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Volume 61, Issue 4 (236)

2018 Next

Publication date: 2018

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Kajtoch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Secretary Ryszard Filas

Issue content

Ignacy S. Fiut jako medioznawca

Magdalena Szpunar

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 609 - 617


The text presents the fi gure of an extraordinary scholar, Ignacy S. Fiut. It shows him not only as a great scientist, but also a sensitive and good man, whose multifaceted personality is reflected in scientific works as well as poetry.

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Ryszard Filas

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 618 - 631


This article is a critical review of Ignacy Fiut’s research work on the state and changes of the press market in the nearly quarter-century from 1994 to 2017. Many of these works – articles, papers or research reports were created during the period of the author’s employment in the Press Research Centre of the Jagiellonian University (1992–1998), when he monitored the situation in the socio-cultural, literary-artistic and environmental press. From the beginning of the 21st century, much attention was paid to documenting the successive ups and downs of the free press, and sporadically – local and other press (e.g. philosophical periodicals). The continuity of interest and a return to his favorite themes, are the features of the press studies of Ignacy S. Fiut, although in general his  scientific (and also reviewer) work is very extensive and multithreaded, covering several hundred items in a bibliographic set. 

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Paweł Płaneta

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 632 - 659


The aim of the article is to present the results of the survey on the structure of the media studies publications by Ignacy Stanisław Fiut. An analysis performed in this research was 1) the lexical analysis of I. S. Fiut’ the titles of the papers published in 1980–2018 and the content of his reviews and reports (published in the Zeszyty Prasoznawcze – Media Issues Quarterly). The results of statistical evaluations were the words frequency lists, the analysis of certain words concordances and collocations. The effect of such procedure was the reconstruction of important words co-occurrences common patterns. In this phase of the survey the units of analysis were words, so the intensity of the analyzed text attributes were measured by the number and percentage range of certain words. The next phase of the survey was the text mining analysis. Finally, as a result of text mining procedures, the structure of the scientific discourse of I.S. Fiut was reduced to the strongest factors determining which different (detailed) categories have the tendency to co-occur and that is why they create easily distinguishable configuration. 

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Władysław Marek Kolasa, Edyta Gałuszka

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 660 - 695


The bibliography is selective and composed of two sections (scientific and literary publications). In section I (research papers) it was strived for completeness; thus all original research works have been shown there: monographs, articles, chapters. To other types (reviews, chronicles, translations) a selection has been used; only publications of lasting value were included. In section II (literary works and critical literary works), due to the author’s extensive work, strict rules of selection were applied. Only compacted publications (monographs, poetry and prose volumes as well as their editorials) and wider articles and chapters have been shown, and the reviews and translations were given quantitatively. A total of 715 items were compiled, including 305 scientific and 410 literary works. In the group of scientifi c publications, 189 papers were devoted to media studies and 116 to philosophy. In the group of literary works there are 47 books (11 of them are original poetry volumes), 23 articles and over 340 reviews. The bibliography is preceded by a short methodological sketch, a discussion of the main works and the statistics of the author’s work. 

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Rozprawy i artykuły

Beata Klimkiewicz, Magdalena Wilk

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 715 - 729


The condition of community media, often described as civic, social or third-sector media stands for an important aspect of media pluralism and a democratically functioning public sphere. The authors present selected definitions, most important functions and the analysis of a general condition of this media sector by studying media policy and actual situation. The authors describe indicators of Media Pluralism Monitor applied across the European Union. The indicators e.g. enable to evaluate legal regulations concerning community media, mechanisms of support used by the states, as well as the existing structures of community media. In addition to the European comparative perspective, the article specifi cally focuses on the situation of community media in Poland.

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Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 730 - 746


The aim of the research outlined in this article is to discuss Hanna Krall’s works in the context of language, aesthetics and poetics of photography. The analyzes are based on the texts published in the volume „Phantom of Pain” (2017). They lead to the conclusion that photography is used in these texts as a journalistic source of information, a medium of artistic expression, a specific object, and a tool that triggers the work of memory. The journalist uses the photography to present the inexpressible, particularly when she wants to familiarize the reader with the idea of the Holocaust.

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Media za granicą

Lidia Pokrzycka

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 747 - 757


The Nordic countries are leaders in the readership of the press. For many years, Norwegian newspapers remained under the influence of political parties, but such trends gradually weakened. Usually, the main party groups set up their own diaries or assist in creating titles and kept close contacts with these newspapers. However, since the 1970s, the tendencies to politicize the dailies have decreased, and now officially none of the newspapers of Nordic countries has any connection with political parties. Party newspapers, playing major roles in the systems of polarized pluralism and democratic corporatism, were gradually replaced with commercial, profit-oriented newspapers. The aim of the article is to present the basic features of the Norwegian media system, as well as the specifi city of journalistic education in Norway. The author led lectures at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences in Oslo, so she could – in practice – check the quality of education in the Norwegian higher education system. 

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Albert Narbekov

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 758 - 777


In March 2018, the presidential elections in Russia ended with an unchallenged victory of Vladimir Putin with 76.69% of votes and 67% of voter turnout. The main propaganda instrument that helped to increase his popularity was television, which had to show Putin as the only possible candidate and at the same time, decrease the percent of opposition`s support. To achieve these goals there were used interviews and presidential election debates, which were organized in a way to minimalize any voice of opposition in Russia. The work is based on qualitative analysis of TV content in two TV channels from November 2017 to March 2018. The aim is to show the mechanism of mass media, which was formed to use these elections in a favor of the current regime: from tidily selected candidates, who had to increase the magnetism of such an event, format of debates itself, to instruments of black PR which are present in every election campaign in Russia. The result of this article is the extension of knowledge about the functioning of the media system in the Russian Federation and the opening a discussion about the political-media relationship on the example of a chosen country. 

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Media History

Joanna Stożek

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 778 - 792


The aim of the article is to tackle the issue of the relationship between Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s “Kartki z podróży” and the poetics of the reportage. The departing point of the analysis is the assumption that the text in question is an example of a heavily syncretic work of literature and combines the genre features of a travel memoir, a reportage, a travel guide, a vade mecum, a physiological sketch, and an ekphrasis. The opening of the article deals with the poetics of reportage and the circumstances under which “Kartki z podróży” came into existence. The most crucial part of the article is dedicated to the analysis of the connection between Kraszewski’s work and the reportage tradition. To achieve this, the problem of the presence of the defining features of the 19th-century reportage poetics (taking into account their function, relation to the reader, and linguistic shape, as indicated by Jolanta Sztachelska 1997) in the given text is elaborated upon. The analysis consistently employs the theoretical category of the genre’s dominant mode and views Kraszewski’s work through the prism of the process of the reportage genre development. The whole interpretation is based on the text of “Kartki z podróży”, and the context in which the writer’s views on his foreign correspondence are investigated are those fragments of the book “Gawędy o sztuce i literaturze” in which the author expresses his opinions on the literature theory. 

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Izabela Olszewska

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 793 - 806


The author of the article analyses the image of Jewish ghetto in Lodz during the WWII in the light of announcements published and distributed within the ghetto. The analysis covered 322 prints in total, which were distributed between May 1941 and June 1944. During the German occupation the announcements were the basic source of information about the applicable rules and organization of life in the Jewish ghettos in relation to all their dimensions: social, religious, cultural, economic and professional. From this short, formal and official texts the author reconstructs the picture of everyday life of the Jewish community closed in the ghetto. The content of the announcements is not only a valuable source of information about the historical truth of that period, but also an unique case study of the way and scope of communication under such extreme and special conditions like life in the Jewish ghetto in occupied Poland and about the functions that the announcements fulfilled as a medium of public communication. 

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Evelina Kristanova

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 807 - 824


A media content analysis method was used to get an overview of all the Internet available article titles in relevance to literature profi le in all forms and setup (full-text, abstract, table of contents, bibliographic description or table of titles). Without any chronological constrains, such things were taken into account as, forgone digital scripture/periodicals featured in Polish digital libraries, the same as, modern periodicals from the beginning of their existence brought into digital version, seen at all sorts of web portals, web sites, or self-made ones (You can spot them “by chance” in the most unexpected location i.e. encyclopaedia or private Facebook profile). What’s more, attempts were made to assess communicativeness, usefulness and ease with the user’s access. Needless to say, the lyrical wanted to answer the question: are the most well-known Polish periodicals available online? At the end, a typology attempt of all the given literature in accordance to different criteria was presented. 

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Krzysztof Marcinkiewicz

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 825 - 838


The mediatisation of politics and social life, as well as the resulting celebration of politics, are phenomena observed in the media reality. The author pays special attention to the above processes while analysing the model of circulation of political celebrities by Tomasz Olczyk, considering the current findings to be worth of continuation and deepening. The author proposes his model of publicizing privacy by politicians, which is a starting point for the research included in the article, conducted with the use of the survey method.

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Recenzje i omówienia

Ignacy S. Fiut , Marcin Urbaniak , Mateusz Flont

Media Research Issues, Volume 61, Issue 4 (236), 2018, pp. 839 - 854


Włodzimierz Mich: PROLEGOMENA DO HISTORII KOMUNIKACJI, T. I: O KOMUNIKACJI. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2014. S. 450. Włodzimierz Mich: PROLEGOMENA DO HISTORII KOMUNIKACJI SPOŁECZNEJ, T. II: BADANIA HISTORII KOMUNIKACJI. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie--Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2014, S. 516. (Ignacy S. Fiut, Marcin Urbaniak)


Anna Wileczek: KOD MŁODOŚCI. MŁODOMOWA W KONTEKSTACH SPOŁECZNO KULTUROWYCH. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA, Warszawa 2018. S. 300. (Mateusz Flont)

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