Psychologiczne rozważania o roli kobiety w Kościele

Publication date: 04.2024

Sympozjum , 2023 - Volume XXVII, issue 2 (45) , pp. 87 - 96



Dorota Kuncewicz
Institute of Psychology, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9717-7333 Orcid
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Psychological reflections on the role of women in the Church


The question about the role of a woman in the Church is asked in the context of the world and triggers its problems. And the modern world has difficulty accepting roles, requirements and interdependence, but also in appreciating every day, arduous effort aimed at the common good. The context for answering the question should also be the parallel definition of the roles of other members of the community - men, priests, nuns. And of course, there remains the question of why the question is asked and whether the answer is consistent with the one given in real life.


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Information: Sympozjum , 2023 - Volume XXVII, issue 2 (45) , pp. 87 - 96

Article type: Original article


English: Psychological reflections on the role of women in the Church
Polish: Psychologiczne rozważania o roli kobiety w Kościele



Dorota Kuncewicz
Institute of Psychology, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9717-7333 Orcid
All publications →

Institute of Psychology, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

Published at: 04.2024

Article status: Open

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Psychological reflections on the role of women in the Church