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Volume 64, Issue 1 (245)

2021 Next

Publication date: 01.03.2021

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Editorial team

Issue editor Magdalena Szpunar

Issue content

Małgorzata Laskowska

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 9 - 20



The main purpose of this article is to determine the extent to which the aesthetics of commu­nication is an expression of politeness. Particular attention will be paid here to the importance of the aesthetics of verbal and non-verbal communication. This research objective can be presented in the following specific questions: In what sense can the aesthetics of communication be a form of politeness in communication? How does the aesthetics of verbal and nonverbal communication manifest itself? The article is a literature review; therefore, the method of critical analysis of the subject literature was primarily used. The answers to the above-mentioned questions, obtained as a result of the conducted analysis allowed to recom­mend standards of being polite in communication, taking into account the aesthetic forms of communication.

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Agnieszka Szymańska

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 21 - 37


The role of the media in the planning and implementation of foreign policy has changed over time, depending on the technical capabilities of the media and the existing diplomatic paradigm. The aim of the article is to analyze the evolution that has taken place in these fields since the end of World War II in the context of the selected historical events. In recent decades, several stages of the development of mutual relations between the media and foreign policy can be distinguished, characterized by a specific system of influence and dependence of the media and diplomacy, which in certain periods in a specific political situation was characterized with varying intensity either by a clear domination of politics over the media or a clearly noticeable influence of the media message on politics. Which of the elements of the system was gaining the advantage at a given moment depended mainly on the current state of development of the communication technology and the applicable foreign policy paradigm.

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Jarosław Kinal

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 39 - 49


The modern way of using the media has changed the spatial structure and functions of the places of media reception. The aim of this article is to indicate the reception methods, the places of reception and the description of the rituals that accompany young people today when using the media. The article presents the results of the research conducted among secondary school students from Podkarpackie Voivodeship (in the South of Poland) in 2018. The study used a two-stage method of gathering the research material: 1) letters to directors of 14 randomly selected educational institutions were followed by (2) a request to fill in the questionnaire sent to students, using an open account on Facebook. The use of targeted search on Facebook made it possible to reach students who were actually members of the school’s community with the survey, the results of which made it possible to substantiate the hypotheses put forward in the process of conceptualization of research and constitute a contribution to further research on the phenomenon of rituals accompanying the perception of media content.

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Joanna Dukalska-Hermut, Ewelina Dziwak

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 51 - 61


The consistent increase of information is not directly proportional to the increase in attention. Despite the availability of infinite amounts of content, the human brain, working on ‘old software’ cannot cope with the excess. As a result, anxiety and depression are deepening, which negatively affects the condition of modern man. Perceptual constraints are the reason for poverty of attention with the simultaneous richness of content. The aim of the conducted research is to demonstrate the superior role of image over text and to present data journalism and infographics as a remedy for the ill-conceived perceptual limitations of the modern ‘new media’ users. Scientific publications on data journalism, information visualization, infographics, databases, and human perception is the primary research material in this publication. The research method used for this work was the content analysis and literature studies. The conducted research allowed the authors to draw conclusions assuming that data journalism is conducive to visualization and may become a way of reliable information provision.

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Dominik Kania

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 63 - 78


Many brands adopt sports into their storytelling campaigns. This trend can be noticed even if a brand’s operations or its products are not related to sport. Nevertheless, it seems to be an attractive platform to communicate with the audience and present specific values. The purpose of this paper is to explain the popularity of sport themes in brand’s storytelling. To unveil this notion, the relationship between sport industry, global business and the influence of sport on social processes is analysed. By examining the impact of sport rivalry on an individual, brands’ motives and the phenomenon of building stories based on sport events or athletes’ lives are explained. This study seeks to describe mechanisms that are used by brands, which strive to mark their presence in people’s lives through storytelling. The methodological approach taken in this paper is a mixed methodology based on critical analysis of existing studies in philosophy, economy, sociology, psychology, and examination of Procter&Gamble’s communication case study. The first part investigates the theoretical reasons for adopting sport into narratives to influence society and individuals. The next section proceeds to an example of the brand which based its storytelling communication on sport event and themes. The results of this study show multidimensional motives and benefits of adopting sport into storytelling. These are connected to different areas of human life and remain critical for brands’ strategies. This examination also confirms high popularity of sport motives in communication of brands that do not belong directly to sport industry and whose offer is not associated with sport at all.

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Media History

Paweł Sarna

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 79 - 94


The aim of the article is to analyze the ways of building credibility of the author in the articles published in two monthly magazines Spiritual Knowledge (Wiedza Duchowa) and Lotus (Lotos) in pre-war Poland. The magazines were in line with the trends of the time of the interwar period, combining esoteric themes with the latest scientific discoveries. Authors of the articles published in these periodicals skillfully referred to various types of authority - both scientific knowledge and other sources, including personal sources. The analysis of the research material was conducted from the perspective of strategic places in the press text, which made it possible to describe the ways of presenting various topics, the functions of the titles of the articles and the most common rhetorical means used for persuading readers.

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Marcin Krawczuk

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 95 - 104


The aim of the article is to present basic information about the newspaper Dīmokratīs, (Dημοκράτης) which was published in the years 1952–1983 in Poland (in the Polish People’s Republic) by the Greek and Macedonian community as their press organ. The article focuses on the role of this newspaper for its readers. It presents the results of the content analysis of the volumes of the newspaper preserved in the University of Warsaw Library, the collection of which is among the most complete in the country. The information taken directly from the newspaper were supplemeneted with data taken from the publications about the Greek-Macedonian diaspora in Poland and from bibliographies of the Polish post-war press. In the light of the conducted research it is clear that Dīmokratīs was very important for integrating the Greek-Macedonian diaspora and reflected its historical development. It is worth mentioning that so far Dīmokratīs has hardly been used in the books and publications on the Greek-Macedonian diaspora in Poland, whereas this article shows the various possibilities of conducting further research based on this unique material.

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Z życia naukowego

Agnieszka Całek

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 105 - 108

Jean M. Twenge: iGen. Dlaczego dzieciaki dorastające w sieci są mniej zbuntowane, bardziej tolerancyjne, mniej szczęśliwe – i zupełnie nieprzygotowane do dorosłości: i co to oznacza dla nas wszystkich, przeł. Olga Dziedzic. Smak Słowa. Sopot 2019, s. 384.

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Sławomir Doległo

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 109 - 112

Krzysztof Marcinkiewicz, Paweł Nowak, Dominika Popielec, Magdalena Wilk (red.): Koronawirus wyzwaniem współczesnego społeczeństwa. Media i komunikacja społeczna. Instytut Dziennikarstwa, Mediów i Komunikacji Społecznej UJ i Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej. Kraków–Wrocław 2020, s. 238.

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Bartosz Kicior

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 113 - 116

Magdalena Szpunar: Kultura algorytmów. Instytut Dziennikarstwa, Mediów i Komunikacji Społecznej UJ. Kraków 2019, s. 132.

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In memoriam

Ryszard Filas

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 125 - 126

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Ryszard Filas

Media Research Issues, Volume 64, Issue 1 (245), 2021, pp. 127 - 131

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