The reform of the press by Émile de Girardin and its Polish repercussions
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEReforma prasy Émile’a de Girardin i jej polskie reperkusje
Publication date: 28.10.2018
Media Research Issues, 2018, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), pp. 299-315
Reforma prasy Émile’a de Girardin i jej polskie reperkusje
The reform of the press by Émile de Girardin and its Polish repercussions
The aim of this article is to discuss the crucial ideas of the press reform introduced in 1836 by Émile de Girardin. It signifi cantly changed not only the way of thinking about the function of mass media in France, but also it had an infl uence on the press in other European countries. The research focuses on the reception of this reform in Poland, discussed in the 19th century by such authors as Adam Mickiewicz, Józef Ignacy Kraszewski and Leon Rzewuski. In the article the author asks which elements of the French reform seemed to be particularly important to Polish writers and journalists, which cases they found impossible to reproduce in Poland and what was the reason of it.
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Information: Media Research Issues, 2018, Volume 61, Issue 2 (234), pp. 299-315
Article type: Original article
Reforma prasy Émile’a de Girardin i jej polskie reperkusje
The reform of the press by Émile de Girardin and its Polish repercussions
Institute of Journalism and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University
Published at: 28.10.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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