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Znaczenie nowych nowych mediów w procesie zarządzania informacją

Publication date: 15.05.2015

Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), pp. 102-113



Weronika Madryas-Kowalska
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania „Edukacja” we Wrocławiu
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Znaczenie nowych nowych mediów w procesie zarządzania informacją


The importance of new media in the information management process

The shape of modern PR, beyond social and organizational networking and hypertextuality, is also influenced by new new media. A specialist in public relations, when conducting discourse with the environment in a professional manner, not only cannot ignore the new new media, but must exist in it and also earn favor and trust of the users. It is these users that make the new media community. Membership to this community allows the individuality of its members to be saved. The ability to expose opinions and personality is an important feature of new new media, which a public relations specialist can skillfully use in the information management process. A contemporary PR specialist open to technological progress takes part in the creation of new new media. In this area, discourse has a dynamic character and the engagement of interlocutors does not allow for passivity. Passivity, however, may cause exclusion from the new media community. Existence and survival in new new media requires constant activity from an entity. The reward for this effort and also for the care for the course of dialogue is the effective management of the selected “crowd” within communication competence.


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Information: Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), pp. 102-113

Article type: Original article



Znaczenie nowych nowych mediów w procesie zarządzania informacją


The importance of new media in the information management process


Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania „Edukacja” we Wrocławiu

Published at: 15.05.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Weronika Madryas-Kowalska (Author) - 100%

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