Tom 13 Numer 3


2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naukowy numeru Prof. dr hab. Stanisława Golinowska

Zawartość numeru

Antonina Ostrowska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 13 Numer 3, 2015, s. 232-242

The article presents the results of two comparative studies on social attitudes to disabled persons, conducted in Poland on representative national samples in 1993 and 2013. The main purpose of the study was identification of the social barriers restraining the integration process of disabled people into various spheres of social life and social relationships.
The twenty years period between studies enables the comparison of changes and their dynamics in the integration v/s separation oriented tendencies of our society towards the disabled, and indicate the areas where the perceived distance is still most visible. 
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Magdalena A. Mrożek-Gąsiorowska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 13 Numer 3, 2015, s. 243-251

The aim of the study was to analyze the National Health Fund (NHF) expenditure on health services in the field of rehabilitation and spa treatment over the last 10 years (2005–2014), as well as to assess the use and access to the health services. The results indicate that the NHF spending on medical rehabilitation and spa treatment increased during this period. There was also a raise in the demand for these services. Medical rehabilitation is often used by older people. However, the increased use among people aged 10–19 years is observed too. Due to the limits and restrictions on access to rehabilitation services financed from public funds by the NHF, the number of people waiting for these services significantly increased. The longest average waiting time for the services is observed in the area of sanatorium treatment, where many patients have to wait more than 24 months to receive treatment.
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Anna Mokrzycka , Iwona Kowalska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 13 Numer 3, 2015, s. 252-262

The main purpose of the paper is the preliminary identification and indication of the research scope in regard to the Internet access and its potential health effects in case of disabled persons. The problem has a specific meaning for this selected group of people due to the key importance of the tools and possibilities offered by cyberspace to those who suffer from different barriers in communication with the external world. The main assumptions focuses on the statement that such impact may influence significantly health of the disabled persons in the wellbeing perspective, including the possibly wide social participation as well as the full execution of the fundamental rights. 
Internet and cyberspace instruments accessibility creates the conditions that to a great extent may improve the situation of disabled persons regarding complex health issues but there are still very rare studies helping to assess the scale of such an impact. Moreover, the right to Internet inclusion into the list of the list of so called V-th Generation of Human Rights with the reasoning focused on this particular right indicated as the pre-condition to the other rights performance, proves its very importance in the context of hereby described problem.
Wellbeing of disabled persons refers to the general condition (status), also in a very subjective perspective, that may be quite specific in case of disabled persons. It may not refer to the traditional health measurement/ evaluation but to methods and means of social inclusion, understood as wide as possible, with all the instruments and fields regarding social participation, namely: political freedom and rights, economy, consumer rights, education, labor market, culture etc. The paper constitutes also an attempt of a description and analysis focused on the contemporarily growing problems related to technological progressive development and to the so called cyber disability as a result of the process. 
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Danuta Łasak, Paweł Żychowicz

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 13 Numer 3, 2015, s. 263-274

Aim. The purpose of this study was to present the level of somatic development and physical fitnessof a group of adolescents with mild and moderate intellectual disability which has been examined. The outcomes of the research were compared to the outcomes of people without intellectual disability.
Methods. 67 pupils with intellectual disability at the age between 11–16 in this research took part. 37 pupils were of a mild intellectual disability and 30 of a moderate intellectual disability. During the study an anthropometric measurements were taken and the level of motor skills were evaluated with 3 physical fitness tests (Standing Broad Jump, Sit-Ups in 30 seconds, Sit-and-Reach).
Results. The results were confirmed the assumptions. The analysis of the results showed, that study participants characterized by low level of motor skills. It shown that the level of motor skills were different between disable and not disable adolescents. The results showed the retardment in somatic development of the people with intellectual disability comparing to the condition of healthy youth. The disability brings about lower heights level and higher level of BMI.
Conclusion. The results pointed to the need to design as well as training programmes to enhance the level of motor abilities of people with intellectual disabilities and conduct long-term research.
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Joanna Zyznawska, Danuta Smoląg, Monika Brzostek, Małgorzata Kulesa-Mrowiecka

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 13 Numer 3, 2015, s. 275-282

Introducation. In this research authors tried to examine the influence of aquatic environment and the concept of Halliwick on improvements of motor skills, physical fitness and social abilities of people with intellectual disabilities. 
Aim of the study was to determine the effect of the therapy to improve motor function, physical fitness and level of psychosocial adaptation of people with intellectual disabilities.
Material and methods. The study was carried out between years 2008 and 2012 in the province of Małopolska, Poland. During that time 63 people from the study group regularly attended swimming classes. Progress of rehabilitation was controlled through out all the process. 
Results. A significant improvement of motor skills and social function was observed in the all group. 
Conclusions. Aquatic therapy conducted by Halliwick concept and simultaneous systematic training of independence showed positive effect of physical fitness and level of social adaptation of people with intellectual disabilities. 
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Ewa Dobrogowska-Schlebusch, Barbara Niedźwiedzka

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 13 Numer 3, 2015, s. 283-294

Introduction. Assessment of the information needs of patients and their family caregivers is considered as the foundation from which to develop patient-centred services. The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the studies published in a last 5 years on family caregivers’ health information needs in order to find out if there is any standard method to perform information needs assessment in the area of healthcare.
Methods. Search of the literature from the last five years was conducted using Medline, EMBASE, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, ERIC, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, LISTA and Polska Bibliografia Lekarska yielding 2869 articles. Of these, 79 studies were included in the review. 
Results. Most included studies (33 + 4) used a qualitative or mixed design; there were no observational or experimental research included into review. In three studies existing theory was tested and only one study was of methodological character. Only four included studies used a longitudinal design. The sample population in qualitative studies usually is not representative, what does not allow generalization.
Conclusion. Systematic review of research into family caregivers’ health information needs confirms that within the field of health information needs research there is neither prevailing method to assess them, nor established theoretical background (concepts, standard terminology, dominating models). 
Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Wrzesińska, Paweł Rasmus, Katarzyna Wicherska, Jolanta Krukowska

Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 13 Numer 3, 2015, s. 295-301

The aim of studies was the evaluation of the level of burnout syndrome in a group of practicing physiotherapists with regard to sociodemographic variables, and social support from the supervisor, co-workers and families in stressful situations in the workplace. A study group consisted of 71 practicing physiotherapists. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and questionnaire were used. The high levels of burnout syndrome in terms of depersonalization and reduced sense of personal accomplishment were noted. Sociodemographic variables and characteristics related to the profession of physiotherapist had no significant effect on burnout syndrome factors. Social support from colleagues had a significant effect on emotional exhaustion (z = 2.021, p < 0.05) and depersonalization (z = 2.140, p < 0.05) and receiving social support from the supervisor in stressful situations at work had relationship with depersonalization (z = 2.021, p < 0.05). Social support from superiors in stressful situations in the workplace could be a buffer preventing the development of burnout syndrome in physiotherapists.
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