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Issue 135

2013 Next

Publication date: 02.2014

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue Editor Andrzej Kacprzak

Secretary Grzegorz Micek

Editor-in-Chief Wiesław Ziaja

Issue content

Cezary Kabała, Adam Bogacz, Bernard Gałka, Kamil Jezierski, Beata Łabaz, Jarosław Waroszewski

Geographical Studies, Issue 135, 2013 , pp. 7-20

The effective cation exchange capacity in the surface layers of soils in the Stołowe Mountains reached mean values of 8–10 cmol(+) kg-1, of which up to 60% is exchangeable aluminum. The sum of base cations depends on the organic carbon content and particle-size distribution, related to the parent rock type. The largest sum is in soils derived from Cretaceous mudstones, followed by Permian sandstones and granite, whereas the smallest – from the Cretaceous sandstones. Among the soils derived from mudstones, Dystric Cambisols have the smallest base cation sum (2–2.5 cmol(+) kg-1), Luvisols have a two-fold higher and Eutric Cambisols – a three-fold higher one. The mean base saturation achieved 60% in Eutric Cambisols and 45% in Luvisols, while in Dystric Cambisols developed both from mudstones, Permian sandstones and granites it was on average 25% only. The sum of exchangeable base cations and base saturation in soils clearly differentiate the trophic status of forest habitats in the Stołowe Mountains, reflecting the interactions of geology and typological soil-forming processes.
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Łukasz Musielok, Andrzej Kacprzak, Joanna Opyrchał

Geographical Studies, Issue 135, 2013 , pp. 21-40

The paper presents results of research on the properties of soils developed on rhyolites in the Kamienne Mountains (Sudetes). It exhibits soil diversity of the area which is relatively poorly studied in the field of soil typology. The research focuses on morphology and physicochemical properties of soil profiles whose localization varied in terms of: position on slope, slope angle and aspect, vegetation and elevation. Although the parent material is relatively homogeneous, a significant diversity of soil properties was observed. Shallow profiles and coarse fragment content usually exceeding 65% typify soils developed from rhyolites in the Kamienne Mountains. Most of the investigated soil profiles distinguish themselves with a colour of 5YR and 7YR which are characteristic for rhyolite regolith. A high organic matter content noted in these soils is a result of the influence of climatic conditions and vegetation type, and also a quantitative impact of coarse fragment content in the soil profile. The occurrence of podzolization process is conditioned by high permeability and very acidic pH.  owever, Podzols can be found only in specific morphological situations, in places where significant amount of fine fractions is accumulated. The observed large diversity of soil properties diversity can be attributed to topography, slope angle and some morphogenetic processes. The influence of climatic conditions, varying with the elevation, and vegetation type can also affect soil properties.
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Łukasz Pawlik

Geographical Studies, Issue 135, 2013 , pp. 41-56


The Karkonosze Massif as a part of the Sudety Mts is frequently considered as a mountain range where surficial degradation processes are most active. It is especially true for the area above the upper timber line (subalpine and alpine zone), anthropogenically altered slope surfaces and stream channels, and so far it has been proved by numerous analytical studies. However, in many of these studies the process of tree uprooting has not been takien into account and the forest belt zone has been rarely a subject of detailed geomorphological research. Results of the present study suggest that tree uprooting, in the Karkonosze Mts mostly caused by frequent episodes of high foehn winds, is probably the most important single factor of biomechanical alteration of soil mantle in the upper forest belt of the massif. It is also an agent which initiates further geomorphological processes within root plates and tree throw pits, as well as changes of pedogenetic meaning, including regressive remodeling of soils.

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Mateusz Stolarczyk

Geographical Studies, Issue 135, 2013 , pp. 57-72


The paper presents a study on the diversity of different fractions of phosphorus in former agricultural (grassland) soils around a stockpile of mineral fertilizers in Tarnawa Wyżna (Bieszczady National Park). The main properties taken into consideration include basic soil analyses and extractions of phosphorus forms (Porg, Plab, P-Al, P-Fe, P-Ca). The total phosphorus content is calculated as the sum of organic and mineral phosphorus. The main aim of the study is to present the content of different forms of phosphorus in the profiles of typical grassland soils in Tarnawa Wyżna as well as to the spatial diversity of these forms in the uppermost soil horizons in relation to the basic properties of the soil. The results indicate that the analyzed soils are characterized by a distribution of phosphorus and its various fractions typical of slightly acidic Cambisols and grassland soils used for agricultural purposes.

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Victor Valdayskikh, Olga Nekrasova, Jean Jouzel, Anton Uchaev, Tatiana Radchenko

Geographical Studies, Issue 135, 2013 , pp. 73-86


This paper contains the results of the forest-tundra soils studying. The key sites were situated on the permafrost territory, which is under scrutiny in connection with the global climate changes. The soil position in landscape, parent rock texture, vegetation conditions and thickness of organic horizons were taken into account. On the base of seasonal thawing or active layer depth measurements and soil temperature vertical gradients calculating, four main soil groups which are different in their thermal properties were identified. The physical-chemistry properties are rather close in various soil types. Similarities in the profile distribution of humus fractions are also revealed in the soil humus formed under different conditions. Despite of estimated relatively low level of carbon stocks in forest-tundra soils, half of them exist in mobile humus forms, which are less stable.  ata on the soil thermal regime types and stocks of different humus forms in soils of various conditions are useful  or long-term forecasting of soil status.

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Jarosław Waroszewski, Cezary Kabała, Katarzyna Koszelnik

Geographical Studies, Issue 135, 2013 , pp. 87-100


The data presented in this paper confirms the existence of lithological discontinuities in Podzols, usually at the boundaries between E and B horizons. This phenomenon is supported by the results of particle size analysis: changes in the content of medium sand, coarse and fine sand, fine silt and clay. The presence of lithological discontinuities zone is also indicatedd by sedimentological indexes, first of all the average diameter of grains, as well as the asymmetry of particle size distribution. Based on the above arguments it can be concluded that Podzols formed from Upper Cretaceous sandstones in the Stołowe Mountains are heterogeneous.

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Katarzyna Wasak

Geographical Studies, Issue 135, 2013 , pp. 101-120

Features of humus horizons are strictly controlled by environmental factors like trophic and climatic conditions. Morphology of humus horizons is a key to understanding the conditions and processes that shape the horizons. In the Tatra Mountains many factors influence humus formation. Firstly, soils are developed on different bedrock – limestones and more acidic shales. Secondly, on large areas natural beech forests have been  eplaced by spruce  forests. The aim of this study is to compare the existing humus form classifications to verify their applicability in this diverse region.
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