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Volume 55, Issue 3 (211)

2012 Next

Publication date: 19.11.2012

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Kajtoch

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Secretary Ryszard Filas

Issue rewievers Prof. dr hab. Ignacy S. Fiut; prof. nadzw. dr hab. Katarzyna Pokorna-Ignatowicz

Volume editor Wojciech Kajtoch

Issue content

Jolanta Kępa-Mętrak

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 9 - 23


Local government officials or journalists? Communication in the local community
Communication on the local government level may take place in different ways, using different channels. One of them is the press that is either created by local governments or through their order. The authoress has attempted to show this press from the media perspective. Analysing the selected titles, she has tried to show its content both from the sender’s and the recipient’s point of view. The linking of the content and the ways of its transmission turned out to be particularly interesting, and so – the possibility of the impact on the recipient, in combination with the editorial teams’ characteristics.
The local government press came into being even before the first local elections in 1990. Then it seemed that it would not play a significant role in the entire press system. Over the time, it turned out that it had been developing dynamically, increasing the number of its titles every year. It has existed up till now to the disappointment of many circles.
The publishing activity of local governments usually livens up during the election. It is obvious that the existing borough leaders, mayors, starosts want to present their achievements, to show the residents that they keep their promises. A large proportion of them do it very effectively, as evidenced by the elections won in subsequent terms. In shaping their own image and the image of local governments that they lead, they are helped by the appointed press spokesmen who used to be regional or local media journalists, or the workers subordinated to cultural institutions or local governments. It might seem that most reliable success would be guaranteed by professionals – editors who have many years’ work experience. However, it appears that such a simple relationship does not exist.
The analysis of the content of messages indicates the selective information to recipients about local matters, mainly about the activities of the authorities. The overall image of the district, county, province emerging from the published material is definitely positive. One should not expect another vision if the press, in its assumptions, is designed to promote the region, county and province.

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Paweł Maciaszek

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 24 - 34


The teaching of the church on the role of media in society
The Church as a community has the duty to participate in the activity of the media. This duty is enshrined in the legal codex of the community: “The shepherds of the Church are to teach the faithful that they have a duty to cooperate in the work of the media so that these become imbued with the human and Christian spirit”. Those belonging to the Church community should try to ensure that the media are a tool in the promotion of sanctity. This is only possible when the aim of the media message is to present the truth.
In the context of the fight for media to present the truth one must fight to portray the freedom of an individual; Jesus taught clearly that: “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (St John 8: 32). So if the truth is to set us free, one needs to be free to accept it. The correct understanding of freedom is then the beginning of the educational attitude towards media and their duties. From the point of view of Christianity, freedom is a well-thought and discriminating choice of everything that is good, beautiful and truthful.
The Catholic Church in its considered opinion of the mass media saw it, primarily, as a tool of evangelization. The new media and computerization give potentially an unlimited opportunity of proclaiming the message of salvation. The Church must remember that contemporary society most frequently bases its idea of the world and the purpose of life on the teachings of the media. That is why it is important that the message of salvation becomes part of that media experience. The priestly ministry in the world of computers should show this era, the era of faithless humanity, that God is close to every person, and that in Christ everyone belongs to each other.

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Jarosław Pacuła

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 35 - 62


Words “on the offensive”. Military metaphors in the political discourse
This article looks at the language of politics. The author shows the military lexis which ish journalistic texts and statements of very politicians. According to the author this vocabulary used in the contemporary political discourse. He claims that this vocabulary carries a specific vision of the world: it metaphorically presents the policy as the war, political activists as members of the army, practicing the politics as the implementation of war strategies.

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Katarzyna Kamińska-Moczyło

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 63 - 75


Changing of the Estonian public media in the process of transformation
The transformation of the Estonian press began in the late eighties of the 20th century. There is quite a large discrepancy in the dates of the end of this process which could be explained by the fact that the formation of the newspaper market in Estonia started in 1994. However, the events of the early 21st century showed that the formation of new structures was an extremely laborious and very long process. Undoubtedly, the success of the transformation process was the emergence of the Estonian media already in the initial stage of private radio and television stations as well as local private radio stations. The transformation of the political system, which took place in Estonia, did not lead to a rapid loss of leadership of public television – Eesti TV. Eesti TV had remained the market leader in the electronic press until 1999 and in 2001 it lost its position to the most popular TV in Estonia, the commercial station TV3, which had existed since 1996. The article describes the changes that occurred in the public media in this neuralgic period.

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Władysław Marek Kolasa

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 76 - 82


Polish press at the beginning of the partition era (1795-1815) as an object of historical reflection
This article briefly describes the Polish press from the years 1795–1815 and discusses the trends and results of research carried out in this field by historians after 1945. The citation analysis was widely used to evaluate the research achievements. Researchers showed little interest in the press of that time. Only 49 scholars in total worked in this area and they published 61 works cited 118 times within the parent discourse (history of the press) [including 42 times below the half-life period]. Kazimierz Ossowski (5 works) [8 citations] and Marian Kallas (6 works) [7 citations] could boast the greatest achievements in this field. The works published by Tadeusz Łepkowski [10] and Jerzy Łojek [3] also deserve attention. The greatest achievement in the analyzed area is a monograph by K. Ossowski "Prasa Księstwa Warszawskiego” (Warsaw, 2004). Other topics received much less attention. One also lacks synthetic analyses for the period 1796–1806 and monographs of the then leading newspapers, especially "Gazeta Warszawska” and "Gazeta Korespondenta Warszawskiego i Zagranicznego”.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 83 - 97


Biblioteka Polska (1941–1944): the main publishing house of the Polish wartime exile community in Hungary
Biblioteka Polska (Budapest June 1941–March 1944) was created and managed by Maria Jankowska (real name: Wanda Pełczyńska) to reform all previous chaotic publishing activity of the Polish exiles. Biblioteka was the only  publisher having its precise programme (preferences for literary books) and caring about the level of publications. Under the imprint of Biblioteka Polska in desktop publishing appeared 52 books and brochures (25% of total Polish  books production in wartime Hungary), 2 yearbooks-almanacks and one magazine for children. The invasion of German troops on Hungary on 19th March 1944 put an end to the publishing house

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Jacek Lindner

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 98 - 116


What does “Nasz Dziennik” do to scare its readers?
Since the publication of "Świat nieprzedstawiony” by J. A. Kornhauser and A. Zagajewski in 1974, its name started to be considered in the Polish language as a synonym of manipulation of news, messages in order to achieve the goal assumptioned by the sender. This method was mastered to perfection by the Catholic newspaper “Nasz Dziennik”, which is a part of the Polish Conglomerate of Redemptorists.
Journalists often use the element of fear. It happens that only in one edition there are articles with titles such as “There was no money or good will”, "Ossolineum on the brink of bankruptcy”, "Gas – unsolved problem still”, "People’s veto to Minister Hall”, "Too much coal formation”, “Rostowski will explain himself”, “Restore the right balance”, “School is not a square for elections”, “Mines and plants at the stalemate”, “We won’t give the schools back”, “Someone neglected his duties”, “Researches on human embryos don’t make any sense” or “Pyongyang ignored the ban”.
The main topics which are presented as attacks or misfortunes are: attacks of the civil authorities on the Church, the loss of Polish culture, Christianity, the decline of democracy in Poland, Polish enemies grow stronger and obviously Smolensk Distaster.
It is difficult to determine how great impact on readers was caused by years of frightening them. Additionally, “Nasz Dziennik” has never published its editions as well as never signed any suitable commitments, which makes it hard to honestly examine the issue of scaring readers. Therefore, the only way to investigate the effectiveness of this medium is to observe how politicians strive for its support.

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Anita Magowska

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 117 - 121


Jedność – press curiosity from Vilnius from 1862
The article presents so far an unknown Polish handwritten journal Jedność (Unity) published in 1862 in Vilnius. Only two issues of the journal have survived in the Lithuanian State Archives in Vilnius. It was published out of the Russian censorship, thus, its editors were anonymous and instead of printing they rewrote the journal by hand. The main subject were Polish-Russian relations. The journal aimed for the integration and social education of the Polish people

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Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 122 - 140


  • Fernando Bea, Alessandro de Carolis: Ottant’anni della Radio del Papa (Aleksander Woźny) s. 122;
  • Donald Matheson, Stuart Allan: Dziennikarstwo wojenne online (Magdalena Hodalska) s. 126;
  • Joachim Glensk: Czarna księga prasy śląskiej (Józef Szocki) s. 129;
  • Jacek Pyżalski: Agresja elektroniczna i cyberbullying jako nowe ryzykowne zachowania młodzieży (Agnieszka Roguska) s. 134;
  • Kamila Kwasik, Jan Jaroszyński, Grzegorz Łęcicki: Media wobec śmierci, tom I oraz Aleksandra Gralczyk, Małgorzata Laskowska, Piotr Drzewiecki: Media wobec śmierci, tom II (Magdalena Hodalska) s. 136;
  • Dorota Piontek: Komunikowanie polityczne i kultura popularna. Tabloidyzacja informacji o polityce (Agnieszka Hess) s. 138.
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Ryszard Filas

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 141 - 143

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Małgorzata Adamik-Szysiak

Media Research Issues, Volume 55, Issue 3 (211) , 2012, pp. 144 - 147

Sprawozdanie z konferencji: Wybory 2011. Media – Prawo – Społeczeństwo, Toruń 16 maja 2012 roku

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