2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 11.09.2017

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Małgorzata Opoczyńska-Morasiewicz

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 2, 2017, s. 81-92

Between forgiving oneself and giving unto others: Reflections on the art of helping
If psychological help could beart, then what differentiates it from other forms that could be called the technology of helping? The answer sought here begins with the question “what can I know about you without being yourself?”. The way to answer follows the length and breadth of therapeutic experience, to finally take the form of a question: must the art of helping the other, if not apparent, remain uncertain? Just as every art, it is not confident of what it already knows, possesses and is able to. It is not satisfied with what is already known. It knows that in every word “sleep you, my un-hearing”. Does it listen because it is given? 
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Barbara Worek

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 2, 2017, s. 93-103


Qualitative methods and its application in social work

The aim of the article is to characterize qualitative methods and their application in the field of social work. Qualitative research methods are first characterized in relation to quantitative approach. Next sections outline the objectives of applying qualitative methods in domain of social work and their role as a diagnostic and evaluation technique. Article provides a concise overview of the phases in the development of qualitative research methodologies and their reception in the field of social work. In the first stages of this methodological development, it was typical to conceive of the researcher and the methods themselves as external and neutral to the research subject. A significant feature of the qualitative studies as they are conducted nowadays is the co-production of knowledge by researchers and social work practitioners. 
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William A. Corsaro

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 2, 2017, s. 105-123

The article at hand addresses adult-child relations, comparing them in two settings – Italy and the United States. More specifically, I will be investigating family and community relations with the children and school institutions. A longitudinal ethnography in Italy, conducted with a colleague, permitted us to focus on the children’s transitions from preschool to elementary school and even into middle school. When comparing the Italian outcomes (where children normally stay in the same group with the same teacher) with my earlier work in American preschools (where children normally change groups and teachers), I became more aware of the vital role which teachers, parents, community leaders, and volunteers play in supporting the peer cultures of young children. Therefore, this article will share insights gathered by comparing my observations and experiences in Italy and the USA, looking first at teachers, then considering family members, and ultimately the general community. Among other things, special notice will be taken of time schedules, emotions and bonding, free play, field trips, civic engagement, etc. This discussion will close with some reflections on my own relationship with the children and my own contributions to their peer cultures in my role as a researcher, as an adult, and as a friend in their lives.
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Magdalena Ślusarczyk

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 2, 2017, s. 125-141

Professional counselling in social work
Professional counselling is one of the most crucial elements of the active labour market policy. It is an area of interdisciplinary inquiries and practices that draw on knowledge and inspiration from many areas of science including psychology, sociology or philosophy. This article notes that social work should also be included in this area. The practice of everyday life indicates a strong connection between these two contexts, both as a result of the work of career counselors and social workers, as well as institutional and social policy frameworks. This article is a reflection on the utility of the selected models of vocational guidance and professional counseling in the context of social work.
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Piotr Długosz

Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 2, 2017, s. 143-156


Educational inequalities as a social problem in post-transformational societies

The article presents results of the research on educational inequalities in Poland, Ukraine and Hungary. The research was conducted with the use of the survey method and the auditorium questionnaire technique. The research sample was chosen using the quota sampling method. Secondary school-leavers were the respondents. 1232 students were researched in Poland, 392 in Ukraine and 359 in Hungary. The results of the research have shown that educational inequalities perceived as a relation between socio-economic status and educational aspirations and school achievements are present in all the researched countries. The conducted analyses have shown that high educational aspirations and high school achievements are in correlation with higher status and cultural and economic capital as well as sex. 
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Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 2, 2017, s. 157-167

In permanently introducing this new section to our periodical, we wish to call the reader’s attention to a unique approach we are consciously taking. In a desire to identify impending foci in our field, we have invited the youngest of our colleagues – MA and PhD candidates in social work – to act as our reviewers. Furthermore, considering the vast multitude of scholarly articles published annually, we have asked our students to primarily focus on this segment which is more likely to reflect the most recent findings. That said, we have not set a strict date range in the hope that our reviewers will freely discover or recover studies which might have been overlooked heretofore.

Paweł Koza- Sean Blackwell. (2011). Am I Bipolar or Waking Up?, Create Space Publishing. Washington, pp. 231. ISBN – 13: 978-1461178255

Aleksandra Waszczuk-  Nancy Boyd (ed.). (2011). Social Work Practice with children and families, (3rd edition), The Guilford Press: New York. ISBN-13: 978-1609186432

Sabine Krumbock- McNeil Fergus, Weaver Beth. (2015). Lifelines: Desistance, social relations, and reciprocity. “Criminal Justice and Behavior”.  Vol. 42 (1). 95-107.

Marta Ryś- Richard Schechner, Sudipto Chatterjee, Augusto Boal, City Councillor: Legislative Theatre and the Chamber in the Streets: An Interview. TDR. Vol. 42, No. 4 (Winter 1998). 75-90.

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