issue 1 (40)

2021 - Volume XXV Next

Publication date: 30.05.2021

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Leszek Poleszak

Issue content

Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 7 - 8

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Danuta Piekarz

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 11 - 23

In chapter 12 of the Apocalypse, key to the whole work, there appears the mysterious figure of a Woman clothed with the sun. Throughout history, this figure has been interpreted in many different ways. The average reader spontaneously associates her with Mary, as artists often portray the Mother of Christ according to the apocalyptic description; however, the oldest commentators saw in the Woman the People of God of the Old and New Testaments. Later on, the Marian-ecclesiological interpretation became widespread – and is often accepted in our Times – which perceives the Woman as both Mary and the Church. Certain elements of the description of the Woman are more suited to Mary, others – to the Church, and many can be interpreted in both senses. This is shown in the second part of the article, which discusses the individual symbolic elements of the image of the Woman, emphasizing the references to the texts of the Old Testament.
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Marek Gilski

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 25 - 38

The purpose of this article is to point out the most important challenges facing Mariology in the 21st century. The text consists of five parts. It presents the Mother of the Lord in the context of: transcendentals, the struggle for a culture of life, inspiration from the Bible, cultural differences, and informatization. 
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Janusz Królikowski

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 39 - 54

The question concerning human body certainly can be counted among the most urgent issues in the modern culture. Therefore theology as well has to include it among the fields of its research if it wants to participate in a most vital discussion for contemporary man. Theological tradition focuses upon the figure of Mary, and especially on Her virginity, emphasising that She has always ameliorated the profound understanding of the body and its destiny and concurrently its personal and moral context. In the face of contemporary, urgent need for the restoration of the dignity of the bodythe return to Marian devotion and following Her virtues is definitely required. Only in this perspective it is possible to grsap and properly cultivate the relation between the body and the soul and further between man and woman, and by the same token to influence the culture making it more friendly for people.
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Dariusz Klejnowski-Różycki

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 55 - 65

The Christian East is extremely diverse. Some Churches of the Christian East have developed extensive iconographic art along with the theory of this art, while others have not. The Church of Constantinople developed patterns in the field of iconography, including Marian iconography. Byzantine Marian icons can be divided into four groups: (1) Marian feasts; (2) theological icons; (3) symbolic icons; (4) liturgical icons. A characteristic feature of theological icons is the focus on the close relationship between Mary and Christ (God). These icons include the types: Kyriotissa, Hodegetria, Eleusa, Platytera. These are the most important basic icons of Mary discussed in the article.
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Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 67 - 82

The theme of the sorrowful mother has been present in music for centuries. The medieval sequence Stabat mater dolorosa brought many excellent interpretations. As far as the music of Polish composers in the 20th century is concerned, the first name to be mentioned is Karol Szymanowski and his masterpiece: Stabat Mater, Op. 53 (1926). This work, using a text in Polish and referring to folklore, set one direction for the interpretation of the theme of the sorrowful mother in the Polish music of the last century. It was continued by Andrzej Panufnik in his touching interpretation of Gorzkie żale in the suite Hommage à Chopin for voice and piano (1949), and particularly Henryk Mikołaj Górecki in his Symphony of Sorrowful Songs (1976). The second line is marked by compositions referring to the Latin tradition, with no clear references to Polish themes – such as Stabat Mater by Roman Padlewski (1939) and Stabat Mater by Krzysztof Penderecki (1962). The article outlines both lines of interpretation of the “Mother weeping” motif in the works of Polish composers of the 20th century on the example of the above-mentioned masterpieces of Polish musical culture of the last century.
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Renata Borowiecka

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 83 - 102

The Stabat Mater poem, which describes the suffering of Blessed Virgin Mary under the cross on which Jesus – her Son – is dying, has become a universal theme which inspired composers of various ages and origins and found its expression in numerous musical interpretations. From among over 400 compositions which set the text of the sequence to music, a large proportion are 18th-century works (mostly – late baroque) of Italian provenience. Attempting to interpret a musical composition with text of the 18th century, one has to take into account the theory of affects and musical rhetoric, which make the text dependent on music both on the emotive and symbolic level.
The paper will examine the Stabat Mater compositions in the rhetoric context, referring to three main levels: inventio, dispositio and decoratio. The common and individual tendencies will be articulated, evident by the appropriate choice of the key, tempo and rhetorical figures, as well as by some melodic and rhythmic motives or harmonic structure having function of the special illustrative-symbolic signs. The nodal points of the work will be presented as well as the requests of man directed at the Mother (the second part of the sequence) assuming varying intonations of supplication. The function and the message of the compositions are advisable.
In contemporary times Stabat Mater of the great composers resound mainly as concert masterpieces in church and secular interiors. The vitality of these interpretations after three hundred years from their creation most certainly bears witness to the composers’ artistry in their works and proves their significance not only for the music of the 18th century but also for the culture and faith of today.
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Lucjan Bartkowiak

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 103 - 127

The post-conciliar liturgical indications, of which the free-standing altar with the priest celebrating the liturgy „facing the faithful” became a visible sign, freed the presbytery walls of newly built churches from large altar extensions. The situation became a kind of call for the creators of sacred art, providing an opportunity to return to the noble mosaic art, whose monumental works of the first millennium have survived to this day. It is enough to mention the temples of Ravenna, Palermo or Rome itself. Their iconographic programs, rich in form and content, are continued in the large-format, contemporary altar mosaics by Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, in which a refined artistic form intertwines with a well-thought-out theological concept, showing the vitality of tradition at the threshold of the third millennium. The aim of this article is to present the basic Marian theological themes present in the largest complex set of mosaics that has been built in Poland in recent years.
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Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 131 - 158

Consecrated life born from the God’s initiative should be considered in the charismatic perspective. Holy Spirit, who works in the Church, not only stands at the beginning of each institute of the consecrated life, but has been the source of countless blessings and positive fruits throughout the centuries. Consecrated life manifests itself as the always changing reality which under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit brings about many fruits. In the article one can find the explanation for Trinitarian dimension of the presence of the Paraclete in the consecrated life: Firstly in the vocation of a human to sainthood, secondly in the charism of the particular institute or form of the consecrated life. Finally thanks to these dimensions mentioned above one can easily discover another one, which is the charismatic form of living within the Church.
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Eugeniusz Ziemann

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 159 - 184

Is the reverence and cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus still topical in the mission of the Church? The text „God’s Heart in the mystery of its opening to the modern world” is an attempt to answer the question above. Biblical depiction of the word „heart” has basically symbolic and allegoric meaning. Repeatedly this word appears in connection with the word „love” both in regard to God and human. Incarnated God, the Word of the Father, became truly human with the loving heart and he redeemed the world. The Heart of Jesus pierced with the soldier’s spear on the cross is still open to the present day with his love. A special place in this regard is given to spreading the idea of the social kingdom of the Heart of Jesus and the civilization of love.
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Dawid Galanciak

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 185 - 210

The ongoing year of St. Joseph is a great opportunity to have a look at the cult of the Saint in the light of the available prayer books. The article presents the diversity of the cult and discusses various forms of the worship since its beginning. It analyses prayers to St. Joseph such as: the litany, the novena prayer, the Rosary, the Oath, the Morning prayers, the Scapular prayer, the Akathist and other prayers, services and songs in honour of St. Joseph. The aim of the article is to encourage Christians to adapt the cult of St. Joseph to their individual needs.
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Leszek Poleszak

Sympozjum , issue 1 (40) , 2021 - Volume XXV, pp. 211 - 228

Formation towards the vow of poverty is one of the elements of the preparation of consecrated persons aimed at living according to evangelical counsels. In the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus all three vows are inscribed in the figure of reparation characteristic for the Institute as well as oblation dimension which underlines total devotion to God through religious consecration. The documents of the Congregation besides the goals and various aspects of formation also set out the essence of the vow of poverty, encouraging life with its spirit. The goal of formation is to shape the heart of a religious person, who supposed to more and more reflect in himself the way of life of the poor which was chosen by Jesus Christ. That formation has also the community dimension, through which the religious community should become a witness of non-remissive goods and thus its prophetic dimension.
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