Data publikacji: 19.12.2018
Translation from Polish was financed under the agreement No. 613/P-DUN/2017 from
the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for popularisation of science.
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
Redaktor naczelny Sławomir Torbus
Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ, Issue 39 (4/2018), English Issues, s. 5 - 19 Młodych Muzykologów UJ, Issue 39 (4/2018), English Issues, s. 21 - 39 Młodych Muzykologów UJ, Issue 39 (4/2018), English Issues, s. 41 - 57 Młodych Muzykologów UJ, Issue 39 (4/2018), English Issues, s. 59 - 85 Młodych Muzykologów UJ, Issue 39 (4/2018), English Issues, s. 87 - 113łowa kluczowe: church music, Protestantism, Samuel Besler, 17th century, Wrocław, Commander, Stone Guest, Don Juan, opera, Don Giovanni, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johannes Brahms, Baroque, Psalm XIII, rhetoric in music, Paweł Mykietyn, postmodernism, constructivism, deconstruction, intertextuality, Political marketing, popular music, presidential campaign, election song