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Radioodbiornik – towarzysz codzienności. O „morning show” w ujęciu diachronicznym

Publication date: 15.05.2015

Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), pp. 151-166



Karolina Albińska
University of Lodz, Poland, ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź
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Radioodbiornik – towarzysz codzienności. O „morning show” w ujęciu diachronicznym


Radio as partner in everyday life. About morning show in the diachronic approach

Morning show, understood as a specific radio megagenre, since its dawn has tried to inscribe in the listeners’ environment of life by adjusting to the rhythm of their day but also by shaping their daily routines. This article analyses the origins of the identity of this type of programmes which date back to the times of the Golden Age of the American radio broadcasting. On the background of technological, economic and social conditioning of the era, it shows their historical changes in the years 1920-1950 of the XX c. However, the description of this evolution – from the morning shows with the underspecified “anatomy” and vague existence in the ether to the preforms such as participation programs – may be treated as a prelude to the understanding of the tendencies that determine the existence of the contemporary sequential broadcasts that are transmitted by radio at dawn.


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Information: Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), pp. 151-166

Article type: Original article



Radioodbiornik – towarzysz codzienności. O „morning show” w ujęciu diachronicznym


Radio as partner in everyday life. About morning show in the diachronic approach


University of Lodz, Poland, ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź

Published at: 15.05.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Karolina Albińska (Author) - 100%

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