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Volume 58, Issue 4 (224)

2015 Next

Publication date: 19.02.2016

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Kajtoch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Secretary Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska

Issue content

Aleksander Kiklewicz

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 763 - 794

The author considers the processes of public communication, in particular of media communication, in the light of categories of semiotics and social psychology. The center of attention is the phenomenon of pragmatics without semantics, ie. dependence of the communication activities on the purpose of the persuasive influence and devaluation of the semantic information. Semantic infantilism is treated as a marginalization (both by the sender and the recipient) of the semantic information under the influence of the pragmatic factors, especially under the influence of the persuasive purpose. Among symptoms of semantic infantilism are: greater or lesser undecidability of the meaning of expression, lack of proper control over the semantic information, deconstruction of the expression, ie. distortion of its forms and structure. The author focuses in this article on the different types of semantic infantilism in the public discourses, namely, such as: 1) the semantic undecidability; 2) tunnel vision (particularly naive realism); 3) ontological/epistemic unrepresentativeness; 4) lack of semantic consistency; 5) redundancy and semantic satiation.
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Marcin Pielużek

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 795 - 828

The starting point of this article is Helmut Gipper’s conception of the ideological worldviews which states that worldviews incorporate definite outlook of life (mindset), beliefs, evaluations, norms and values. The main aim of the article is to explore the worldviews constructed by the far-left and far-right movements in their online publications. By adopting a communication perspective and by analyzing contexts and reconstructing the semantics of the most frequent words (key-words) the author tries to discover the patterns and regularities in the communication of the radical political movements, identify core elements of their identity and, on such basis, reconstruct key elements of their ideological worldviews. The author refers to the constructivist theories, conceptions of the linguistic as well as textual worldviews and uses the methods and techniques of the corpus linguistics.
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Jacek Dąbała

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 829 - 838


For the first time in contemporary media studies, the article presents how gamification targeted at business and quality profits may generate loss since it does not draw a line between journalistic and enterprise thinking. As a result, two thinking styles create ‘nobody’s land’, which professionally cultivated, may shape the quality of programmes and boost financial profits. Phenomenological and structural methods were used to analyze this process. The author argues that the modified perception of gamification may enhance the economic and more substantive chance for journalism.

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Arkadiusz Gut, Michał Wilczewski

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 839 - 859

This article presents an attempt to explicate the concept of Chinese Dream on the basis of the political thought and guidelines of Chinese President Xi Jinping, as well as to show the socio-political and cognitive context of its implementation, and its place in the philosophy of the Communist Party of China. Aside from the theoretical framework of the concept, the Chinese people’s opinions from social networking sites (huxiu.com, blogchina.com, sohu.com) and the Chinese edition ofFinancial Times will be provided. The second part of the article constitutes a textual reconstruction of the Chinese Dream in international press, taking into account such newspapers as New York Times, Financial Times, Global Times, Economist, China Digital Times, China Daily USA, South China Morning Post Columns.
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Władysław Marek Kolasa

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 860 - 882

This article contains a brief description of the development of Polish press in years 1832–1918. The main aim of the elaboration is to accurately determine its quantitative growth and territorial distribution. The research was conducted on the basis of analysis of all (including the newest) documentation sources. As a result of the research, it has been determined that in years 1832–1864 there had been 626 titles issued within the territory of Poland and the area of emigration, including 185 titles in the Russian Partition, 161 in the Austrian Partition, 130 in the Prussian district and 150 within the emigration territories. After the January Uprising, the development of Polish press became more rapid. In years 1864–1918, there had been 5886 titles printed in Polish. The highest number of titles was issued in Galicia (2323), then in the Russian Partition (2018), while the lowest number – in the Prussian province. Polish press was also issued within the lands of the occupants’ countries (371), 197 of which were in the Russian Empire, 125 in Germany and 49 in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Moreover, the press was released in 15 other countries (561 titles in total), the majority of which was in the United States (387), France (48), Switzerland (43), Brazil (28), and England (25). 
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Paweł Przybytek

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 883 - 904

Konstanty Srokowski, was an eminent Polish publicist of interwar period. In his two works: “The Bolshevik Elite” and “On The Red Olympus” he characterized the process of formation of the ruling group in the USSR, its ideology, ruling techniques and profiles of Soviet’s prominent people. There were a lot of different metaphors in his publications, however in those two mentioned above preponderate the metonyms and periphrases which are very useful in depicting phenomena and people. His postwar journalistic writing is more objective and balanced than the previous anti-Russian one he practiced during the First World War (and even before the war), hence, there are less animalizations and hyperbolic metaphors. After 1918 Srokowski retreated from open political activity and this caused the mitigation in his writings. He did not have any reason to virulently attack the Soviet Union. He aimed at objective description of this country and its elites.
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Remigiusz Kasprzycki

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 905 - 929

The image of Czechs in the journalism of the Second Polish Republic varied. Mainly due to the influence of political events. If in 1926–1934 Czechs were described favourably, then after 1934 their image strongly deteriorated. The unresolved Polish-Czech conflict relating to Zaolzie played a significant role here. Polish press watching the downfall of Czechoslovakia between October 1938 and March 1939 was jubilating and pointing out the cowardice of Czechs. The stereotype ofSchweiks, of nation giving up their independence without fighting was predominating in the Polish journalism at that time. Nevertheless, there were some Polish journalists who sympathized with Czechs and wrote about them in a different way. 
Slovaks were definitely more popular in 1918–1939. From the very beginning of Polish-Slovak brotherhood their spiritual union was emphasized (Catholicism, conservatism, etc.). Slovaks were described in the spirit of friendship but at the same time they were trifled with. The brotherly nation was neither historic nor competing with Poles. Special fondness towards Slovaks was observed in Polish journalism in the end of ’30s. However, during the formation of Slovakia the voice of criticism towards Slovaks was present in Poland, though this was not the voice of majority.
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Tomasz Mielczarek

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 930 - 938

The subject of this article is the content of a quarterly Zeszyty Prasoznawcze issued by the Press Research Centre of Jagiellonian University. The author analyzed 42 publications covering approximately 8,500 pages of print. He paid attention to the editorial staff lineup, team of authors and, above all, subject matter of the articles. Altogether, 1068 pieces (389 scientific articles, 
114 scientific materials, 413 reviews and 152 reports) were subjected to the analysis. The content ofZeszyty Prasoznawcze was dominated by authors from Cracow, mostly connected to the Press Research Centre of Jagiellonian University. The periodical, not avoiding international subject matter, mainly focused on researching classic printed press in Poland. It played a beneficial role in initiating, registering and evaluating press studies research, relatively widely informed about most important publications in media studies. Editor in chief, who proved to be an unusually prolific author in Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, had a significant influence on its content.
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Jagoda Bloch

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 939 - 958

The article deals with a reading technique applied in the main news programme in the Polish People’s Republic (PRL) – “Dziennik Telewizyjny” and an analysis of prosodic elements used for propaganda purposes in the news services in the 80’s of the 20th century. The author has chosen three types of messages: texts read out in the studio by speakers, comments to the news and reporters’ materials. Prosodic elements which exert the greatest influence on a propaganda nature of the message are as follows: intonation, accent and length. On the basis of the elements enumerated, a melodic line may be described as a monotonous one, similar to a natural line or expressive. A technique of reading a text was subject to evaluation of 120 respondents. Prosodic elements play a significant role in messages. If they are present in utterances in a limited quantity, they objectivise the content. Whereas, when they are used by speakers more frequently, they reveal the engagement of the speakers and emphasise the content contained in messages. On the basis of the analysis of prosodic elements it is possible to observe changing trends in reading techniques of the news services.
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Anna Karpińska

Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 959 - 973

The purpose of this article is to present the most important changes that in the last years have occurred in the branch of literature. These phenomena are discussed in the context of the influence of media on the literary form and content presented in literature. For this, some of the causes and effects of hybridization of media and literary genres were presented. Also, created in the last years at the intersection of literature and journalism, new genres and examples of non-conventional literature were characterized. This article is a part of a doctoral dissertation entitled “Literature and media. The idea of ‘interaction of discourses’”. The research was based on surveys conducted from September to December 2014. Both materials available on internet as well as in scientific journals and books dedicated to media and literature were used. The results of this study allowed to draw important conclusions concerning the issue. On this basis, the reading preferences of respondents as well as their approach to the changes in the literature were determined.
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Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 974 - 987

  • Sławomir J. Tabkowski: Gazeta Krakowska w antrakcie. Wspomnienia redaktora (Jerzy Pałosz), s. 976;
  • Zbigniew Rykiel, Jarosław Kinal (red.): Tożsamości wirtualne i komunikacja w przestrzeni społecznej internetu oraz tychże: Kultura i administracja w przestrzeni społecznej internetu (Maria Magoska, Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska), s. 979;
  • Wiesław Adam Koński: Dwa wieki prasy płockiej. Tom 1: 1810–1945 (ajc), s. 981;
  • Marek Mazur: Polityka z Twarzą. Personalizacja parlamentarnych kampanii wyborczych w Polsce w latach 1993–2011 (Agnieszka Hess) s. 982;
  • Dwugłos o książce Macieja Pacuły: Informacja: wolne dobro publiczne niechronione autorskoprawnie (Dariusz Baran, Ewa Nowińska) s. 984.
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Media Research Issues, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), 2015, pp. 988 - 1009

  • Sylwester Dziki – bibliograf, historyk mediów, prasoznawca (1932–2015) (Walery Pisarek) 990
  • Zeszyty Prasoznawcze – ostatnie zmiany i perspektywy (Wojciech Kajtoch) 993
  • Onomastyka medialna. Olsztyn, 22–23 października 2015 r. (Mateusz Flont) 998
  • Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Współczesne media – media informacyjne” Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin, 15–16 kwietnia 2015 roku (Mateusz Kasiak) 1003
  • W kręgu sporów o etykę mediów (Igor Mostowicz)
  • Z Rocznika Historii Prasy Polskiej (Adam Bańdo)
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