2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 11.01.2018

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Zawartość numeru

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 4, 2017, s. 1 - 1

In permanently introducing this new section to our periodical, we wish to call the reader’s attention to a unique approach we are consciously taking. In a desire to identify impending foci in our field, we have invited the youngest of our colleagues – MA and PhD candidates in social work – to act as our reviewers. Furthermore, considering the vast multitude of scholarly articles published annually, we have asked our students to primarily focus on this segment which is more likely to reflect the most recent findings. That said, we have not set a strict date range in the hope that our reviewers will freely discover or recover studies which might have been overlooked heretofore.

Ida Daszczyńska - Stéphanie Wahab. (2002). For Their Own Good?: Sex work, social control and social workers, a historical perspective, “The Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare”. Vol.29(4): 39-57.

Anna Miechurska - Bruce G. Link, Jo C. Phelan, Michaeline Bresnahan, A. Stueve, Bernice Pescosolido. (1999). Public conceptions of mental illness: labels, causes, dangerousness, and social distance. ”American Journal of Public Health”. Vol.89(9): 1328-1333.

Eva Wachtler - Franciso Cosano-Rivas, Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta. (2011). Burnout, workplace support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction among social workers in Spain: A structural equation model, “International Social Work”. Vol. 56(2): 228-246.


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Olaf Gwiżdż, Wojciech Jarczewski

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 4, 2017, s. 247 - 264


The process of generating social problem illustrated with an example of the organization of Winter Olympic Games Kraków 2022

In recent years it has become evident the issue of organization of major sporting events is the subject of heated public debates. This is because it is quite difficult to state explicitly whether major sporting events have a positive or negative influence on economic development of cities, regions and states that organize them. The vast majority of the existing studies whose authors are in favour of or against the organization of the events of this type focuses primarily on economic aspects and their major aim is to determine costs and benefits related to the organization of such events. This article presents a slightly different approach to this problem. This is an attempt to analyse it from the sociological point of view. Based on the example of the process of organization of the Winter Olympic Games Kraków 2022, it tries to demonstrate that an inability to present clear and objective arguments which prove that major sporting events produce positive effects and represent an opportunity for development, implies the creation of social problem generated in the process of their organization. The approach to the social problem becomes then more subjective and is affected by social mobilization and media discourse. 
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Elżbieta Mirewska

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 4, 2017, s. 265 - 276


The Culture of Collaboration as the Indispensable Element of Partner Cooperation

A key element of public administration cooperation with non-governmental organizations, and sometimes with business entities, is local partnership. It is based on combining the diverse resources of individual members in a rational and optimal way to harness the potential of local community development. Actually, the existing partnership, apart from the realization of joint ventures based on mutual resources and possibilities, depends in addition on relations between the partners and the culture of co-operation between them. This article refers to the conditions that must be fulfilled in order for real, real co-operation between local administration and social organizations to be appropriate for the development of local communities.
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Ewa Krzaklewska, Marzena Ples

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 4, 2017, s. 277 - 290


Youth worker in the New Media era

This article discusses ways of working with young people in the New Media era. The extensive usage of internet by young people impacts as well the youth work practice. Basing on the qualitative interviews with youth workers, and focus groups with young people, we present opinions of youth workers on the influence of new technologies on their work. After defining the term “youth worker” as used in Poland, the article describes the Internet usage of young people. The results reveal the ambivalent evaluation of the usage of new technologies in youth work – youth workers indicate many advantages but also negative sides of extensive usage of new media. As some respondents suggest, the new role of youth work today would be to anchor young people – who are so strongly embedded in the virtual life – inreality.
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Marcjanna Nóżka

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 4, 2017, s. 291 - 310


Challenges for silver social work in the local community

Based on the results of research carried out in 2016 on one of Krakow’s housing estates, the article draws attention to the elderly and issues related to the aging of the neighbourhood. With regard to those findings reference will be made to the assumptions of silver social work, grassroots ways to cope, neighbouring practices and discussed will be the challenges for social work in the area of urban settlements. Attention will be given to, among others, the need to recognize in the assistance process the variable perspectives of people from the neighbourhood, their multidimensional interests, designing and animating the local environment to make it a friendly and egalitarian space. 
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Katarzyna Gucwa-Porębska

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 4, 2017, s. 311 - 322


Socio-professional activation of the imprisoned as the essence of probationary interventions in a libertarian environment

Staying in prison isolation – in a total institution is sometimes a time of many changes in human life. A new, previously unknown place in which “second life” takes place can contribute to fears, fears, lowered sense of life, lack of goals. Therefore, to counteract the negative consequences of imprisonment, it is worthwhile to introduce activities aimed at social and occupational activation, which significantly reduce the level of anxiety and give a new meaning. Ryszard Musidłowski writes that it is worth emphasizing that “although the purpose of the penalty of deprivation of liberty is primarily the resocialisation of the sentenced person, and not merely the desire to cooperate in shaping his social attitudes, he assumes and prefers his activity.”
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