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Volume 67, Issue 4 (260)

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Publikacja płatna ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, stanowiących pomoc przyznaną w ramach programu „Rozwój czasopism naukowych” na podstawie umowy nr RCN/SP/0325/2021/1 z dnia 10.02.2023 r

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Editorial team

Issue editor Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Magdalena Hodalska

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Orcid Agnieszka Szymańska

Secretary Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska

Issue content

Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

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Stanisław Jędrzejewski

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

In an era where technological innovation is inevitable, public service media (PSM) confront unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The escalating pace of technological change has compelled these institutions to adapt, innovate, and transform to meet the evolving needs of the audience. This article analyses selected strategic initiatives public service media took to navigate the turbulent waters of technological disruption, ensuring their survival and relevance in a digitised world. The paper focuses on selected strategic responses adopted by PSM, avoiding any attempt to address the full complexity of the issue, for the sake of clarity and conciseness.
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Katarzyna Konarska

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

The aim of this article is to analyse the formal, legal and structural-organisational changes concerning the British public service media, introduced in the light of technological devel­opments, primarily related to the process of digitisation, resulting in the spread of online media, which translates into the gradual marginalisation of the so-called traditional media, including the socially important public service media. The main thesis is based on the assertion that public service media, using the example of the BBC in question, are subjected to increasing pressure from those in power, who see in the process of digitisation the ratio­nale for limiting the activity of publicly funded public media. The choice of the British broadcaster as the subject of the study is dictated by the fact that for years the BBC and the British regulations concerning PSM were considered exemplary and often constituted a point of reference for actions taken by broadcasters and governments in other countries. In order to test the validity of the thesis, an analysis was carried out on the regulatory, structural, organisational and managerial solutions introduced in recent decades in the UK’s PSM, which entail changes in the services offered, taking into account their circumstances. The article provides an understanding, based on the example analysed, of what pressures the public media are currently under, what actions they have to take to convince the public and, above all, politicians and those in power of the legitimacy of their functioning. Above all, the article provides knowledge of the interplay between the activities and offer of PSM and the position of political elites, who often influence the shape and offer of media for their own interests, using technological or financial arguments.


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Jan Kreft, Monika Boguszewicz-Kreft

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

When owners and designers of mobile applications and websites compete for the attention of users, persuasive design becomes a common practice. In its preparation, the user’s perspec­tive is adopted in order to better understand and optimise their experience when in contact with the offered media service. However, projects created in this way may be unethical and use so-called „manipulative patterns” depriving the user of (or limiting) the possibility of choice. Manipulative patterns are a relatively new phenomenon in the media and are rarely noticed by media users. By definition, they lead to addictions, for example, to games. The aim of the undertaken research is to identify a common set of design practices within these so-called manipulative patterns in media products addressed to users, in particular children. The article points out a consensus in the design of manipulative patterns, as well as their common foundation: „dependence asymmetry”. Common features of attitudes towards manipulative patterns were also identified: users’ helplessness towards these prac­tices and users getting used to them.

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Katarzyna Bąkowicz

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View



Disinformation affects most spheres of social life, and it does not spare media enterprises, influencing their work on several levels. In recent years, we have witnessed changes in the structure of the media, the profession of journalism, and the process of source verification. All of this shapes the current information ecosystem, which in turn impacts the condition of contemporary societies. The aim of this article is to examine the changes that the increase in disinformation content has triggered in the operations of media enterprises. It is also important to answer the question of what practices the media employ to ensure that false­hoods, manipulation, and distorted realities do not destabilize their activities. The adopted methodology is a qualitative, exploratory, and verification-based study, including a critical literature review in the field of social communication and media management. The analysis shows that disinformation affects media companies by destabilizing the market, which influ­ences their value and reduces trust in them as content creators and distributors. However, this has a positive side: the profession of journalism is becoming more professionalized, distinguishing it from media workers, and a completely new profession has emerged—that of the fact-checker. While disinformation as a phenomenon is generally viewed negatively, we can observe that its impact can also lead to the development of good practices and bene­ficial behaviors.


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Michał Szyszka

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

In this article, I present the results of content analysis, extended by discourse analysis, which covered communications thematically related to social welfare in three media groups (“Rzeczpospolita”, “Gazeta Wyborcza” , “Fakt”, “Super Express”; Onet, WP), published between 2019 and 2022. The analysis of media narratives constructed around social welfare and social integration institutions, as well as social workers, is currently an important research gap, especially as the academic discourse of social policy and the professional discourse of practitioners (workers) in the social welfare system has been dominated for almost two decades by a perception of a negative, unfavourable, inappropriate and/or unfair media image of welfare institutions. I decided to verify this ‘hypothesis’ through a systematic analysis. At the same time, the study made it possible to identify the main thematic and situational contexts, narrative patterns, and quantitative proportions of individual ‘welfare motifs’ in situ­ational frameworks such as information, response to individual or collective tragedy or scandal and intervention. The analysis confirmed the thesis of a highly schematic character of media texts dealing with the subject of social welfare and the particular phenomenon of message content management, oriented towards the preferences and expectations of individual media audiences. There is also a tendency to strongly link the ways in which the subject matter is framed, including the emotional tinge of the texts and the choice of narrative strategy, adequately to the frame and convention.


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Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, Ksenia Wróblewska, Martyna Dudziak-Kisio

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

The authors focus on the scope of media management’s higher education in Poland. They investigate its scale by analysing and comparing academic curricula at selected public universities regarding categorisation and the identification of assessment systems. This exploratory research employs desk research, content analysis, and a comparative approach. A total of 20 Polish universities’ curricula in the discipline of social communication and the media, with 80 different media management-related courses, are studied. As a result, the paper highlights the need for more comprehensive research on contemporary university education in media management, underscoring a demand to enhance the coherent under­standing of media management education in Poland.

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Maria Nowina Konopka

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

There is a growing interest in the subject of artificial intelligence, visible in the number of papers and conferences devoted to this subject. It encourages reflection on the main areas of research and scientific knowledge undertaken by representatives of social communication and media sciences. This article presents the effects of a systematic review of journals, which led to determining the actual level of interest in the subject of broadly understood artificial intelligence and identifying three main thematic trends within which the analyzed scientific texts fall, namely: research on the attitudes and opinions of recipients towards AI, a descrip­tion of AI tools and products, and characteristics of AI products undertaken as the subject of analyses and/or research conducted by the author.


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Weronika Saran, Magdalena Hodalska

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

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Marcin Jakóbczyk, Magdalena Hodalska

Media Research Issues, Volume 67, Issue 4 (260), First View

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Funding information

Publikacja płatna ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, stanowiących pomoc przyznaną w ramach programu „Rozwój czasopism naukowych” na podstawie umowy nr RCN/SP/0325/2021/1 z dnia 10.02.2023 r