Tom 14 Numer 2

Informacja w zdrowiu publicznym. Komunikacja w zdrowiu publicznym

2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 23.10.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naukowy numeru dr hab. Barbara Niedźwiedzka

Zawartość numeru

Andrew Booth

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 74-85

Over twenty years evidence based practice has become established as a dominant frame of evaluation within health services management and public health. Its influence extends to all aspects of information and communication. Evidence Based Health Information (EBHI) seeks to get the best available evidence used by patients, clinicians, managers and policy makers and to use evidence based methods to communicate them. Increasingly the public health community is shifting its collective attention to so-called complex interventions, from ‘what works’ to ‘what works for whom under what circumstances’. The author briefly reviews the background to these developments before giving examples of the practical value of this wide lens approach. The author uses a recent case study to illustrate how health service managers and public health decision makers can benefit practically from recommendations produced as a result of using a complex interventions based approach. 
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Małgorzata Kisilowska-Szurmińska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 86-92

The article describes the functions of information professionals in modern health care. Selected surveys of librarians’ educational needs are presented and discussed, and a list of professional competencies indispensable in answering health professionals’ information needs is proposed. The potential of academic training of librarians and information professionals offered by Polish universities is also discussed. The unique value of information professionals’ competencies in offering information services to different groups of health professionals and patients, their responsibility and partnership in either research or therapeutic teams are accentuated.
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Zuzanna Drożdzak, Patrycja Antosz, Jan Strycharz, Seweryn Krupnik, Anna Szczucka, Dariusz Szklarczyk, Karolina Łukasiewicz

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 93-103

This article presents Translational Medicine (TM), one of today’s ‘buzz words’. Moreover, it seeks to identify the factors which stimulate or impede TM’s development in Poland, based on desk research and a series of expert interviews conducted in four countries. TM is a new trend in research and clinical practice. It stems from two sources: observation of how ineffective the traditional drug development process is, and from the public need for innovative therapies. Strategies developed within the translational approach optimize medical innovation development so that the chasm between impressive scientific discoveries and poor pharma productivity is filled. Our diagnosis shows that Poland is a minor player on the market of new technologies, particularly drugs. However, Polish scientists and industry do have a potential that will enable them to play major roles in international research teams that work on innovative, global projects.
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Helena Wrona-Polańska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 104-117


Introduction: The role of physician and nurse in the therapeutic team depends on the prevailing medical model of health: biomedical or holistic and functional.

Purpose: The theoretical basis of the therapeutic role of doctor - nurse - patient contact from a psychological perspective is the Functional Model of Health created by Helena Wrona-Polanska.

Material and Methods:141 people after bone marrow transplantation were examined at the Hematology Clinic of Jagiellonian University. To examination were used the questionnaires of stress, coping strategies, personal resources, and grading scales of health and anxiety.

Results:Analysis of the results revealed predictors of subjective health and difference between subjective and objective health.

Conclusions: Author's Functional Model of Health used in the analysis of nurses work shows the complexity of the physician - nurse - patient contact: instrumental function, cognitive function, emotional function as a basis of innovative educational program for physicians and nurses.

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Barbara Niedźwiedzka, Paloma Korycińska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 118-130


Knowledge of people’s health information needs and information behaviour can be used in planning health interventions in a way that they would meet people’s needs as accurately as possible and reflect how health information is acquired and processed.

The aim of the study presented in this paper was to analyze the usefulness of online forums as a source of scientific knowledge about people’s health needs and information behaviour, which could then be actively used in the area of public health.

Method. The content, a total of 1,575 entries, derived from two open forums devoted to depression in the years 2012–2015 was analysed using a set of mixed methods, including: a formal (quantitative) analysis of the material using the tools of computational linguistics (QDAMiner Simsat), inductive theme analysis EMIC, in the so-called hard variety, reinforced by elements of Awdiejew’s conversational grammar, and comparative method.

Results: Both health information needs and behaviour can be identified on Internet forums dedicated to health problems. Linguistic analysis of online forums can give very interesting results and clues that cannot be obtained using questionnaires or personal interviews. It seems, however, that it should never be the only method used in investigating this matter. Since there are several intervening factors that may distort reliability of findings, determining whether we are dealing with real or created needs or behaviour requires confirming the results of the linguistic analysis of the forums using other methods.

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Ewa Dobrogowska-Schlebusch

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 131-140

A diagnosis of autism can present a great challenge to the family with autistic children, especially to parents. Health information-seeking behaviour is described as one of many problem-solving and stress-coping strategies in literature. The information was found to have many important functions, e.g. it can contribute to the process of acceptance, it enables parents to access health care services, then to manage their child’s difficult behaviour and it might help parents to respond more effectively to the range of life-changing events that may induce stress.
There are many barriers to meeting the information needs of parents having autistic children. Two different types of barriers to information access can be identified: “objective barriers” (problems communicating with health care professionals, healthcare professionals lack of skills and knowledge of managing children with autism, economic barriers to the access of information, information overload and a low level of health literacy) and “subjective barriers” (experience of social isolation and the parents’ emotional state during diagnosis, which have the potential to make the families prone to misinformation).The main aim of this paper is to describe the negative consequences of barriers to the access of scientific research and evidence-based healthcare information (e.g.: spreading anti-vaccine messages). The problem will be discussed using the example of the information-seeking and health-related behaviour of parents with autistic children.
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Marta Makowska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 141-146


Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) in which pharmaceutical companies market prescription drugs directly to consumers is legal in only two countries – the USA and New Zealand. This article describes legislative milestones of DTCA development in the USA which have given rise to the current legal framework.

The article shows the cultural background for DTCA expansion, outlining the fight of patients’ associationsfor better access to information about therapy and drugs and change in perceiving the role of the patient in the health care professional-patient relations. It presents arguments supporting the producers’ right to advertise their products.

Direct-to-consumer advertising in the USA is a controversial subject. Although based on only limited data, the existing research gives arguments both in favour and against direct-to-customer advertising. The article also presents the EU policy towards DTCA, considering the consequences of the existing DTCA ban in the EU.

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Mariusz Kielar, Krzysztof Gajda, Wojciech Trąbka , Artur Romaszewski

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 147-155

A new integrated information system, based on electronic document, is to be implemented in the Polish Health Care System in 2017. Electronic medical records are the obligatory form of medical documentation in this system. Two crucial elements of this system are: EHR (Electronic Health Record), i.e. defining criteria and standards of electronic medical documentation and constructing a communication system allowing exchange of data and information between various institutions – stakeholders functioning in the healthcare system. IHE XDS (Integrating of Health Enterprise Cross Enterprise Document Sharing), developed specially for usage in healthcare systems, should be implemented in the Polish healthcare information system as both a local and global solution. European Union regulations dealing with electronic public service, openness and interoperability of information systems are important requirements and standards.
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Krzysztof Gajda, Wojciech Trąbka , Artur Romaszewski, Mariusz Kielar

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 14 Numer 2, 2016, s. 156-160

In April 2015 came to force a new regulation of The Ministry of Health regarding healthcare maps and preparation of the General Polish Healthcare Map. During implementation process of this regulation several questions and problems about practical solutions in preparing of healthcare maps were raised. Collection of the required data, their analysis and presentation in current healthcare information system is difficult. Healthcare maps will require further regular current data supply and updates. Without unified system of data collection, required standards of data format and models of analysis and presentation, preparation and use of such maps may not be possible. 
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