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Issue 158

2019 Next

Publication date: 24.09.2019

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Dorota Matuszko

Secretary Arkadiusz Kocaj

Issue Editor Grzegorz Micek

Issue content

Adam Urbaniak, Anna Michno

Geographical Studies, Issue 158, 2019, pp. 7 - 25


The paper discusses variances in present-day alluvia in the Lepietnica river channel – a left bank tributary of the Czarny Dunajec River in southern Poland. The study focused on the characterization of grain size, petrographic content, and degree of rounding. The analysis considers the morphology of the river channel, sources of material influx to the  fluvial system, and degree of human impact. Research has shown that variances in alluvia in the Lepietnica are determined largely by catchment geology and regional elements of relief. Mountain areas such as the Gorce Mountains are characterized by the alluvia of larger grain size, more complex petrography, and less rounding. The lower stretch of the Lepietnica found in the Nowotarska-Orawska Basin is characterized by alluvia of smaller grain size, more rounding, and a different petrographic content.

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Magdalena Skrzyńska

Geographical Studies, Issue 158, 2019, pp. 27 - 44


This article discusses the annual course and the many-year occurrence of days with fog at three selected airports and their relationship with atmospheric circulation. Fog is a relatively frequent phenomenon – it is recorded around 60 days a year. Occurrence of fog is the most threatened airport Krakow-Balice, and least Katowice-Muchowiec. Fog usually occurred in autumn, and the least in summer. The probability of fog occurring is greatest in autumn and winter. Among the advection types, the types from the southern sector play a large role in shaping the mists. The highest probability of occurrence of a day with fog occurs in the types of non-convective circulation. In these circulation conditions, radiation mists are formed, which are the dominant type of mists in southern Poland. In spring and summer, the probability of fog is the lowest. The analysis confirms that the duration of the fog represents the leading role of the landform of the airport. Short-time fogs mostly occur mainly in Balice, whereas fogs of varying duration have similar frequencies at all airports considered. The most frequent occurrences of the 24-hour fog occur also in Balice, which means that the airport is characterized by the greatest threat to the fluency of air traffic. It is responsible for the location of the aerodrome within the concave form of the land, which is characterized by a tendency to create cold air stagnation and ground temperature inversion. Through a detailed analysis of the frequency and probability of the appearance of fog, its significant relationship with the circulation was demonstrated. This relationship is so strict that on the basis of the forecasted synoptic situation, the occurrence of fog can be predicted with high probability. The possibility of forecasting the occurrence of fog, its density and the time of retention is an extremely important issue in the context of the safety of crews and passengers as well as aviation tasks.

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Aneta Pawłowska-Legwand

Geographical Studies, Issue 158, 2019, pp. 45 - 64


Information and communication technology (ICT) allows for new, more interactive ways of promotion activities and tourist information presentation. Dissemination of broadband Internet and mobile devices as well as development of new programming technologies are main driving forces for broader use of tools such as mobile applications, social media, augmented and virtual reality. Territorial governments and most of all local governments use this potential in executing their tasks in the area of promotion and tourist information established by law regulations. The main goal of this paper was to present research results focused on activities in the area of promotion and tourist information where information and communication technology was implemented by local governments in communes of Lesser Poland Voivodeship. Collecting data about selected digital tools was conducted in 2013 and 2018 for 182 communes. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed on obtained database according to a set of criteria. Then, range and directions of activities were characterized and estimated. On this basis, activities realized by local governments in the research area can be described as numerous and various. Among examples of activities are modernization of official websites of commune offices, creation of next mobile applications, also with QR codes and beacon technology, and growing activity in social media.

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Tomasz Jamry

Geographical Studies, Issue 158, 2019, pp. 65 - 85


The main goal of this paper is to review Polish and world scientific literature as well as local business reports on the broadly understood business services sector. On this basis, the author tries to capture the geographical and economic aspects of its development, i.e. factors affecting the location of companies and features of spatial distribution, as  well as relations with the environment, including the sector’s impact on the demographic and economic structure of the region and the effects it causes. In the following, he makes a synthetic summary of the sector’s development, listing various problems that it encounters, among others rising employment cost, competition on the labor market, or “outflow of talents”.

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