A Historical Perspective on Inclusivism as the Prevailing Paradigm in the Christian Theology of Religions
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEA Historical Perspective on Inclusivism as the Prevailing Paradigm in the Christian Theology of Religions
Publication date: 07.12.2018
Sympozjum , 2018 - Volume XXII, nr 1 (34) Dehonian Charism today, pp. 161 - 192
A Historical Perspective on Inclusivism as the Prevailing Paradigm in the Christian Theology of Religions
Historyczne spojrzenie na inkluzywizm jako dominujący paradygmat w chrześcijańskiej teologii religii.
chrystocentryzm, teoria „wypełnienia”, „anonimowe chrześcijaństwo”, teocentryzm, pluralizm religijny ; world religions, interreligious dialogue, ecclesiocentrism, religious exclusivism, inclusivism, Christocentrism, „fulfillment” theory, „anonymous Christianity”, theocentrism, religious pluralism, religie świata, dialog międzyreligijny, eklezjocentryzm, ekskluzywizm religijny, inkluzywizm
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Information: Sympozjum , 2018 - Volume XXII, nr 1 (34) Dehonian Charism today, pp. 161 - 192
Article type: Original article
A Historical Perspective on Inclusivism as the Prevailing Paradigm in the Christian Theology of Religions
A Historical Perspective on Inclusivism as the Prevailing Paradigm in the Christian Theology of Religions
Instytut Teologii Katolickiej św. Józefa w Cedara (St. Joseph’s Theological Institute), Pietermaritzburg (RPA)
Published at: 07.12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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