Issue 1 (44)

2023 - Volume XXVII Next

Publication date: 10.2023

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Dariusz Salamon

Issue content

ks. SCJ Dariusz Salamon

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 7-8

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Pilgrims of Hope. Evangelization on the Way

Maria Miduch

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 11-22


Pilgrimage is inscribed in the tradition of the Chosen People and also Christians. The biblical texts of the Old and New Testaments deal with this theme. Seeing the theme of pilgrimage in the apocalyptic tradition seems particularly interesting. The article presents two biblical texts: the pericope from the Book of Zechariah (Zechariah 14) and the Apocalypse of St. John (Rev 7:9-17), which refer to the Feast of Tabernacles and the pilgrimage to Jerusalem associated with it. Through their specificity, they give the pilgrimage an eschatological dimension.

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Ks. Piotr Roszak

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 23-41


This article presents an analysis of the current challenges to the identity of the Christian pilgrim in the face of the dynamic growth of religious tourism. The semantic inflation that results in every wanderer being described as a pilgrim implies a new configuration of pastoral care, especially in terms of responding to the perceived “consumerism of the sacred.” In the context of Z. Bauman’s observations concerning the transformation of the pilgrim into the tourist, the article proposes a reverse type of reflection, that is, how the tourist can become a pilgrim in the reality of modern-day pilgrimage routes. The Camino de Santiago was chosen as the point of reference, and current pastoral activities – both institutional and individual – were analyzed.

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Maciej Ostrowski

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 43-66


The article presents the stages of pilgrims’pastoral ministry, sometimes called pilgrimage stations, referring to the traditions and experiences of pilgrim pastors: preparation, exit, pilgrimage route, stay in a holy place, return, formation after the pilgrimage. It justifies their separation from the theological and practical side. It describes their content, tasks and goals.

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Articles submitted

ks. Janusz Królikowski

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 69-88


Within the frames of theology of the Primacy of Saint Peter the testimony concerning this issue which Paul the Apostle provides through his attitude and teachings is generally disregarded. The question, however, is quite significant since it is clearly present in the New Testament. The point is, that through the profound study this issue should be included among the subjects concerning the original understanding of the primacy of Saint Peter and his status in the early Church. Certainly, Saint Paul still constitutes a decisive argument in the discussion concerning the primacy of Saint Peter and may serve as an example of its practical affirmation. This paper constitutes an attempt to draw the attention to this issue and to the need for certain supplementation in the theology of the primacy of Saint Peter.

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ks. Paweł Kasperowicz

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 89-105


What does the Holy Spirit say to the Church? At the Second Vatican Council it was noticed that the Church must accept the word of God fully, i.e. the entire revelation, because its identity is contained in it, however, in order to belong to God’s people, knowledge alone is not enough, the need for familiarity is not enough. These conclusions were made at the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, paying special attention to the liturgy of the Word of God, the sacramental dimension of the sacred texts, the need to study them in depth, to put the word into practice, and to indicate human situations that particularly suit the situations in which the word of Christ was preached.

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ks. SCJ Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 107-121


The theology of the pierced side of Jesus Christ is one of the most important elements of the spirituality of the Divine Heart. The aim of the article is to show monastic inspirations in the interpretation of the biblical description of the piercing of the side of the Saviour using the example of Vita Jesu Christi by Ludolf from Saxony. This author had a great influence on many mystics and saints, and his meditations on the gate leading to the contemplation of the Heart of the Son of God, based especially on biblical and patristic texts, are an important contribution to the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to this day.

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ks. Paweł Kasperowicz

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 123-137


The process of creating the content of biblical books and their interdependencies is the subject of many years of research and, using the method of historical and critical exegesis, which was born out of the Enlightenment historicism, it allows us to discover events that were the decisive criterion for the shape or location of a given text in the canon of biblical books. However, to use only the historical method would be a reductionism illuminating the Bible only in the historical context of the individual books, while breaking the unity of the Scriptures. The article includes two examples of a portrait of Moses in the Praise of the Fathers (Sir 45: 1-5) and a menorah from the fifth vision of the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 4: 1-14) to show, in an interim way, how the biblical text has changed in the light of the history of the Chosen People but above all also influenced by the maturing of successive generations of inspired writers in the faith.

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ks. SCJ Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , Issue 1 (44) , 2023 - Volume XXVII, pp. 139-159


Formation for the priesthood at the Major Mission Seminary of the Priests of the Sacred Heart in Stadniki includes a main element of charismatic and pastoral formation, which is formation for missions. This is a consequence of the charism of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which treats involvement in missions as one of the important dimensions of apostolic work and a form of proclaiming the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The aim of the article is to present various dimensions of the missionary formation of candidates for priesthood, as well as to show its fruits.

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