The Musical Rhetoric of the Baroque on the Example of Johannes Brahms’ Psalm XIII Op. 27

Data publikacji: 19.12.2018

Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ, English Issues, Issue 39 (4/2018), s. 41-57



Miłosz Bazelak
Akademia Muzyczna w Łodzi
Wszystkie publikacje autora →


The Musical Rhetoric of the Baroque on the Example of Johannes Brahms’ Psalm XIII Op. 27


The musical style of Johannes Brahms has long been known as influenced by music of the earlier epochs. His references to techniques, forms and genres of the Renaissance and Baroque music and the elaborate use of the counterpoint were frequently analysed by musicologists. Less often, however, the potential relationship between word and music shaped by the Baroque music rhetoric was studied, something which was somewhat forgotten in the Romanticism. Brahms’ fascination with the past, which led the composer to study the 18th-century musical literature and treatises, enabled him to recognise many interesting aspects of the Baroque music. Like Bach and his contemporaries, Brahms used rhetorical figures in his early sacred works, e.g. Psalm XIII Op. 27.


Pobierz bibliografię

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Bond A., The Organist’sRepertory—7: Brahms Chorale Preludes, Op. 122, “The Musical Times” 112 (1971), No. 1543.

Brodbeck D., The Brahms–Joachim Counterpoint Exchange, [in:] Brahms Studies, D. Brodbeck (ed.), Vol. 1, Lincoln 1995.

Buelow G.J., Rhetoric and Music, [in:] The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, S. Sadie (ed.), Vol. 21, London 1980.

Clive P., Brahms and His World: A Biographical Dictionary, Lanham 2006.

Geiringer K., Brahms as a Musicologist, “The Musical Quarterly” 69 (1983), No. 4.

Hancock V., Brahms’s Performances of Early Choral Music, “19th-Century Music” 8 (1984), No. 2.

Haselböck M., Liszt’s Organ Works, “The American Organist” 20 (1986), No. 7.

Horne W., Through the Aperture: Brahms’s “Gigues”, WoO 4, “The Musical Quarterly” 86 (2002), No. 3.

Kendall R., Brahms’s Knowledge of Bach’s Music, “Papers of the American Musicological Society” [5] (1941).

Lisecki W., Vademecum muzycznej „ars oratoria”, “Canor” 1993, No. 6.

Littlewood J., The Variations of Johannes Brahms, London 2004.

Musgrave M., The Music of Brahms, New York 1985.

Owen B., The Organ Music of Johannes Brahms, New York 2007.

Pascall R., Brahms Beyond Mastery: His “Sarabande and Gavotte”, and its Recompositions, Farnham 2013.

Sholes J., Lovelorn Lamentation or Histrionic Historicism? Reconsidering Allusion and Extramusical Meaning in the 1854 Version of Brahms’s B-Major Trio, “19th-Century Music” 34 (2010), No. 1.

Walther J.G., Musikalisches-Lexikon, Leipzig 1732.


Informacje: Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ, English Issues, Issue 39 (4/2018), s. 41-57

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



The Musical Rhetoric of the Baroque on the Example of Johannes Brahms’ Psalm XIII Op. 27


Akademia Muzyczna w Łodzi

Publikacja: 19.12.2018

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Miłosz Bazelak (Autor) - 100%

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