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Issue 156

2019 Next

Publication date: 29.04.2019

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Dorota Matuszko

Secretary Arkadiusz Kocaj

Issue Editors Magdalena Kubal-Czerwińska i Aneta Pawłowska-Legwand

Issue content

Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk

Geographical Studies, Issue 156, 2019, pp. 9 - 33


In recent years, a considerable development of the network of hiking trails has taken place in selected parts of the Sudetes. This has occurred both in areas of hitherto poorly developed tourist infrastructure (for example the Orlickie Foothills) as well as in traditional tourist regions with a quite good base (for example the Sowie Mountains). It was  decided to analyse more precisely the changes which occurred in 2005–2017 in selected parts of the Middle Sudetes. For this purpose, changes in the density and connectivity of the networks of hiking trails were assessed using elements of the graph theory and, drawn from it, indices used in the topological analysis of spatial structure. A  comparative analysis of maps was the basis for these works. Important factors deciding about the validity of marking new hiking trails are: their role in the network of trails and their tourist attractiveness. Those were evaluated using field works and an analysis of maps and tourist (sightseeing) literature. An additional aim was to examine ways of tracing new trails and changing routes of those already existing, taking into account the guidelines for hiking trails presented in literature. Marking new trails has undoubtedly enabled the development of networks, but not necessarily resulted in their higher connectivity (new sections of trails resulted in a higher number of nodes). However, new tourist values have been made accessible (especially scenic and cultural ones) and planning hikes has become simpler, which is particularly important in the vicinity of spas. New hiking trails and changes of routes of those existing earlier must be assessed positively in terms of the relation between natural and artificial (hard) surfaces.

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Julia Dunaj, Dominika Studzińska

Geographical Studies, Issue 156, 2019, pp. 35 - 53


Many countries and cities seek the organization of great sports events because of its impact on the economy and society of the hosting country/region. In this article, we seek to answer the question whether the FIFA World Cup, which took place in 2018 in Russia, influenced a change in the tourist image of the Kaliningrad Oblast. The enclave is not a popular tourist destination; therefore the organization of the World Cup in Russia, including Kaliningrad, was an opportunity for the region. However, a question remains as to whether Kaliningrad used this chance appropriately. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among tourists who visited Kaliningrad during the 2018 World Cup.

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Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss

Geographical Studies, Issue 156, 2019, pp. 55 - 78


The main objective of the article is to present geographical factors conditioning the activity and tourist destinations among Chicago’s Polonia. The following aspects were emphasized among these factors: location (climate, weather, exotics of the place), accessibility of transport, travel time, tourist attractions (unspoilt nature, quiet, peace), place of  residence of the respondents. The objective of research was to check whether the place of residence influences the frequency of tourist trips and the choice of tourist destinations of Chicago’s Polonia as well. The method of diagnostic survey in the form of surveys among Chicago’s Polonia in the total number of 1014 in the Polish and English language is presented in the article. The study includes results of the research which confirm that people living outside the city of Chicago (in the suburbs) travel more frequently than people living in Chicago. The relaxation of people living outside Chicago lasts longer during the year than the relaxation of people living in Chicago as well as people living outside Chicago choose foreign journeys more frequently than people who live in Chicago.

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Katarzyna Kubiak-Wójcicka, Tomasz Pokropski

Geographical Studies, Issue 156, 2019, pp. 79 - 99


The paper presents the usage of the lower Vistula waterway on the basis of the number of floating units passing the Włocławek lock in the period 1997–2016. The Włocławek dam plays an important role in ensuring navigability on the inland waterway on the lower Vistula. The analysis revealed that the number of units locked in the Włocławek dam varied in particular years and was decreasing throughout the whole period. It depended on the serviceability of the lock and the hydrological conditions (water levels, ice phenomena). Throughout the year, water transportation was seasonal. The highest number of passing units falls on summer months (VI–VIII). Regarding the transportation type  subdivision, freight traffic dominated over touristic traffic. An exception took place in the years with low water levels (mainly in summer), in which freight traffic was impossible, which resulted in a lack of delivery guarantee. A solution to that problem is the construction of intermodal transshipment ports along the waterway.

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Wojciech Dawid

Geographical Studies, Issue 156, 2019, pp. 101 - 119


This article is an analysis of accessibility and quality of space in three Cracow’s housing estates: Azory, Dębniki, and Nowy Bieżanów in terms of usability by the elderly. Each of the studied areas has a different functional and spatial structure, and a local architectural environment. The purpose of the analysis is to draw attention to the needs of older  residents, whose participation in the Polish society will increase thanks to changing demographics. The result of the research is a determination of the impact of urban and spatial layout on pedestrian traffic and activities of the elderly. The presented observations highlight how the physical proximity between the place of residence and recreational areas or service buildings determines the behaviour of senior residents.

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Adam Danek

Geographical Studies, Issue 156, 2019, pp. 121 - 138


The article reveals the significance of geopolitics in the political and academic achievements of Antoni Sujkowski, a Polish geographer of the generation which witnessed the rebirth of independent Poland in 1918. It describes the political activity of Sujkowski, the only geographer who served as minister in the government of the Second Polish  Republic. The most attention is paid to his contribution to the controversy over proposals of the territory of Poland during the Paris peace conference in 1919, when he advocated the creation of “vast strategic Poland,” i. e. a federation of Poland and historical Lithuania (including Belarus). As an academic geopolitician Sujkowski is especially the author of The geography of lands of the old Poland. That was the first book in geohistory (or “geographical history”) of Poland, considering the influence of geographic environment on the historical development of the Polish state. The literature used in research includes works by Sujkowski, other geographical and geopolitical writings of his time (as primary sources), memoirs, contemporary biographies and studies in geopolitics, the history of Poland and Polish science in the first half of the twentieth century (as secondary sources).

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