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Ekspert w mediach czy „ekspert” – interakcja między specjalistą, dziennikarzem i odbiorcą

Publication date: 15.05.2015

Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), pp. 114-126



Mariusz Makowski
Kraków University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
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Ekspert w mediach czy „ekspert” – interakcja między specjalistą, dziennikarzem i odbiorcą


An expert in the media or “expert” – the interaction between the specialist, journalist and recipient

In mass communication specialist is put in a particular role, the person who will be a bridge between the world of insiders and reality of laymen. Experts provide journalists “raw material” which is then treated the characteristic way for the type of media (press, radio, television).
The result of this processing specialist content is specified media product, often far away from what was the spirit and intent of reviewed expert. The content of this article is the analysis of these transformations on the basis of selected case studies, as well as more general reflection on the participation of scholars in the social discourse through the media. The procedure of evaluation, enabling verification of such person in the media was also pointed.


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Information: Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 1 (221), pp. 114-126

Article type: Original article



Ekspert w mediach czy „ekspert” – interakcja między specjalistą, dziennikarzem i odbiorcą


An expert in the media or “expert” – the interaction between the specialist, journalist and recipient


Kraków University of Economics, Kraków, Poland

Published at: 15.05.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Mariusz Makowski (Author) - 100%

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