Polish-language media in the region of Zaolzie
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPolskojęzyczne media na Zaolziu
Publication date: 07.03.2014
Media Research Issues, 2013, Volume 56, Issue 4 (216), pp. 509-526
Polskojęzyczne media na Zaolziu
This article shows the history of Polish-language media in the region of Zaolzie. The first section provides a brief overview of periodicals in the discussed region since the end of World War II until 2012. The next brings the story of newspaper Głos Ludu, magazine Zwrot and magazines for children and young Jutrzenka, Ogniwo and Nasza Gazetka, brings information about Polish-language news in radio Český rozhlas Ostrava, and Polish language news in programmes of regional TVs and Czech Television 1.
Information: Media Research Issues, 2013, Volume 56, Issue 4 (216), pp. 509-526
Article type: Original article
Polskojęzyczne media na Zaolziu
Polish-language media in the region of Zaolzie
University of Ostrava, Dvořákova 7 701 03 Ostrava Czech Republic
Published at: 07.03.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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