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Volume 56, Issue 2 (214)

2013 Next

Publication date: 24.09.2013

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Kajtoch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Secretary Ryszard Filas

Issue content

Walery Pisarek

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 193 - 203


This paper focuses on the particular role of the mass media research in transformation of the post-Yaltan world political system, in 1960–1990 and in particular in the seventies. The role of the inspirer, organizer and transmitter of the idea of solving social and political problems with the use of the mass media was played by the UN and UNESCO. They made communication research one of the most important and politically most infl uential disciplines among social sciences. The conference in Montreal, organized by Unesco in June 1969, has become the foundation stone for the worldwide political career of mass communication research. Very active participation of media researchers in the world discourse on communication contributed later to the adoption, by the UNESCO General Conference, in 1978, of the “Media Declaration”, and, in consequence, to the MacBride Commission and the creation of its Report, then to the “International Program for the Development of Communication” (IPDC). Communication research in the seventies contributed, arguably, to the acceptance of the compromise solutions of the 3rd basket of the Final Act of the CSCE, which opened the first legal clefts to the uncontrolled two direction flow of information in the Soviet monolith hermetic system. In this regard, one can say that Everything started in Montreal in 1969 – the paper concludes.
The paper was presented on the plenary session of the International Conference “Matters of Journalism: Understanding Professional Challenges and Dilemmas”, organized by the Polish Communication Association and the University of Gdańsk, in Gdańsk 14 September, 2012.

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Mateusz Zapała

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 204 - 237


The polish comic book market between years 1989 and 2010
The article discusses the comic book market in Poland in 1989–2010. The author tried to determine both its size and progress dynamics. The key elements of the paper are Polish comic publishers, e.g. Egmont Polska (Egmont Poland), Kultura Gniewu (Wrath’s Culture), Mandragora, Japonica Polonica Fantastica, and their most important titles. The article includes almost all forms of comic book publishing, such as European, American and Asian comic albums and books, comic magazines, children magazines, in which cartoons and funnies prevail. The paper do not analyze comic strips published in newspapers. The article is supported by numerical data. The study contains also author’s own defi nition of the comic book market.

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Michał Wilczewski

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 238 - 258


Facet analysis of press texts as the method for reconstructing the ways of profiling global events (on the basis of the Polish and American news on operation ‘Odyssey Dawn’ in Libya)
The “text – reality” relation in the process of creating media reality was studied on the basis of the linguistic material excerpted from the press. The ways of profi ling events and evaluating participants of these events made the object of our research. The textual profi ling of the ‘Odyssey Dawn’ operation, by chosen Polish and American dailies, was discussed.
Gazeta Wyborcza presented not only the role of the USA as a coalition leader, but also stressed the important role of France and Britain in the operation, additionally offering the Arab point of view. Rzeczpospolita presented a large number of negative opinions of the opponents of the operation.
The Washington Post showed a considerable interest in the role of the USA in the conflict and also in the reaction of the Arab world. On that basis, a polarization of participants emerged: the West world vs. the Arab world. In the Washington Times the main emphasis was put on the American viewpoint, and the standpoints of other coalition members appeared to be of marginal importance.
The quantitative axiological analysis of the participants of the event showed that the evaluating opinions were negative in majority. Conservative dailies focus on the negative aspects of participants whereas the liberal ones counterbalance them with positive opinions.

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Andrzej Kaliszewski

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 259 - 284


“4th Infantry Regiment (“Czwartacy”) way from Ostrowiec to Lithuania” by Władysław Orkan is one of the most valuable and interesting war reportages showing Polish war efforts in World War I, the legend of Polish Legions and commandant Piłsudski. Orkan was himself a flagbearer in the 4th Infantry Regiment called “Czwartacy”, and this experience allowed him to present a part of the successful Austro-German military campaign (with the participation of Polish Legions) against the Russian army in 1915. The battles of Majdan Borzechowski and Jastków marked this campaign.
This extensive reportage surprises us with the dynamic and diverse structure of battle scenes, realistic presentation of the everyday army life (i.e. in the spirit of human interest) as well as a careful and piercing observation of war effects concerning civilians, towns and villages, with their architecture and nature particularly. A disadvantage of the work is its excessive language dependence on Young Poland (Polish Neoromanticism) style.

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Justyna Dobrołowicz

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 285 - 307


This article presents the results of the content analysis of 115 texts concerning school and education published in Polish opinion weeklies in 2009–2010. The analysis allowed the author to answer research questions:
1. What kind of linguistic means are used in the press educational discourse?
2. Which themes are prevalent in the analysed magazines?
3. What are the possible effects of such discourse on education?

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Anna Wileczek

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 308 - 320


Mediality of Youthspeak
The article concerns the problems in the functioning of youth sociolect in the cultural space. This expressive and playful linguistic register has gained popularity not only as a ‘speech of youth’, but also as a specific ‘code’ used to express a postmodern lifestyle, associated with the cult of youth, fun, dynamics, openness to different cultural practices. As such, it operates along the lines of “acceptative modes of expression” both in media discourse (eg. press, advertising, political, celebrity) and in artistic and paraartistic texts (eg. literary works, song lyrics, film forms, skits). In this context, an important question appears – whether youth speak and youth sociolect are still the same phenomenon?

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Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 321 - 331

  • Arkadiusz Lewicki: Od House’a do Shreka. Seryjność w kulturze popularnej (Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska),
  • Małgorzata Lisowska -Magdziarz: Pasażer z tylnego siedzenia. Media, reklama i wychowanie w społeczeństwie konsumpcyjnym (Justyna Dobrołowicz),
  • Dorota Degen, Marcin Żynda (red.): Nie po myśli władzy. Studia nad cenzurą i zakresem wolności słowa na ziemiach polskich od wieku XIX do czasów współczesnych (ajc)
  • Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej nr 1 (29), 2012 (Adam Bańdo)
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Igor Mostowicz

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 2 (214), 2013, pp. 332 - 333

Konferencja naukowa  „Polski system medialny. Migracje do cyberprzestrzeni” Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, 21–22 maja 2013 roku

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