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Volume 61, Issue 2 (234)

2018 Next

Publication date: 2018

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Kajtoch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Secretary Ryszard Filas

Issue Editors Ryszard Filas, Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa

Issue content

Teresa Sasińska-Klas

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 160 - 176


The article attempts to summarize the twenty-years scientifi c and educational achievements of the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication operating at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University. The subject of the detailed analysis is the structure and scientifi c profi le of the unit shown in evolutionary perspective. In addition, the student initiatives of UJ journalist students such as the “MediaTory” journalism contest and the photo “Depth Contest” competition were signifi cant for the national environment.

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Monika Wawer

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 177 - 190


This article examines how automation is used by news organizations in creating content and how it infl uences current journalistic models, professionalism and ethical issues. The analysis is based on series of interviews with key managerial staff, editors and developers at news organizations in which automation is implemented in news production process.

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Magdalena Szpunar

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 191 - 200


Setting a demarcation line between narcissism, let’s call it endogenous, and culturally conditioned – let us call it exogenous, is extremely diffi cult. It seems that both internal predispositions and cultural determinants are equally important in this case. Although it is diffi cult to say what is primary and what is secondary, whether a narcissistic individual shapes a narcissistic culture, or narcissistic culture implies an increase in narcissistic behavior, one seems to be certain – the internet is particularly responsible for the intensifi cation of narcissistic personality traits, which indicates many authors. In this article, we will try to bend over the properties of new media, which in a special way may be responsible for the processes of shaping the culture, which I propose to defi ne as the culture of digital narcissism.

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Wojciech Furman

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 201 - 208


There are statements that social media close the audience in information bubbles and that we live in conditions of excess media coverage. Such statements are not new at all. Only the social media are new. As long as the media are new and little-known, it is easy to convince the recipients about the strong impact of media messages.

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Magdalena Hodalska

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 209 - 223


In 2015 almost 3000 refugees died trying to cross the Sea to Europe. 3-year-old Alan Kurdi was one of them. Together with his mother and brother, the boy drowned when a boat carrying migrants sank at dawn of September 2, 2015. His body was found on a Turkish beach, where Nilüfer Demir took memorable pictures of the boy and a policeman  cradling Alan in his arms. The photos appeared on front pages around the world, in news and social media. The toddler has become a tragic human face of the humanitarian crisis, a symbol, an icon, an emblem, and emotional vehicle allowing thousands of Internet users to express their grief and outrage and manifest their compassion through sharing the dramatic images of Alan and creating their own stories about the boy’s afterlife. Visual metaphors generated in this unprecedented way provide us with insight into the sentiments of media consumers, who watch the evening news and create their own narratives refl ecting their feelings about Europe’s refugee crisis. Extremely strong  emotional response of social media users who shared and disseminated the images of Alan, hash tagged #Humanity Washed Ashore, is the focus of my paper which demonstrates how Internet users manifest their views and express what words cannot express, resorting to metaphorical representations that can be discussed in terms of  storytelling. My study investigates how the stories created by media audiences go beyond the narratives prevalent in traditional media and what it tells us about Compassion 2.0, fear, grief, anger and other emotions in the digital age.

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Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 224 - 246


Media participation in a political process is analyzed thanks to mediatization of politics and media coverage. Quantitative and qualitative content analysis let verify whether they exist in Polish weekly magazine and how strong is this phenomenon. Three concepts: mediatization of politics, media coverage of politics, and entrenched journalism (or it  lacks) act together. Weekly opinion magazine market in Poland is a good example of external media pluralism. In a comparison with other media markets, de-professionalization of journalism is going slowly. However, the weekly magazines differ among them signifi cantly in a case of a level of professionalism and journalistic culture, they represent a vast scale of political preferences, ideologies, norms and values from the left to the right.

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Andrzej Meler, Radosław Sojak, Anna Piechocka

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 247 - 269


Drawing upon the data on the presence of politicians in the most infl uential television and radio political programmes, the article examines the changes in the representation of political parties during political breakthroughs and crisis periods. The analysis is based on quantitative data and indicators and covers period from January 2016 until October 2017. The analysis revealed following changes occurring in those special periods: increasing politicisation of discourse; general preference of ruling parties to visit public broadcasters while at the same time signifi cant increase in presence of opposition politicians with private broadcasters; increase in presence of party leaders and most recognisable politicians.

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Agnieszka Wszołek, Paweł Płaneta

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 270 - 298


The media reception of the way of given country’s running internal affairs policy is not without an infl uence on the country’s image – and its soft power effi ciency – abroad. The aim of the article is to present the results of the survey on the structure of discursive image of Poland present in the La Nación in 2004–2016. An analysis performed in this  research was the lexical analysis of the daily’s content gathered in the text corpus (3622 articles). The results of statistical evaluations were the words frequency lists, the analysis of certain words concordances and collocations. The effect of such procedure was the reconstruction of important words co- -occurrences and common patterns. In this phase of the survey the units of analysis were words, so the intensity of the analyzed text attributes were measured by the number and percentage range of certain words. The next phase of the survey was the computer-assisted content analysis (CACA). Finally, as a result of factor analysis, the structure of the discourse on Poland in La Nación was reduced to the strongest factors determining which different (detailed) categories have the tendency to co-occur and that is why they create easily distinguishable confi guration. Changes in how Poland is described were presented on four periods of different governments.

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Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 299 - 315


The aim of this article is to discuss the crucial ideas of the press reform introduced in 1836 by Émile de Girardin. It signifi cantly changed not only the way of thinking about the function of  mass media in France, but also it had an infl uence on the press in other European countries. The research focuses on the reception of this reform in Poland, discussed in the 19th century by such authors as Adam Mickiewicz, Józef Ignacy Kraszewski and Leon Rzewuski. In the article the author asks which elements of the French reform seemed to be particularly important to Polish writers and journalists, which cases they found impossible to reproduce in Poland and what was the reason of it.

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Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 316 - 326


Władysław Umiński (1865–1954) was a well-known writer, publicist and popularizer of science.  He has written dozens of travel, adventure and science-fi ction novels, as well as nume rous brochures and popular science articles. The article presents activity of Władysław Umiński in the fi eld of popularization of natural and technical sciences in the  press in the end of XIXth  century, beginnings of XXth century and interwar period. Examples of Władysław Umiński’s publications and his pr edictions about future technological progress are given. The travel and science-fi ction novels of Władysław Umiński were also used by him to popularize knowledge about the world and technology. In his novels he presented visions of the development of technology,  especially the transport and communication. Currently, Władysław Umiński’s popular science publications has been almost completely forgotten.

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Krzysztof Stępniak

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 327 - 341


The main scientifi c objective of this article is to show the difference between religious advertising  and the other types of advertising (commercial advertising, social advertising, political advertising). The text includes the defi nition of religious advertising in the area of media science. Author’s refl ections are based on the literature of the subject and his own empirical studies on the phenomenon of religious advertising carried out in the Laboratory of Medial Studies of the University of Warsaw in 2016.

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Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 342 - 353

Wojciech Kajtoch: Szkice polonistyczno-rusycystyczne (Michał Wilczewski), s. 342;

Monika Wawer, Maciej Kuciel: Reporter w przebraniu (Katarzyna Pokorna-Ignatowicz), s. 349;

Jerzy Jarowiecki: Czasopisma dla dzieci i młodzieży oraz prasa młodzieżowa w Polsce w latach 1918–2000 (Mateusz Flont), s. 350.

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Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), 2018, pp. 354 - 358

Z Rocznika Historii Prasy Polskiej. Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej 2015, t. 18, nr 1
(37), nr 2 (38) (Adam Bańdo)

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