Instructions for authors

General information

In order to observe the rules of the academic world, including the principle of fair play, as well as to ensure the highest standard of texts possible, the Board of Editors has decided to implement a procedure to ensure the originality of academic papers.

Each person to submit a text is obliged to complete a submission form which includes a declaration aiming to put a firewall against ghostwriting (ghostwriting means that somebody else in addition to the author has contributed to the publication, yet their name is not mentioned as one of the authors) and guest authorship (guest authorship means that the author’s contribution to the work is negligible or nil, yet they are listed as the author or a co-author of the publication). The submission forms should be scanned and emailed to the editors.

Each author sign an agreement with the Bachlaw Foundation. The agreement is available on the website (see: Publishing agreement). After having the article accepted authors are asked to send signed two copies of the agreement to saaclreditors@gmail.com.

Preparation of Articles

  1. The submitted manuscripts must not exceed 1 publisher’s sheet (40 000 characters including spaces and footnotes), or 9 000 characters for if the text is a review.

  2. Manuscripts should be submitted in an electronic form (via e-mail or via Editorial Panel) in .doc and .pdf format.

  3. A brief summary in Polish and English (about 1 500 characters) and key words should be attached to the manuscript.

  4. A note about the author, the mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, name and address of the research institution should be attached. If the manuscript is a part of a funded research project, information about the sources of funding should be attached. When there is a co-authored paper, the contribution of each author should be indicated.

  5. A statement asserting that the submitted paper has not been sent to any other editorial office should be attached.

  6. The time limit for author’s correction is 7 days. Afterwards, with peer review conclusions embodied, the paper will be sent to publication only with editor’s correction.

  7. Authors shall not receive any remuneration for publishing in “Santander Art and Culture Law Review”.

  8. Materials that had not been ordered will not be returned.

  9. By publishing in “Santander Art and Culture Law Review” authors agree that papers will be archived in applicable archives and databases with which “Santander Art and Culture Law Review” collaborates.

Editorial rules

  1. Text files should be saved as .doc (Word 97 or more recent) and .pdf (Adobe Reader) files. Authors should provide the editorial office with an electronic version of the manuscript (using continuous pagination) containing the main text, footnotes, final graphics, tables and collations. The content should be identical in both formats. Page numbering: bottom of the page (footer), right-justified. The font: 12 pt, Times New Roman. The text should be justified, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins.

  2. Only typographic quotation marks are allowed. Opening and closing quotation marks should not spaced from the text to which they apply. Authors should not use double commas and apostrophes instead of quotation marks. Left out fragments of the text should be marked by an ellipsis placed in square brackets.

  3. Tables should be filled using 11-point Times New Roman font, with 1.5 line spacing. Authors should not use bold font in headers. Numerical data should not be justified using spaces and tabulators. Illustrations and tables should be incorporated into the text. Illustrations and tables should be numbered. Titles should be placed above tables, while captions should be placed under illustrations. The source should be mentioned every time under an illustration or a table. 

  4. “Santander Art and Culture Law Review” uses footnotes. Reference list should be attached separately. Please follow in footnotes the catalogue records adopted for the journal:
    • initials of the author’s first name + surname name; 
    • in the case of co-authored works with more than four authors – only the name of the first author and “et al.” shall be given (i.e. S. Nowak et al.);
    • title of the publication in italics;
    • title of the journal (without abbreviations) in quotation marks,
    • title of the series without quotations marks,
    • in the case of a multiple-author work: first name initial and surname of the editor followed by “ed.” 
    • in the case of dictionaries and encyclopaedias: the title of the publication followed by the surname of the editor,
    • the publisher,
    • date (year) and place of issue, 
    • number of the quoted page (pages),
    • when referring to aforementioned work: ibidem;
    • when referring to two or more works by the same author: idem (when the author is male), or eadem (when female),
    • when referring to the same publication in a different place: op. cit;
    • when referring to a different publication by the same author: initial + surname, the beginning of the title in italics followed by an ellipsis.

Manuscript Procedure Time

The average time in which the article is published: 8 months

No publishing fees

Publication in the journal is free of charge. The publisher does not charge any submission fees or article processing fees.