The place and role of lay people in biblical texts
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Sympozjum , 2023 - Volume XXVII, issue 2 (45) , pp. 13 - 26
The place and role of lay people in biblical texts
Fulfilling Christ’s call to be “salt and light of the world” assumes the existence of appropriate ground in a lay person. Its formation is influenced by the mature acceptance of one’s own identity, support in faith, listening, which through kenosis turns into obedience and holiness. To fulfill this role, a lay person must following the example of St. Peter to take his place first of all after Christ. Following Christ enables a lay person to be salt and light wherever he is sent. The precursor of this attitude is Mary – our Mother.
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Information: Sympozjum , 2023 - Volume XXVII, issue 2 (45) , pp. 13 - 26
Article type: Original article
Independent researcher
Published at: 04.2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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