Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 9 - 20
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 21 - 38 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 39 - 60 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 61 - 82 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 83 - 100 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 101 - 118 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 119 - 144 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 145 - 170 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 171 - 184 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 185 - 194 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 195 - 220 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 221 - 232 Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 233 - 235
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 236 - 239
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2021 (7), 2021, pp. 240 - 241
Słowa kluczowe: right to image, commercialisation of image, protection of image, cultural property, heirless property, genocide, AMLD V, counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing, art market, works of art, auction houses, galleries, archaeological monuments, trade in cultural goods, ownership of monuments, cities, marketing, monuments, ownership, copyrights, hunter, hunting, tradition, cultural heritage, language of hunting, art freedom, art and law, art censorship, museum exhibits in Spain, Spanish cultural heritage, monuments and museum collections in Spain, monument, immovable monument, grant, financing, heritage protection law, future of heritage, public domain, intangible heritage, essential readings for children, valuation of heritage, heritage identity, crime, statistics, national heritage, theft, damage