Studia Religiologica, Tom 50, Numer 4, 2017, s. 401-408

Review: Agata Rybińska, Granice integracji. Religijność Żydów wrocławskich 
w drugiej połowie XIX wieku (1854–1890) (“The Limits of Integration. Religiousness of the Breslau Jews in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century (1854–1890)”), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2017, 264 pp.
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