2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 28.08.2017


Przygotowanie do wydania elektronicznego 4 numerów czasopisma - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy
Nr 780/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naukowy numeru Prof. dr hab. Stanisława Golinowska

Zawartość numeru

Zbigniew Izdebski, Krzysztof Wąż

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2017, s. 126-134


Procreation plans and use of contraception by Poles in reproductive age

The paper attempts to show the relationship between reproductive plans of Poles in reproductive age and their use of methods of preventing pregnancy. There has been carried out a reinterpretation of the results of a sexuality study from 2011 of a representative sample of 3206 adult Poles. There have also been used some of the results obtained in the previous edition of the survey, realised in 2005. It has been established, among other things, that almost half of the respondents plan to have another child in the future; the reproductive plans of the respondents have been differed by many socio-demographic variables as well as variables describing being in a relationship and sexual activity of the respondents; nearly three quarters of respondents who started a regular sex life used some method of contraception; there has been a favourable change in the use of methods of preventing pregnancy – hormonal medicines and condoms are used more frequently; unreliable methods (natural methods and coitus interruptus) are still relatively frequently used; there has been a radical reduction in concerns about unplanned procreation.

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Monika Mynarska, Wiktoria Wróblewska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2017, s. 135-143


In this paper, we investigate the significance of health in the fertility choices made by women in Poland. We use data from the first wave of the Polish “Generations and Gender Survey” (GGS-PL), which was conducted at the turn of 2010 and 2011. We verify whether women who are disabled or who experience health problems limit their childbearing intentions. In our analyses, we use four different indicators for health. Our results suggest that all four might be important when planning a child in the subsequent three-year period. Nevertheless, our multivariate analyses indicate that only women’s self-rated health remains significant, if age, parity and marital status are controlled for.


Przygotowanie do wydania elektronicznego publikacji - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr 780/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.



Czytaj więcej Następne

Zbigniew Izdebski, Krzysztof Wąż, Joanna Mazur , Anna Kowalewska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2017, s. 144-155

Socio-demographic and familial determinants of first sexual experiences and sexual initiation of young people
The study analyses the relationship of selected socio-demographic characteristics of adolescents (gender, place of residence, type of school) and selected characteristics of their families (education of parents, family wealth, support and communication) with their pre-initiation sexual experiences and sexual initiation. The results of a research carried out on a sample of 1,266 second- and third-class students of post-secondary schools have been analysed. The survey used an auditorium questionnaire. It has been shown that: three-fifths of the respondents had sexual experiences, of whom two-fifths already had sexual intercourse; girls were less likely than boys to have had sexual initiation, but more often than they got involved into pre-initiation forms of sexual activity; people who had a sexual initiation got involved into early forms of sexual activity earlier than those who didn’t have it yet. Factors that differentiate young people’s sexual behaviour have also included: the type of school, family support and material resources of the family. It has been established that in the case of boys, the risk factor for early sexual initiation is low family support and high level of affluence, while the protective factor is attendance at general secondary school or technical secondary school, and in the girls’ group, the protective factor is attendance at general secondary school, while the risk factor is living in a large city.
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Anna Ziomkiewicz-Wichary

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2017, s. 156-160

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a complex cluster of physical and behavioral symptoms that occur during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in reproductive age women. PMS is inextricably associated with ovulation. Not only pregnancy blocks premenstrual symptoms but also in anovulatory cycles symptoms seem to disappear. It is diagnosed in up to 80% women, worldwide, with around 8% of women suffering from its most severe form – premenstrual disphoric disorder. Although this syndrome has been investigated for almost 60 years, researchers are still far from full understanding of this psycho-somatic condition. Some even question its biological basis and attribute it to specific role that women play in western society and culture. This short review summarizes past and current scientific perspective on PMS, including its etiology and physiology. This paper also discusses evolutionary hypotheses proposed to explain the universal occurrence of premenstrual symptoms in women worldwide.

Przygotowanie do wydania elektronicznego publikacji - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr 780/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Krzysztof Tymicki

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2017, s. 161-171

Paper analyses relationship between age at first attempt to conceive and apparent fecundability defined as detection of a pregnancy. The purpose of the analysis is to account for biological consequences of age shifts on fertility schedules in contemporary low fertility societies. Age specific decrease in fecundability might lead to increase in waiting time to pregnancy measured as interval between onset of deliberate attempt to conceive and actual pregnancy. Analysis is based on retrospective measurement of waiting time to pregnancy (WtP) implemented in GGS-PL survey. Analyses reveal significant increase in WtP among women aged 35+ and only a slight increase for those aged 30–35. Due to increase in age at first reproduction we expect that share of couples having prolonged WtP or those remaining childless might increase in the future especially among social groups which are in the avant-garde of fertility postponement.
Paper addresses an issue whether increase in age at first attempt to conceive among females might have an effect on likelihood of conception. Since postponement of reproduction seems to be almost universal feature of contemporary developed societies paper aims at measuring safe limits of postponement in which conception will not be endangered by a significant drop in fecundity. Analysis uses data on waiting time to pregnancy (WtP) to measure an impact of reproductive ageing on length of interval between first attempt to conceive and conception. Methodology of measuring WtP has been implemented in Polish GGS survey. Analyses reveal significant increase in WtP among women aged 35+, slight increase among females aged 30–35 and no decrease for younger females. Results suggest that postponement of reproduction beyond age 35 might decrease chances for achieving desired number of children during lifetime and ultimately increase observed proportion of childless females.
Paper addresses an issue whether decrease in female fecundity (reproductive senescence) during life cycle might have an influence on realization of fertility intentions. Increasing age at first attempt to conceive might translate into lower than planned number of offspring due to divergence between lifecycle of modern females and changes in fecundity over the life course. We use waiting time to pregnancy (WtP) to account for impact of reproductive ageing on length of interval between first attempt to conceive a child and actual pregnancy. This retrospective methodology reflects definition of sub-fertility and infecundity as number of months with regular unprotected intercourse ending (or not) in pregnancy. Methodology of measuring WtP has been implemented in Polish GGS survey and contains questions about infertility and number of menstrual cycles needed for conception. Analyses reveal significant increase in WtP among women aged 35+, slight increase among females aged 30–35 and no decrease for younger females. Estimates of infertility yields around 6% for females and around 3% for males (as declared by respondents). These results are in line with results of other studies which suggest that postponement of reproduction beyond age of 35 might influence probability of conception (as well as transition to higher parities) and increase chance of remaining childless. Taking into account age patterns of fertility in Poland, reproductive senescence might not have a great impact on realization of fertility intentions on the level of general population. However, due to increase in age at first reproduction we expect that share of couples having problems with conception (prolonged WtP) might increase in the future especially among social groups which are in the avant-garde of fertility postponement.

Przygotowanie do wydania elektronicznego publikacji - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr 780/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Antonina Doroszewska , Michał Nowakowski

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2017, s. 172-177


There has been a lot of changes in the provision of care for women during the perinatal period and newborns since the early 90s past century. These changes are an example occurring in parallel to the process of medicalization and the tendency to demedicalization.

The aim of this paper is to analyse these changes from the perspective of the theory of medicalization. In this article we analyse three effects of medicalization: increasing number of unjustified medical interventions, ignoring the needs of childbearing women and reducing the role of midwives.

I assert that we observe two contradictory tendencies. On the one hand, the medicalization of perinatal care is promoted by physicians. On the other hand, the demedicalization has its advocates among women and midwives. The question then arises whether these tendencies are exclusive or they are an example of democratization in the field of perinatal care, which are increasingly influenced by active in civil society, various pressure groups.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Anna Kotlińska, Hubert Huras

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2017, s. 178-180


Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed newborns and infants. Breast milk is a unique biological fluid, a source of nutrients, immune factors and bacterial flora. Although we know breast milk is one of the factors influencing bacterial flora of the newborn's gastrointestinal tract, the diversity of factors affecting the composition of the microbiota and the biological role of bacteria in human milk is poorly understood. There are several potential factors that influence the composition of the flora of breast milk: immunological disorder of the mother, her diet, antibiotic treatments, birth type, and lactation duration. Currently, there are three known hypothesis about how milk becomes colonized: bacterial transfer from the mother's intestines (endogenous road), colonization after exposure to the bacteria in the birth canal during delivery and the transfer of bacteria from the skin to the breast during breastfeeding. Further research is needed to confirm the validity of the presented hypotheses

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