
Theological semi-annually


Sympozjum – theological semi-annually is the official scientific publication of the Sacred Heart Higher Missionary Seminary in Stadniki. It has been published since 1991. The periodical covers scientific issues from various fields of theology. It constitutes a forum for presentation of theological ideas for authors from Poland and abroad. The structure of the publication comprises the following sections: topic of the issue, articles, reviews and reports.

ISSN: 2543-5442

eISSN: 2544-3283

MNiSW points: 5

DOI: 10.4467/25443283SYM

Editorial team

ks. dr SCJ Dariusz Salamon
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
ks. prof. dr hab. SCJ Tadeusz Kałużny
ks. dr SCJ Krzysztof Napora
Language Editor:
mgr Joanna Matusiak
Language Editor:
mgr Joanna Matusiak


Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów w Stadnikach

Journal content

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issue 2 (45)

Thematic editor: Adam Pastorczyk

Editor-in-Chief: Dariusz Salamon

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Tadeusz Kałużny

Issue content


Dariusz Salamon

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 7 - 9

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The Time of the Laity in the Church

Maria Ewa Nowak

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 13 - 26

Fulfilling Christ’s call to be “salt and light of the world” assumes the existence of appropriate ground in a lay person. Its formation is influenced by the mature acceptance of one’s own identity, support in faith, listening, which through kenosis turns into obedience and holiness. To fulfill this role, a lay person must following the example of St. Peter to take his place first of all after Christ. Following Christ enables a lay person to be salt and light wherever he is sent. The precursor of this attitude is Mary – our Mother.
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Andrzej Sarnacki

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 27 - 46

The article focuses on the background of the discussion of the role of the laity in the Church, addressing the ideas of contemporary cultural currents that are having a significant impact on thinking about the Church and potential changes in its structure and organization. While the role of the laity has been widely discussed and a greater assumption of responsibility by the laity has been advocated, it is important that this change not take place according to the inspiration and script of ideas alien to the Church, which in certain forms can corrupt the transmission of the faith. The Church, as a result of the redefinition of certain concepts, participating in Western guilt, but also weaknesses in leadership, dangerously adopts narratives that are ideologically alien and sometimes harmful to the Church. Addressing this problem is important for defining today’s involvement and responsibility of lay people in the Church.
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Jan Bartoszek

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 47 - 64

This article addresses the issue of the involvement of laypeople in the communication of the Gospel to the modern world. Its aim is to highlight the areas of particular impact of the laity in the realization of the Gospel in the daily lives of believers. The article enumerates some tasks and functions of laypeople in the Church, demonstrating the vast space of engagement of the lay faithful in the mission of the Church and their participation in the building and development of the Church community. However, the problem lies in the fact that, unfortunately, the involvement of lay faithful often boils down to external religious practices. The activity advocated by successive post- Vatican II popes and mandated by legal provisions must be revitalized through appropriate forms of preparation and instruction for the laity, as this is how they fulfill their vocation and mission in the Church and the world. This situation also requires a change in the mindset of the official priesthood in the Church. The church hierarchy should recognize the potential of the laity in proclaiming the Gospel „to the ends of the earth”. Therefore, bishops and priests should mobilize the laity to act and stimulate their work for evangelization. The current situation, nearly sixty years after the Second Vatican Council, necessitates a reconsideration of the role of the laity in the Church, so as not to waste the tremendous potential inherent in laypeople in the coming years.
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Przemysław Michowicz

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 65 - 86

The article is a contribution to the doctrinal discussion, the subject of which, since the Second Vatican Council, has been the participation of the lay faithful in the Church’s governing authority. In addition to the theories of power present in the doctrine, the author points to the concept of presumed power, understanding it as a possible solution to the problems and controversies that have accumulated over the years. The recent amendment to the law on the Roman Curia seems to confirm the intuition of the proposed theory of potestas a munere, which is further strengthened by some events documenting the entrustment of some important Church offices to lay faithful.
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Dorota Kuncewicz

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 87 - 96

The question about the role of a woman in the Church is asked in the context of the world and triggers its problems. And the modern world has difficulty accepting roles, requirements and interdependence, but also in appreciating every day, arduous effort aimed at the common good. The context for answering the question should also be the parallel definition of the roles of other members of the community - men, priests, nuns. And of course, there remains the question of why the question is asked and whether the answer is consistent with the one given in real life.
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Przemysław Krakowczyk

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 97 - 114

The year 2023 marks sixty years since the promulgation of the Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum concilium. One of its main demands of this document was the renewal of the liturgy in such a way that the lay faithful could more consciously and fully participate in it. The text seeks answers to the questions: what does it mean for the laity to participate more fully in the Church’s liturgy, and how and with what tools should the formation of the laity to participate more fully in the Church’s liturgy take place?
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Articles submitted

Jakub Bieszczad

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 117 - 140

A two-year work experience at the Dehonian Studies’Centre has given to the author the chance to work with a set of Archives of the Holy Office concerning the inquisitorial trial, held between 1882 and 1884, over the mystical writings circulating in the circles of the Institute of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart of Saint-Quentin. The documents show new dimensions of the now semi-mythical affair commonly referred to in the institute as Consummatum est. The author attempts to outline where narratives are either based on a founding myth or on an attempt to dissimulate an inconvenient truth. Starting from an analysis of the ADF fond Suessonem 1884, Rer. Var. no. 5° lists four nodes of this story that seem more complex than the existing narrative would suggest: the morphology of the process itself, the canonical situation that affects the praxis of the Holy Office, the relationship with the ecclesiastical authorities and the nature of the mystical movement that developed around the Oblates. These sites are also presented as invitations to further research.
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Jakub Bieszczad

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 141 - 158

A week-long workshop at the Dehonian Studies’ Centre provided an opportunity to outline the possibility of a new research project within Dehonian Studies. Against the backdrop of reflections on Dehonian traditions and charismatic legacies, figures emerge who responded to such legacies directly by putting the founding charism into practice. This article seeks to define the status of such a tradition towards the figure of the Founder and his first companions. Given the history of the origins of the Congregation, full of turning points, the list of the socalled first fathers has been endowed with some caveats and divided into several levels to satisfy the idea of the first father: a religious who, during the Founder’s lifetime, persevered in the Congregation until his death and made a significant contribution to the consolidation of the Congregation’s charism. This provides an opportunity to reflect on the history of the institute, as well as on the contemporary concept of biography, which, in a critical approach, attempts to reconcile other methodologies (commemorative, hagiographic, or positivist) that, refer to the essential needs of research, reduce the historiographical narrative. The final section of the article brings together the elements that would allow the construction of a research project while defining its possible objectives.
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Łukasz Filipiuk

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 159 - 166

The 2nd Congress of Practical Theology entitled "The Parish of Tomorrow", held in Licheń on 19-21 September 2023, aimed to: diagnose the current socioreligious situation in Poland conditioned by the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of pastoral ministry, analyse it in the light of the teaching of the Church's Magisterium and indicate appropriate actions for the most optimal functioning of Polish parishes. The academics, pastoral workers and lay faithful present there discussed the prospects and challenges facing parishes in the near future. Prizes were also awarded to those parish communities that showed a high degree of pastoral activity and creativity.
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Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , issue 2 (45) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 167 - 182

Holiness is the goal of the Christian life. One of the examples of the holiness of consecrated persons is the figure of the venerable Servant of God, Fr. Aloysius Sebastian (Aloísio Sebastião) Boeing SCJ. The aim of the article is to show the spiritual growth of this candidate for the altar, his dedication to serving God’s people and the spiritual inspirations he drew from the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Marian piety.
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