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Volume 58, Issue 1 (221)

Mediatyzacja życia – zjawisko i konteksty

2015 Next

Publication date: 15.05.2015

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Kajtoch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Secretary Ryszard Filas

Issue Editors Michał Drożdż, Jerzy Smoleń

Issue content

Michał Drożdż

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 1 - 16


The mediatization of the human life space is a consequence of both: the progress of media technologies and mass scale and pluralism of the media. This analysis is an attempt to show some aspects of mediatization processes of life, which I understand as a multi-faceted phenomenon in social communication using technical tools of symbolic forms of communication. These analyzes are probing scientific poll of this phenomenon based on both: empirical knowledge about the processes of technological change in the media, as well as based on the media theory and on the philosophical concepts of contemporary media space.

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Ignacy S. Fiut

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 17 - 31


Ontology of communication. A project

This article is an attempt to construction of project ontology of communicaton in the context of new communication technologies. The author prefers the evolutionary approach to describe the phenomenon of communication. Ontology communication draws attention to the role of the apparatus of human perception and the impact of media technologies to strengthen its operation. Analyzes contained in the article refer to the concept of an evolutionary model of Karl R. Popper’s epistemological and the concept of the so-called soft determinism, that is, the model construction of the “alternative media” Paul Levinson. In the context of these concepts author presents his own attempt to ontology of communication.

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Bernadetta Cich

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 32 - 48


The technological progress which dynamizes the process of mediatization, makes communication become transformed. Its main feature becomes imagery and rhetoricalness. Communiques are built on the basis of image and features of image which is a carrier of various functions, where the rhetorical persuasion is the main function. The present considerations are an analysis of examples of signs of mediatization of man and society as a phenomenon which is founded on the object of communiques formulated by man by means of digital media and communiques built without their contribution. A common feature of these acts of communication is imagery which seems to be a perennial tendency of the human mind and is visible already on the level of the language of words. Reflexions are a certain proposal of a direction of research of mediatization and many possible aspects, in which this process reveals itself, as well as contexts and interpretative prisms of rhetorical-philosophical conceptions.

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Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 49 - 59


The aim of the article is to answer the question about the nature of the mediatization of everyday life which occurs through mobile media: smartphones and tablets and dedicated applications. Many spheres of peoples lives is subject to mobile mediatization and its regimes. Handheld devices accompany the increasingly wider spectrum of our activity. At the same time different activities intersect, overlap, and therefore hybridizes. It leads to a situation in which it is difficult to separate them from each other. Crossing applications (e.g. through their functionality or content) support this situation. The mediatization takes place through applicatization of everyday life. It can be analyzed using the concepts of textures and regimes of mediatization formulated by André Jansson. Selected areas of everyday human activity was tested using this tool.
At the same time three textures of applicatized mobile communication, corresponding to different regimes: hybridization, multi-tasking and sharing were isolated and analyzed. The context of commercialization was included and a critical picture of the phenomena was highlighted.

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Malwina Popiołek

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 60 - 71


Nowadays, the importance of social media in our life is rapidly growing. Especially popular are social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram. The article: Social network sites in the web space describes briefly social media, especially social network sites, and its role in our everyday life. It also describes how and why we use social network sites, and also what kind of risks (such as fear of missing out) we can experience because of that. The article is trying to answer the question if nowadays social network sites using is a choice or a necessity.

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Agnieszka Ogonowska

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 72 - 88


The article presents some models of information and media competence in relation to psychological and sociological theories and areas of application of these competencies in various areas of social life of the individual.

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Wiesława Woźniak

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 89 - 101


The issues of moral order in a globalized communication world have special significance. The participation of the media in shaping it remains undisputed. Mediatization paradoxes perceived in the media oppression with their coincident positive valorization (information and knowledge, entertainment and fun) make the issue of demonstrating its complexity problematic. They are, after all, public service media, whose patterns are directly reflected in the practiced morality. The question whether/how it is possible to care about values in the mediasphere is a guiding principle of this reflection. In search of possible topics of its penetration I address the sender – receiver relation, reaching to the determinants which shape moral attitudes. In an attempt to define and expose them I concentrate on the issue of responsibility, in my opinion a primary category, whose optics allows us to determine the area of desired values, both individual and community ones. Built as a result of critical thinking and collectivization of knowledge it helps to shape moral sensibility. Analyzing the attitude of the journalist arising from their role I place the problem of axiological consequences in individual and social dimensions. I note that ethical reflection understood as a reflection on what we are doing, as a result of understanding the moral qualifications adopted in the interaction, leading to the formation of self-knowledge, enables shaping oneself as a moral entity. It opens areas of social solidarity and cooperation, expressed in the commitment and care by “being for”. The background of the article is a brief characteristics of mediatized reality based on selected sociophilosophical and communicological diagnoses (eg. Bauman, Beck, Bourdieu and Sloterdijk) supplemented with the ideas of Rorty and MacIntyre. The analyses of mediasphere by Vattimo and Castells constitute an important system of references. They are completed by a generalized description of the continually modified media offer, in which the receiver – the user and creator of the media at the same time, exposes his targeted or imposed choices. In such an organized narrative the sender is being examined through the prism of journalistic duties and their possible execution significantly determining certain interpretations of the proposed messages.

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Weronika Madryas-Kowalska

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 102 - 113


The shape of modern PR, beyond social and organizational networking and hypertextuality, is also influenced by new new media. A specialist in public relations, when conducting discourse with the environment in a professional manner, not only cannot ignore the new new media, but must exist in it and also earn favor and trust of the users. It is these users that make the new media community. Membership to this community allows the individuality of its members to be saved. The ability to expose opinions and personality is an important feature of new new media, which a public relations specialist can skillfully use in the information management process. A contemporary PR specialist open to technological progress takes part in the creation of new new media. In this area, discourse has a dynamic character and the engagement of interlocutors does not allow for passivity. Passivity, however, may cause exclusion from the new media community. Existence and survival in new new media requires constant activity from an entity. The reward for this effort and also for the care for the course of dialogue is the effective management of the selected “crowd” within communication competence.

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Mariusz Makowski

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 114 - 126


In mass communication specialist is put in a particular role, the person who will be a bridge between the world of insiders and reality of laymen. Experts provide journalists “raw material” which is then treated the characteristic way for the type of media (press, radio, television).
The result of this processing specialist content is specified media product, often far away from what was the spirit and intent of reviewed expert. The content of this article is the analysis of these transformations on the basis of selected case studies, as well as more general reflection on the participation of scholars in the social discourse through the media. The procedure of evaluation, enabling verification of such person in the media was also pointed.

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Anna Lusińska

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 127 - 141


Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) are becoming increasingly popular. One of the methods of ADR are mediations. They consist in making an attempt to reach a settlement or a mutually satisfactory resolution of a conflict through mediation – a third party, which is neutral towards all parties and subject of the conflict, designed to help work out a compromise. The survey conducted by the Ministry of Justice proved that mediation is not very well known by the Poles. The main reason for the lack of interest in this method of dispute resolution is insufficient knowledge among justice practitioners and the general public. In the absence of sufficient knowledge, lack of social acceptance for the extra-judicial settlement of disputes is also apparent. The Ministry of Justice decided to change this state in the government of PO in late 2011 and 2012, emphasizing the importance of this problem with a national, educational and informational social campaign, which circulated in the mass media and was entitled: You have the right to mediation.

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Jerzy Smoleń

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 142 - 150


We live in times when the mystery of human’s death and life becomes a big, almost every day’s subject to present means of social communication. The private observation of a media report shows us that this is a matter which is worth describing and discussing as it meets with great resonance on receivers not only due to writing it in periodization human’s development as a final stage but also due to prism of the issue’s commercialization. Each situation is a good opportunity to make the receiver associated with the subject matter. However, the way of its presentation makes a lot of objections in many scientific environments. The subject to death is given very rarely in mass media deepen by philosophical-religious reflection which is so important to proper human’s development. It is rather presented in violence images, murders, catastrophes, wars, conflicts or lately numerous terroristic attacks, which on the one hand arouses fear, on the other hand because of high mass media frequency makes the receiver accustomed to the view of death. And it leads to the receiver’s becoming indifferent. The man starts living as if death would be around him and using defense mechanisms tries to protect himself against accepting still painful for him truth about its finiteness and transience. Meanwhile, death is written in human’s existence independently of his worldview.

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Karolina Albińska

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 151 - 166


Morning show, understood as a specific radio megagenre, since its dawn has tried to inscribe in the listeners’ environment of life by adjusting to the rhythm of their day but also by shaping their daily routines. This article analyses the origins of the identity of this type of programmes which date back to the times of the Golden Age of the American radio broadcasting. On the background of technological, economic and social conditioning of the era, it shows their historical changes in the years 1920-1950 of the XX c. However, the description of this evolution – from the morning shows with the underspecified “anatomy” and vague existence in the ether to the preforms such as participation programs – may be treated as a prelude to the understanding of the tendencies that determine the existence of the contemporary sequential broadcasts that are transmitted by radio at dawn.

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Agnieszka Łukasik-Turecka

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 167 - 175


In light of the selection criteria for the media for broadcasting advertisements, radio satisfies only some of them. These include: the possibility of repeating the message, low unit cost of the opportunity to hear the message or the mood in which the message is received. These criteria seem especially created for the radio as an advertising medium, including election advertisements. On the other hand, the radio satisfies the following criteria only to a negligible extent: probability that the message will be noticed or duration of the product life cycle. The satisfaction of the remaining criteria largely depends on the character of a radio station. Nevertheless, it seems that the advantages of auditory (radio) election advertising and the radio itself as its medium defend it against its total elimination from the tools of political communication during election campaigns. Auditory (radio) advertising will never again be the principal medium but rather one that will accompany other campaign activities. Yet it is still so significant that few will deliberately give it up.


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Wojciech Furman

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 176 - 190


A play between politicians and journalists takes place on several levels, from basic services of press spokespersons, through a competition for attention, up to sophisticated techniques of spin and counter-spin. Politicians taking advice of public relations specialists and journalists form a common environment. Therefore a disturbing question arises, if one can tell the cases of biased, engaged journalism from the cases of biased, engaged public relations activities? A formal selection criterion seems to be quite simple: public relations specialists are subordinated to the management of an organization while journalists are free from such obligations. In this article an additional criterion was applied: public relations models by Grunig and Hunt were compared to models of journalism, which are based on different levels of influencing receivers. Publications of two Polish weeklies of opinion from the fourth quarter of 2012 were examined. The method of research was content analysis.

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Katarzyna Drąg (Lachowicz)

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 191 - 201


The text concerns a question of journalistic ethics from its historical perspective. Journalism and literature of the second half of 19th c. contains many references to the essence of journalistic professional code. The focus of analysis is on playwright, novelist, journalist and publisher – Michał Bałucki. The article uses his work as an example of meeting point of the noble ethics with the ethics of the new generation of professional journalists. This is an important moment for journalist of the 19th c. Retrospective look at this kind of reflections from that period is an attempt of analyses one of the stages of development of ideas about the essence of journalism in general.

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Renata Szczepaniak

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), 2015, pp. 202 - 211


The Internet communication, including so-called cross-cultural communication, is undoubtedly technologically determined, but also shaped by the “premodern” social relations which were characterized by the dominance of individualism, referring to a sense of collective responsibility not to traditional reference groups (such as the state, the nation, the family and the Church), but to other, more precursory units of an unspecified nature (so-called “new tribes”, human communities of informal nature, the existence of which maintains a network of emotional dependence, comp. Michel Maffesoli (1988). The Time of the Tribes: The Decline of Individualism in Mass Society). However, it remains just as diverse as “offline” communication: it depends primarily on the social, cultural and psychological circumstances of its participants. The contemporary Internet promotes the technological development of cross-cultural social relations, allows for the formation of new social ties, but has no significant effect on their shape and their content.

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Słowa kluczowe: mediatization of the life, the mass media, new media, media axiology, communication, the space of media, interpersonal communication, human and media, ontology of communication, new media, philosophy of communication, human perception, Paul Levinson, Carl Popper, media technologies, mediatization of the life, new media, rhetoric of the image, philosophy of the image, communication, human and the image, communication through images, mediatization, crossing applications, mobile mediatization, mobile media, hybridization, new media, André Jansson, social network sites, Facebook, MySpace, nk.pl, social media, Fear of missing out, FoMO, Information Literacy and media education, media, human resource, a new humanism, barriers to learning, moral discourses of mediatization, mediasphere, mediatization, new media, media studies, media ethics, information society, new media, information, communication, information management, public relations, expert, media, journalist, education, image, mediation, mass media, social campaigns, civic education, dying, death, mass media, media death images, radio, radio journalism, morning show, media, radio programmes, media civili-zation, auditory election advertising, tools of political communication, election campaign, journalism, public relations, Polityka, Uważam Rze, politicians, media content, newspapers, media ethics, Michał Bałucki, journalism, ethos, literature, reportage, Internet, media, new media, network, social media, media culture