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Na melodię propagandy. O sposobie czytania dzienników telewizyjnych w latach 80. XX wieku

Publication date: 19.02.2016

Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), pp. 939-958



Jagoda Bloch
University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland
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Na melodię propagandy. O sposobie czytania dzienników telewizyjnych w latach 80. XX wieku


The article deals with a reading technique applied in the main news programme in the Polish People’s Republic (PRL) – “Dziennik Telewizyjny” and an analysis of prosodic elements used for propaganda purposes in the news services in the 80’s of the 20th century. The author has chosen three types of messages: texts read out in the studio by speakers, comments to the news and reporters’ materials. Prosodic elements which exert the greatest influence on a propaganda nature of the message are as follows: intonation, accent and length. On the basis of the elements enumerated, a melodic line may be described as a monotonous one, similar to a natural line or expressive. A technique of reading a text was subject to evaluation of 120 respondents. Prosodic elements play a significant role in messages. If they are present in utterances in a limited quantity, they objectivise the content. Whereas, when they are used by speakers more frequently, they reveal the engagement of the speakers and emphasise the content contained in messages. On the basis of the analysis of prosodic elements it is possible to observe changing trends in reading techniques of the news services.



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Information: Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 4 (224), pp. 939-958

Article type: Original article



Na melodię propagandy. O sposobie czytania dzienników telewizyjnych w latach 80. XX wieku


In a propagandist manner. Broadcasting the news in the 1980s


University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland

Published at: 19.02.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Jagoda Bloch (Author) - 100%

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