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Issue 159

2019 Next

Publication date: 19.12.2019

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Dorota Matuszko

Secretary Arkadiusz Kocaj

Issue Editor Anna Michno

Issue content

Marta Borowska-Stefańska, Michał Kowalski, Szymon Wiśniewski

Geographical Studies, Issue 159, 2019, pp. 7 - 24


The paper deals with the topic of transport accessibility of Łódź using data from Intelligent Transportation Systems, in this case from cameras allowing automatical identification of number plates (ANPR), locatedon the city’s 23 intersections. The paper has two aims. The first one is of methodological nature and focuses on  assessing the usefulness of the data from ITS for geographical research. Not only does the paper present some ways of using data and conducting analyses with the use of these data but it also compares their results with research concerning similar phenomena measured by different sets of data (theoretical accessibility and data obtained from the Distance Matrix Responses provided by Google Maps APIs). The latter, in turn, is cognitive and it comes down to a slightly more local dimension, namely showing the internal transport accessibility of Łódź. In the light of the ANPR data it was determined that the internal transport accessibility of Łódź is  much worse than the theoretical accessibility or the accessibility measured with the use of data obtained from the Distance Matrix service. The greatest differences in average travel times between the data from ANPR and the two remaining methods concern primarily the north-western part of the city, whereas the smallest – the central and southern areas, where a substantial part of intersections is covered by a system of cameras.

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Grzegorz Dumieński, Alicja Lisowska, Andrzej Tiukało

Geographical Studies, Issue 159, 2019, pp. 25 - 48


The main objective of the article is to verify the hypothesis that any municipality in Poland, which is at risk of flood, is a socio-ecological system (SES) of a certain level of adaptability. Assessment of adaptability of an SES municipality at risk of flood requires finding such features of the system which have direct impact on the process of its adaptation to the risk and which make useful indicators for assessing current adaptability of a municipality. Based on the research conducted, the article presents four categories of features: human capital and social potential, financial potential, ecological potential and organisation potential, with 15 features within  them to describe the adaptability of a municipality-SES in case of flood risk.

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Marek Nowosad

Geographical Studies, Issue 159, 2019, pp. 49 - 66


One of the classifications of atmospheric circulation types applied in Poland is the typology proposed by Lityński (1969). Circulation types were designated based on three classes in each of three indices (zonal Ws, meridional Wp, and cyclonicity index Cp). Indices Ws and Wp were developed based on differences in atmospheric pressure over the area of 40º–65ºN and 0º–35vE. A total of 27 types were designated. Calendars of the types in reference to the period 1951–1999 were published. Lack of information on particular stages of development of the calendars seems to preclude unequivocal interpretation in their use. It is not clear what reference period was considered in the development of the calendars. An example is provided that a change in the reference period causes the shift of 5% of days to another class. The name of the type does not always concern the direction of air advection. For example, in January, the middle class „0” zonal index is  characterised by air  dvection from the west. In such a situation, the type called „S” in practice describes inflow of air from direction „SW”. An example is also provided of a situation where the same value of the Wp index was qualified in June to class „S”, and in November to class „N”. Examples of analyses are also presented with the application of daily values of Wp and Ws concerning air temperature, snow cover, and UTCI index. Attention is drawn to the need of high degree of caution in the interpretation of research concerning multi-annual periods where results of reanalyses were used as source data. It is pointed out that the annual courses of  circulation indices Wp and Ws may be approximated when the determination of air density considered the same temperature in reference to all days in a year.

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Jan Zimnol, Zuzanna Bielec-Bąkowska

Geographical Studies, Issue 159, 2019, pp. 67 - 86


The study presents the spatial and temporal variability of warm and cold days occurring in the years 1966–2017 at five meteorological stations representing four peripheral areas and the centre of Poland. The analysis was based on the daily maximum air temperature values. A warm or cold day was considered as a day during which the maximum temperature was respectively higher or lower than the average daily temperature by a value of 1.28 standard deviation for a given calendar day. The obtained results indicate an increase in the frequency of the occurrence of warm days sequences and a decrease in the number of sequences of cold days, especially after 1990. The analysis also found a clear differentiation of the annual course of the considered days depending on the geographical location of the area in question. The most distinctive is the north-western region of Poland, where the highest number of warm days was recorded. In contrast, the area of southern Poland is characterized by a higher number of cold days. Most of the analyzed days occurred as one- or two-day long sequences, constituting approximately 70–80% of all cases. In the analyzed period, short (lasting 3–5 days) waves of warm or cold days were most frequent, and the longest waves (lasting at least 11 days) usually accounted for less than 1% of all cases recorded at a given station.

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