2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 2019


Czasopismo zostało dofinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego na podstawie umowy nr 279/WCN/2019/1 z dnia 16 lipca 2019 z pomocy przyznanej w ramach programu „Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych”.

Przygotowanie i wydanie w otwartym dostępie anglojęzycznych artykułów wydawanych w czasopiśmie "Studia Religiologica" w celu lepszego umiędzynarodowienia czasopisma - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy 626/P-DUN/2019 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor zeszytu Renata Siuda-Ambroziak

Zawartość numeru

Bogumiła Lisocka-Jaegermann

Studia Religiologica, Tom 52, Numer 3, 2019, s. 177-190


This text presents current debates concerning gender relations in Cuban santería. After a short presentation of the santería religious system, the concepts of femininity and masculinity among the orichas are discussed. Their meaning, differing from Western ideas on manhood and womanhood, is partly attributed to original Yoruba gender concepts widely discussed in recent anthropological literature. The role of men and women in santeria organisational hierarchy and in ritual is also presented in the light of corresponding discussion on their status. The author suggests that the study of gender concepts within santería aids in the understanding of complex gender relations in Cuban society.

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Renata Siuda-Ambroziak

Studia Religiologica, Tom 52, Numer 3, 2019, s. 191-204


This article presents field research-based reflections on the socio-cultural contexts of religious healing practices in Brazilian folk Catholicism performed by traditional local blessing-givers (bendezeiras). Recognizing both illness and healing as socio-cultural processes and religion as an important key to understanding Brazilian culture and society, I concentrate on depicting important characteristics of the benzedeiras’ practice, concentrating on “lights” (positive aspects) and “shadows” – adverse factors limiting the possibilities of intergenerational transmission in spite of the continuing popularity and symbolic effectiveness of benzedeiras’ religious healing in Brazil.

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Marta Kania

Studia Religiologica, Tom 52, Numer 3, 2019, s. 205-220


The article discusses the theme of the pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Señor de Qoyllurit’i (and his alter ego – Señor de Tayankani), one of the most important patron feast (fiesta patronal) in the central-Andean region (Perú). The first part contains an ethnographic description of the procession, its location in “sacred space” and the main social actors involved. In the following part the attention focuses on the description of the foundational legends and myths of the festivity and the debate related to the syncretic form of the worship of Señor de Qoyllurit’i, based on the fusion between religious traditions of the Andean region and Catholicism. In the end the process of changes in the structure of the ceremony is presented, related to environmental problems: the aspect of climate change and its repercussions on regional beliefs.

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Marta Zuzanna Osuchowska

Studia Religiologica, Tom 52, Numer 3, 2019, s. 221-236


The constitution of Argentina from 1853 formally introduced the patronage of the Argentine legal system. Its foundations are to be found in the royal patronage, granted by the popes to the kings of Spain from the beginning of their presence in America. The issue of national patronage in Argentina was completed by signing the concordat in 1966. The removal of the constitutional provisions concerning patronage occurred with the constitutional reform in 1994. This institution has been the basis for the regulation of the relationship between the state and the Catholic Church throughout its application. Political proposals for  its changes were the basis for the vision of the state presented by successive authorities.

*The project was financed from the funds of the National Science Center granted on the basis of decision number DEC-2017/01/X/HS5/00721 MINIATURA 1.

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Elizete da Silva

Studia Religiologica, Tom 52, Numer 3, 2019, s. 237-249


With the growth of Protestantism, changes in conceptions and in political representations have provoked participation in political parties. In 1940, evangelical parliamentarians participated in the legislature. With the military coup of 1964, Protestantism divided into one sector which joined the military, and another which resisted it and built a Protestant opposition sector, The Evangelical Bench, which aligned itself to the conservative sectors in Parliament.

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Amadeusz Citlak

Studia Religiologica, Tom 52, Numer 3, 2019, s. 251-264


This article is an attempt to apply a psycholinguistic tools to reconstruct a linguistic image of the non-Christian Jews in chosen narratives taken from the Greek canonical Gospels of the New Testament. In this part of the analysis, I would like to use the basic and empirically confirmed thesis of the linguistic category model and attribution processes, which are crucial when analysing the language of negative stereotypes.

I will present the text analysis, results and interpretation.

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