issue 2 (39)

2020 - Volume XXIV Next

Publication date: 26.11.2020

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Leszek Poleszak

Issue content

ks. SCJ Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 7-8

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Maria Miduch

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 11-25


The relationship of God and man was destroyed by sin. God does not leave people without hope. He promises help. Through ages he sent out his prophets to keep the hope of Messiah. Some of the first messianic prophecies seem to be especially interesting. We can see the longing for the lost safety, for paradise. They seem to be very human related. God’s fulfillment of this promise does not omit people’s desires and needs, it exceeds them. The goal of Messiah is not only to bring people the perfect relationship with God, it is to take it to a higher level. God, who became a human in the person of Messiah, is closer to man in as never before.

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Jakub Synowiec

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 27-38


The article uses the metaphor of dialogue to illuminate the Christian approach to the relationship of man to creation. The metaphor of dialogue is shaped on the basis of the concept of dialogue from D. N. Walton’s The New Dialectic. The article is divided into three parts, in which selected features of dialogue are discussed to throw light on the Christian approach to the human-creation relationship related to them: the common goal of the participants in the dialogue, the requirement to know the partner in the dialogue and the result of dialogue resulting from its nature, i.e. agreement. The conclusions present the concept of human ecology, emphasize numerous similarities between Christian and non-Christian ecological thought, and identify why Christian dialogue with creation does not function as it should in the light of the Church’s teaching.

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ks. Mieczysław Polak

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 39-50


Dialogue is one of the fundamental human relationships. It is also of particular importance in the life of the Church. The article tries to answer the question whether catechesis is a space for dialogue. It first shows the dialogue of salvation as a relationship between God and man. Then it presents the relationship of the Church to the world, which is a relationship of dialogue. Since catechesis is at the service of God’s dialogue of salvation and is an ecclesial ministry, it is therefore also dialogical. There is, however, a specificity of this dialogue, which is based on the spirituality of dialogue. This vision of catechesis is contained in the new Vatican Directory for Catechesis, which describes it as a „laboratory for dialogue”.

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OFMConv o. Zdzisław J. Kijas

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 51-67


The article is an attempt to present the priestly vocation in the aspect of being a master and father for believers. Referring to the reflections of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the author points to those elements of the priest’s ministry which constitute the essence of being a good shepherd. It also deals with the subject of the relationship between pastoral work and loneliness, which – if lived well – leads to discovering oneself and experiencing closeness to God.

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ks. SCJ Adam Pastorczyk

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 71-82


Although more than half a century has passed since the adoption of the dogmatic constitution on the Church at the Second Vatican Council, a discussion continues in the Catholic Church and in ecumenical discussions about the correct interpretation of the conciliar expression „Ecclesia in et ex Ecclesiis”. The subject of this article, therefore, is an analysis of the conciliar and post-conciliar teaching of the Catholic Church and the ongoing theological discussion on the mutual relationship of the universal Church and the local Church.

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ks. SCJ Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 83-123


The goal of the article is to present the Christocentric sources of the consecrated life. Jesus Christ is for all the consecrated people their founder and pattern for the chosen by them form of life. The son of God is indeed the model of consecration based on the profession of the evangelical counsels which in the strict sense means to follow the form of life He has chosen and practised himself. The article picked out on the paschal dimension of the consecration, which is deeply rooted in the baptismal consecration, which is the beginning of the God’s life in human as well as in the Eucharist. Following Christ who is chaste, poor and obedient the consecrated people become the witnesses of His presence in the world.

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ks. Janusz Królikowski

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 125-139


One of the key questions with which contemporary theology has to deal is providing support for art, so that it could perform its tradition-honoured role of a „mediator” in relation between man and God. Works of art, especially paintings, have proven their unquestionable value in this respect more than once. The unique role of paintings finds its manifestation particularly in prayer which constitutes a privileged place of meeting between man and God. Artistic creativity in its internal dynamism may constitute substantial aid in this respect, since it not only provides the believers with actual visualisations of religious themes, but also conveys the example  or man of how to go beyond oneself, which plays the fundamental role in religion and spirituality.

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ks. Dawid Galanciak

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 141-159


Since the beginning of the first centuries of its existence the Church has been marked with the witness of faith and blood of people representing different social classes. In contemporary history the time of the Second World War is the strongest sign of it. One example of martyrs of this period, who should be saved from oblivion is the Venerable priest Jan Lesiński. The article presents the character of the martyr and the form of his commemoration in the society he derived from. It shows the value of the priest both for the prisoners of the camp he stayed in and for the school society of which he is a patron now.

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ks. SCJ Franciszek Wielgut

Sympozjum , issue 2 (39), 2020 - Volume XXIV, pp. 161-175


The author asks a question about the evangelical image of Mary as a disciple of her own Son, Jesus Christ. With this end in view, he first explains the meaning of the term „disciple” in the New Testament and analyses the characteristics of a disciple of Jesus. Then he describes the moment of calling Mary in the scene of the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38) and her relationship of intimacy with the word of God (Luke 2:19,51). An analysis of these passages leads to the discovery of the figure of Mary as a disciple of Christ. This is evidenced above all by her vocation and choice, and the relationship of union with the word of God. In the conclusion, the author gives some practical applications, which expresses the model of Mary as a disciple for believers.

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