2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 2013

Licencja: Żadna

Zawartość numeru

Stefan M. Kwiatkowski

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 5 - 6

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Krzysztof Jakubiak

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 7 - 24

The article is a collection of thoughts and ideas of the most prominent educational thinkers of the period concerned. The aim of the text is to introduce the reader to the most important objectives of education through work and educational demands related to work.

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Stanisław Kaczor

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 25 - 29

The article presents the views of S. Kierkegaard on work and other humanistic values. The author also refers to the views of Polish philosophers, who also dealt with the issue of work. The purpose of this article is to encourage the reader to further „studies” on philosophical meaning of their work.

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Joanna M. Łukasik

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 31 - 44

This paper is focused on the value of work in human life and its social dimension in the social thought of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski. The discussion oscillates around three main ideas emerging from Wyszynski’s vision of work, namely: the value of what underlies being a man of work, the work itself and social importance of human rights arising from the work. 

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Waldemar Furmanek

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 45 - 59

The article discusses issues related to the value of human work. Work is considered as something more than just gaining revenues. Most of all, it carries multiple values which allows individuals to strive for self-development and improvement of his or her personality. Through work individual not only produces material goods, but also introduces intended and valuable changes in his or her environment. Working people should have a sense of dignity and freedom, be aware of their freedom, responsibility and sensitivity to their humanity subjected to the test of time in the phenomena of work. The article is an overview of the concept of work in terms of ethics.

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Zdzisław Wołk

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 61 - 73

:Working with the human imposes on him (as an employee) specific tasks, regardless of what area of work is conducted. Social Care and Social Work relate to people struggling with various life problems that they are not able to cope with alone. Helping them requires showing a high level of work culture, especially with high responsibility, which must not be limited only to the final results. Responsibility is closely related to an active approach to various aspects of the social worker’s executed role. 

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Katarzyna Białożyt

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 75 - 87

Th e labour market is dominated by young and resourceful people and that is why people aged 50 and above, especially women, do have problems fi nding or changing a job. Our country presents the lowest in Europe index of job off ers addressed to 50+ people. People aged 50 and above seem to be marginalised in Poland, especially on the labour market, regardless of their gender. 

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Andrzej Zwoliński

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 89 - 110

Nowadays, it seems that economics penetrated every single area of human life. In addition to the desire of individuals to possess material goods and an increasing number of objects, which puts them at the appropriate level of the social ladder, more and more often we deal with the phenomenon of family treatment as a part of cultural exchange. This article highlights the problem of treating children as property, commodity, which you can offer to others, in relation to children born and unborn, in the area of trade in semen, commerce adoption, trafficking in children. This situation is present mainly in poor countries, where it is considered as a tool of economic rescue for the family: intended for work work, for sale, prostitution and sent to the street to beg. At the same time the child comes to the „specific” economic investment, the profits of which parents receive in the future. Therefore, it is important to highlight the problem of „child as a commodity” in the modern literature and scientific discussions.

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Danuta Waloszek

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 111 - 137

The article presents various aspects of taking care of a child. Made an analysis of the child’s position in the individual epochs. The author conducted analysis of the child’s position across centuries. The summary is aimed at persuading the reader to in-depth reflection on the modern image of education and child care.

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Norbert G. Pikuła

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 139 - 151

Poland, like many European countries, is moving away from a welfare state thus it is essential to focus on the effective use of social work, which aims to encourage individuals and groups to change their life situation. Social assistance clients with the support of social workers are taking action to permanently become independent and overcome the crisis. The process of promoting and strengthening the correct attitudes to life in social work, in addition to relevant laws and regulations, is determined by the relationship that is formed between the social worker and the client. Undoubtedly, the basis for effective and proper relationship is assistance in the essential process of interpersonal communication which includes feedback as significant part of it.

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Dominika Sozańska

Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, s. 153 - 166

This paper provides a possible answer to the question of why so few people with disabilities enter the labor market. Introductory remarks on the importance of work and being employed in human life are followed by different definitions of disability. By reference to the basic facts about employing people with disabilities in Poland, the author identifies and examines the obstacles that make it difficult for a disabled person to get a job. Along with architectural barriers in the workplace and unfavorable attitude of the employers, there is another factor that narrows down the range of job offers available to disabled individuals: an average level of education in this group of people, comparing to others, is lower. As a consequence, job and life opportunities for this social group remain significantly limited. 

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