Volume 20 Issue 4

Artists’ Tales

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Publication date: 2023


Cover design: Paweł Sepielak

The publication of this issue was financed by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków – Faculty of Polish Studies.

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Łukasz Tischner

Secretary Orcid Dorota Siwor

Editors of Issue 4 dr hab. Mateusz Antoniuk, prof. UJ

Issue content

Artists’ Tales

Mateusz Antoniuk

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 383-384

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Magdalena Popiel

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 385-401


The presence of autothematic narratives in the three basic models of culture – literary, audiovisual and digital – is a crucial factor influencing the diversity and dynamic evolution of the story on creating. The notion of autopoiesis introduced by the neurobiologists and sociologists widens the spectrum of research on creative process in literary texts, and more broadly in texts of culture. In the connection with these two functional aspects of autopoiesis: in the traditions of different medias and multiple research directions analysing the creative process, the author presents three models of modernist novel on creating. The interpretation of Testament by Witold Gombrowicz allows us to indicate, firstly, the process of narrative identity of writer constituting itself; secondly, the metaphor of theatre’s backstage providing autopoiesis with a performative dimension; and thirdly, the poetic rules of storytelling about creation, which build up its epiphanic aura.

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Grzegorz Zając

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 402-414


The article is dedicated to the reflexions on the manner, in which the opinions formed by Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski in his statements concerning his writing path and the desired development directions of his literary career that date back to the 30s of the 20th century correspond with the first novels of this author that were created at the preliminary stages of Romantic tendencies taking shape in the national prose fiction. The main focus of the article are Mister Walery and Big World of a Small Town whose literary profile delineated by the autothematic comments as well, was confronted with the critical reflection of the author included in such article as A Quick Look at the Path I Took (1832) or On Polish Novelists (1836).

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Krystyna Zabawa

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 415-426


The article presents the preliminary remarks regrinding the narrative on creative process in the literature of the personal document (particularly in dairies and partially in letters) of two poets: Maryla Wolska and her daughter Beata Obertyńska. The aim of the conducted analyses was to research the artistic self-awareness of both women, the description method of their own creative process and the potential relation between understanding the nature of poetry and poetry’s craft. Reading of Wolska’s and Obertyńska’s letters points towards a particular role of community of artists in the creative process, whose opinions shape the creation at last.

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Magdalena Amroziewicz

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 427-436


In the case of Władysław Sebyła, the comments on writing pertain to not only the creative process itself, but also to everything, which surrounds this process: time (Sebyła’s life and historical epoch), space (Warsaw, bohemian society, family, and finally – the army and war prisoners’ camp), finances (payment backlogs in ministry’s subsidies of editor-in-chief of “Kwadryga” as well as the first money earned with literature in Kwadrans Poetycki on the radio). Exploring the conditions of Sebyła’s creative work, we are confronted with barely Romantic vision of the all that is happening behind the scenes – there is more struggles and travails than frenzy or inspiration. Nonetheless – in all of this – there is still “a boy lost in time”, there is Dialogue in Darkness. In the article the author concentrates on the search for the boundaries between creation, manifest and confession in boy’s dialogues in Images of Thoughts with the element of one’s own creation.

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Jan Zięba

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 437-449


The article undertakes the attempt to describe Stanisław Lem’s views on the topic of the nature of poetry, literature and creative process. The process of this artistic auto-reflexion takes course in the shadow of the Holocaust and amidst the literary confrontation with poets of three generations that took place throughout the first few post-war decades. Crucial proves to be the confrontation with the contemporaries (in the context of reviews dedicated to Baczyński and Rożewicz from 1947 and 1948), which allows us to formulate two alternative models of literature and to declare oneself in favour of one of the sides. The memory of Holocaust, as well as post-war reading of Bolesław Leśmian’s and Ewa Lipska’s poetry results in changes to the juvenile aesthetic declarations. Unchanged however, remains the vitalist element already highlighted in 1945 in the Lem’s letter to Marian Hemar: “to write is to live”.

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Iwona Gralewicz-Wolny

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 450-462


The article is concerned with one of the most important aspects of Olga Tokarczuk’s oeuvre, which is the topic of writing practice. The Noble Prize winner addresses it not only in her essays, but also in her opinion pieces, showcasing through it the constant and cautious observation of her own creative process. The reflexion on the relation between literature and reality is also presented in the literary texts, to which amongst others belongs the short story Scottish Month from the volume Playing on a Multitude of Drums. The text interpretation presented in the article addresses the question of situating the creative act at the crossroads of what is real and what is imagined, being connected – as a consequence – with perceiving the writer as a person who simultaneously writes and is written. The epitome of this meta-literary multiplication is the main protagonist – the character, narrator and alter ego of the author at the same time, who becomes aware of her involvement with the multilayered structure of truth and fiction.

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Agnieszka Budzyńska-Daca, Aleksandra Łukowska

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 463-479

The research subject is the creative process in improvisational theatre. Contemporary improvisational theatre (improv) is a form of theatre in which all or part of what is performed is created spontaneously in front of the audience, without a script or a plan. The plot, dialogues and characters are shaped and acted out simultaneously during the performance. The research focuses on the mechanisms of creating text in front of an audience. The preparation for the analysis were the questionnaire interviews with artists representing three theatre groups, who presented their own intuitions regarding creative invention. Their answers influenced the choice of research methods. To reconstruct the creative process, a critical-rhetorical perspective was adopted (rhetoric is understood here as a generative-inventive method) in its three versions: classical, pentadic and cluster criticism. The analysis included material from the Hurt Luster group’s theatre performance, which was recorded and transcribed. To illustrate the creative process in improv, the article presents an analysis of one scene in order to focus on the process of complex creative motivations of the improvisers. The triangulation of critical and rhetorical methods allowed for an analytical view of the same fragment of the performance, distinguishing in it (1) the cause-and-effect consequences of the creative process, (2) reconstruction of the dramatic situation and (3) reconstruction of associations that had a maieutic function, provoking reactions to verbal and gestural stimuli.
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Literature and Its Neighbourhoods

Piotr Wojtaszek

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 20 Issue 4, 2023, pp. 480-494


The article attempts to synthesize the conservative views of Szczepan Twardoch from the early period of his work and to present their sources as well as the reasons for the later, radical change. The writer was inspired by conservative thinkers during his studies, mainly in the context of the French Revolution history. Under their influence, he began to contest development direction of the European civilization. His works from this period contain themes of the end of civilization, the fall of Christianity, and the struggle to preserve the cultural status quo. He also referenced the current political situation in Poland and the writers and philosophers representing a similar line of thought, primarily Joseph de Maistre and Ernst Junger. Intellectual maturing and the related aversion to dogmatism caused him to reject conservative views.

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