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Volume 56, Issue 4 (216)

2013 Next

Publication date: 07.03.2014

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Kajtoch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Secretary Ryszard Filas

Issue content

Tomasz Mielczarek

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 4 (216), 2013, pp. 461 - 476


The purpose of the article is to analyse missionary tasks carried out by TVP SA. The author inclines towards a conclusion that for many years this television has been set an unworkable task of executing a public mission using means specific to commercial broadcasters. This leads to the fact that TVP SA focuses mainly on productions guaranteeing high ratings and thus interest of advertisers. Programmes which execute the mission of a public broadcaster are pushed out of prime time or end up on thematic channels. They give way to banal and easy-watching productions to which some elements of the mission can only be attributed with extremely good will. Market conditions are the reason why Polish public television performs its statutory tasks to a lesser and lesser extent, while fi ghting for audience. Even consecutive chairmen of TVP SA have doubts whether such actions are advisable and see the chance for reconstructing missionary functions of public broadcaster mainly in a statutory allocation of funds for executing the public mission by TVP SA.

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Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 4 (216), 2013, pp. 477 - 494


The article raises the issue of Polish breakfast television. Two programmes of this genre: Question at Breakfast and Good Morning TVN have been researched thoroughly. The first of them has been broadcast by TVP2 since the year 2002, the other one has been present in the schedules of a commercial TV station – TVN – since the year 2005. The author tries to describe the above-mentioned programmes and answer the questions: 1) With what sort of contents do the editorial staff fill nearly 2.5 hours of broadcast time? as well as 2) How does the balance between regular categories constituting the studied programmes and the subject matter concern various life spheres? The author also tries to answer these questions: 3) Do contents of Question at Breakfast and Good Morning TVN correspond to the audience watching them? and 4) How does the construction of such programmes fulfill the function of a morning companion?

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Monika Wawer

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 4 (216), 2013, pp. 495 - 508


The author considers the relation between the allowed and not-allowed creation in television documentary forms and asks the question about their boundaries. She provides not only some examples of programmes in which journalistic provocation and reconstruction of facts were used, but also those made in a traditional way. She points out the fact that the boundaries of creation in traditional feature programmes and television documentaries are little-known. She takes into consideration the question to what degree the process of preparation of facts for television narration infl uences the reported reality.
American television producers say that “Life is a bad television”. How to bring this statement together with the rules of non-fi ction formats?

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Media in the world

Urszula Kolberová

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 4 (216), 2013, pp. 509 - 526


This article shows the history of Polish-language media in the region of Zaolzie. The first section provides a brief overview of periodicals in the discussed region since the end of World War II until 2012. The next brings the story of newspaper Głos Ludu, magazine Zwrot and magazines for children and young Jutrzenka, Ogniwo and Nasza Gazetka, brings information about Polish-language news in radio Český rozhlas Ostrava, and Polish language news in programmes of regional TVs and Czech Television 1.

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Izabella Starzec-Kosowska

Media Research Issues, Volume 56, Issue 4 (216), 2013, pp. 527 - 552


The main subject of the paper is music programming on Wrocław TV, which has boasted for many years of being one of the most prolifi c regional music stations. Additionally, the development of music journalism on Wrocław TV is discussed.
The aim of the article is a detailed analysis of music programming on Wrocław TV from its beginnings until 2010 and its correlation with music journalism opportunities. The study is a part of the author’s PhD thesis entitled: ‘Music Journalism in Polish Television Wrocław in 1994–2010’.
The conclusions of the paper come from a critical analysis of available written and visual sources obtained from Wrocław TV materials. The main research material consists mainly of: minutes, resolutions, programme scenarios, plans, programme drafts, and broadcast schedules as well as KRRiT (National Broadcasting Council) reports and was obtained from TV archives and private sources. The detailed analysis of all those materials yielded substantial conclusions on the development of music programming on Wrocław TV during its activities as a public television.
The results of the research show a gradual reduction in the broadcasting of music and music programmes on Wrocław TV and consequently the decline in music journalism into a marginal specialism.

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