2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 2015

Licencja: Żadna

Zawartość numeru

Paweł Koza

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 20, Numer 1, 2015, s. 1-10


The purpose of this article “Social work behind the veil of ignorance” is to identify the importance of veil of ignorance in social work. John Rawls’ theory of justice is connected with a specific concept of the self. The article focuses on the role of “naked self” in support process. Even if a client looses his/her social and financial status, he/she has a dignity which is beyond the veil of ignorance. It is easy to imagine the initial situation where people know nothing about their welfare or personal features. The social position of each human being is totally arbitrary and it cannot be a basis for principles of justice. The veil of ignorance provides arguments for brotherhood as a fundamental idea in society. In this context, social workers can explain redistribution in Rawls’ terms, because theory of justice is a well-structured foundation for an advocacy of those who are the least advantaged.

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Dobroniega Trawkowska , Mariola Racław

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 20, Numer 1, 2015, s. 11-23


Social work with the seemingly manifest (overt) social problem - the example of families of single mothers in Poland

This article attempts to conceptualize seemingly manifest (overt) social problem as a specific type of social problem. An example of a seemingly manifest (overt) social problem in Poland is the issue of single motherhood and single mothers. It was pointed out that historically shaped patterns of social reaction to the problem of single motherhood determine current patterns of professional help addressed to families of single mothers in Poland. There is a need to verify social work with single mothers and shaping the social work again.

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Emilia Zielińska, Joanna Lajstet

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 20, Numer 1, 2015, s. 23-37


The challenges and the problems of reintegration policy as viewed from the perspective of various helping professions. The dependencies of post-penitentiary assistance and the barriers to its efficiency on the basis of Ośrodek Profilaktyki I Resocjalizacji [The Centre of Prophylaxis and Resocialization] “Mateusz” in Toruń

This study was dedicated to report the contents of the seminar „Social work and the professional and social reintegration. The challenges and the problems thereof from the vantage point of various helping professions”. The meeting bearing this title took place thanks to the initiative of Sekcja Pracy Socjalnej Polskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego [The Section of Social Work of the Polish Sociological Association] and Pracownia Badań Jakości Życia of UMK [The Institute of the Research on the Quality of Life]. The speakers being representatives of different helping institutions raised the issues pertaining to the process of social and professional reintegration of the people threatened with the social exclusions or the ones already socially excluded. The study particularly exposded the opinions by the representative of Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej [Social Welfare Centre], Centrum Integracji Społecznej [The Centre of Social Integration], and the Association „Mateusz” running Ośrodek Profilaktyki i Resocjalizacji [Social Rehabilitation and Prevention]. What was presented, was the outline of the problems and the obstacles in the process of reintegration as well as the factors contributing to the efficiency of the support. What was also raised was the issue pertaining to the specific group of people of a low economic status, such as the people leaving penitentiary institutions. In this section of the article, the considerations concerning the pillars of efficacy were based on the operations of the centre „Mateusz” located in Toruń. Its advantage  reducible to the formula of a family house and the work with one’s protégées based on empowerment was regarded as a factor contributing most to the efficiency of the presented solution. What was also presented were the results of the empirical analyses and the constructive conclusions

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